F F F Fahrenheit (scale); farad; fertility (plasmid); visual field; fluorine; formula; French (scale); phenylalanine. F F faraday; force. F1, F2, F3, etc. filial generation, with the generation specified by…
I I I incise ; iode ; inosine (dans les nucléotides) ; isoleucine. I I courant électrique. IA AI insuffisance aortique ; insémination artificielle. -ia -ia suffixe, état ; condition….
I I I incisor; iodine; inosine (in nucleotides); isoleucine. I I electric current. -ia -ia word element, state; condition. IABP IABP intra-aortic balloon pump. IAEA IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency….
O O O oxygène. O. O. [L.] oculus (œil). o– o– ortho- (2). Ω Ω ohm. ω- ω- (oméga, la vingt-quatrième lettre de l’alphabet grec) (1) l’atome de carbone le…
R R R arginine; organic radical; rate; electrical resistance; respiration; rhythm; right; roentgen. R R resistance (3). R– R– a stereodescriptor used to specify the absolute configuration of compounds having…
P P P para; peta-; phosphate (group); phosphorus; posterior; premolar; proline; pupil. P P power; pressure. P1 P1 parental generation. P2 P2 pulmonic second sound. PCO2 PCO2 the partial pressure…
K K kelvin; lysine; potassium (L. kalium). KM Km Michaelis constant. k k kilo-. κ κ (kappa, the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet) one of the two types of…
E E E emmetropia; enzyme; exa-. E E elastance; energy; electromotive force; illumination. e- e- word element [L.], away from, without, outside. ɛ ɛ (epsilon, the fifth letter of the…
V V V valine ; vanadium ; vision ; volt ; volume. v v. [L.] vena (veine). VAA RVA vaccin antirabique adsorbé ; voir vaccin antirabique, à vaccin. VAC VAC…