V V V valine ; vanadium ; vision ; volt ; volume. v v. [L.] vena (veine). VAA RVA vaccin antirabique adsorbé ; voir vaccin antirabique, à vaccin. VAC VAC…
D D D dalton; deciduous (tooth); density; deuterium; died; diopter; distal; dorsal vertebrae (D1-D12); dose; duration. D. D. [L.] da (give); detur (let it be given); dexter (right); dosis (dose)….
Z Z Z atomic number; impedance. zafirlukast zafirlukast a leukotriene receptor antagonist used as an antiasthmatic agent. zalcitabine zalcitabine 2′3′-dideoxycytidine, an antiretroviral agent that inhibits the action of reverse transcriptase;…
T T T tera-; tesla; threonine; thymine or thymidine; tetanus toxoid; thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12); intraocular tension (see under pressure.) T T absolute temperature. T1/2 T1/2 half-life. T3 T3 triiodothyronine. T4…
S S S spherical lens; serine; siemens; substrate; sulfur; Svedberg unit; sacral vertebrae (S1-S5); heart sound (S1-S4). S. S. [L.] signa (mark). S S entropy. S- S- a stereodescriptor used…
M M M mega-; methionine; molar1; molar2; myopia. M. M. [L.] misce (mix); mistura (a mixture). M M molar. Mr Mr relative molecular mass; see molecular weight, under weight. m…
L L L left; leucine; liter; lung; lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5). L– chemical prefix specifiying the relative configuration of an enantiomer, indicating a carbohydrate with the same configuration around a specific…
F F F Fahrenheit (échelle) ; farad ; fertilité (plasmide) ; champ visuel ; fluorine ; formule ; française (échelle) ; phénylalanine. F F faraday ; force. F1, F2, F3,…