zafirlukast zafirlukast a leukotriene receptor antagonist used as an antiasthmatic agent.
ZIFT ZIFT zygote intrafallopian transfer.
zileuton zileuton an inhibitor of leukotriene formation, used as an antiasthmatic.
zirconium zirconium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 40, symbol Zr.
zoanthropy zoanthropie delusion that one has become an animal. Adj.: zoanthropic.
zolmitriptan zolmitriptane a selective serotonin receptor agonist used to relieve acute migraine.
zonesthesia zonesthésie a dysesthesia consisting of a sensation of constriction, as by a girdle.
zonifugal zonifuge passing outward from a zone or region.
zonipetal zonipétal passing toward a zone or region.
zonula zonule pl. zonulae [L.] zonule.
zonulitis zonulite inflammation of the ciliary zonule.
zonulotomy zonulotomie incision of the ciliary zonule.
zo(o)- zo(o)- word element [Gr.], animal.
zoodermic zoodermique performed with the skin of an animal, as in skin grafting.
zoogenous zoogène 1. acquired from animals. 2. viviparous.
zoogony zoogonie the production of living young from within the body. Adj.: zoogonous.
zoografting zoogreffe the grafting of animal tissue.
zoolagnia zoolagnie sexual attraction toward animals.
zoology zoologie the biology of animals.
zooparasite zooparasite any parasitic animal organism or species. Adj.: zooparasitic.
zoophobia zoophobie irrational fear of animals.
zooplasty zooplastie zoografting.
zoospermia zoospermie the presence of live spermatozoa in the ejaculated semen.
zoster zostérien herpes zoster.
zosteriform zostériforme resembling herpes zoster.
zwitterion zwitterion an ion that has both positive and negative regions of charge.
zygal en forme de joug shaped like a yoke.
zygapophysis zygapophyse pl. zygapophyses the articular process of a vertebra.
zygion zygion pl. zygia [Gr.] the most lateral point on the zygomatic arch.
zyg(o)- zyg(o)- word element [Gr.], yoked; joined; a junction.
zygomatic zygomatique pertaining to, connecting with, or in the region of the zygomatic bone.
zygomaticofacial zygomaticofacial pertaining to the zygomatic process or bone and the face.
zygon zygon the stem connecting the two branches of a zygal fissure.
zygosity zygosité the genetic condition or characteristics of a zygote.
-zygosity -zygosité word element [Gr] relationship to the zygote.

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