T T tera-; tesla; threonine; thymine or thymidine; tetanus toxoid; thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12); intraocular tension (see under pressure.)
T T absolute temperature.
T1/2 T1/2 half-life.
T3 T3 triiodothyronine.
T4 T4 thyroxine.
Tm Tm transport maximum. In kidney function tests, it is expressed as Tm with inferior letters representing the substance used in the test; e.g., TmPAH for p-aminohippuric acid.
2,4,5-T 2,4,5-T a toxic chlorphenoxy herbicide (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), a component of Agent Orange.
t t translocation.
t t time; temperature.
t1/2 t 1/2 half-life.
TA TA Terminologia Anatomica; toxin-antitoxin.
Ta Ta tantalum.
TAA TAA tumor-associated antigen.
tabanid taon any gadfly of the family Tabanidae, including the horseflies and deerflies.
Tabanus Tabanus a genus of biting, bloodsucking horse flies that transmit trypanosomes and anthrax to various animals.
tabes tabès 1. wasting of the body or a part of it. 2. t. dorsalis t. dorsolombaire parenchymatous neurosyphilis marked by degeneration of the posterior columns and posterior roots and ganglion of the spinal cord, with muscular incoordination, paroxysms of intense pain, visceral crises, disturbances of sensation, and various trophic disturbances, especially of bones and joints. t. mesenterica t. mésentérique tuberculosis of mesenteric glands in children.
tabescent tabétique wasting away.
tabetic tabétique pertaining to or affected with tabes.
tabetiform tabétiforme resembling tabes.
tablature tablature separation of the chief cranial bones into inner and outer tables, separated by a diploë.
table table a flat layer or surface. inner t. of skull t. interne du crâne the inner compact layer of the bones covering the brain. outer t. of skull t. externe du crâne the outer compact layer of the bones covering the brain.
tablet comprimé a solid dosage form containing a medicinal substance with or without a suitable diluent. buccal t. c. gingivojugal one that dissolves when held between the cheek and gum, permitting direct absorption of the active ingredient through the oral mucosa. enteric-coated t. c. à délitage intestinal one coated with material that delays release of the medication until after it leaves the stomach. sublingual t. linguette one that dissolves when held beneath the tongue, permitting direct absorption of the active ingredient by the oral mucosa.
taboparesis taboparalysie general paresis occurring concomitantly with tabes dorsalis.
tache tache [Fr.] spot. t. cérébrale t. cérébrale a congested streak produced by drawing the nail across the skin; a concomitant of various nervous or cerebral diseases. t. noire t. noire an ulcer covered with a black crust, a characteristic local reaction at the presumed site of the infective bite in certain tickborne rickettsioses.
tachography tachographie the recording of the movement and speed of the blood current.
tachy- tachy- word element [Gr.], rapid; swift.
tachyarrhythmia tachyarythmie any disturbance of the heart rhythm in which the heart rate is abnormally increased.
tachycardia tachycardie abnormally rapid heart rate. Adj.: tachycardiac. atrial t. t. atriale tachycardia, usually 160–190 per minute, originating from an atrial locus. atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant t. t. par réentrée (intra-) nodale that resulting from reentry in or around the atrioventricular node; it may be antidromic, in which conduction is anterograde over the accessory pathway and retrograde over the normal conduction pathway or orthodromic, in which conduction is anterograde over the normal conduction pathway and retrograde over the accessory pathway. atrioventricular (AV) reciprocating t. (AVRT) t. atrioventriculaire (AV) réciproque a reentrant tachycardia in which the reentrant circuit contains both the normal conduction pathway and an accessory pathway as integral parts. chaotic atrial t. t. atriale chaotique a type having atrial rates of 100 to 130 beats per minute, markedly variable P wave morphology, and irregular P-P intervals, often leading to atrial fibrillation. circus movement t. t. à mouvement circulaire reentrant t. ectopic t. t. ectopique tachycardia in response to impulses arising outside the sinoatrial node. junctional t. t. jonctionnelle that arising in response to impulses originating in the atrioventricular junction, i.e., in the atrioventricular node, with a heart rate greater than 75 beats per minute. multifocal atrial t. (MAT) t. atriale multifocale chaotic atrial t. nodal t. t. nodale junctional t. nonparoxysmal junctional t. t. jonctionnelle non paroxystique a junctional tachycardia of slow onset, with a heart rate of 70 to 130 beats per minute; due to enhanced automaticity of the atrioventricular junctional tissue, often secondary to disease or trauma. paroxysmal t. t. paroxystique tachycardia that starts and stops abruptly. paroxysmal supraventricular t. (PSVT) t. supraventriculaire paroxystique supraventricular tachycardia occurring in attacks of rapid onset and cessation, usually due to a reentrant circuit. reciprocating t. t. réciproque a tachycardia due to a reentrant mechanism and characterized by a reciprocating rhythm. reentrant t. t. de réentrée any tachycardia characterized by a reentrant circuit. sinus t. (ST) t. sinusale tachycardia originating in the sinus node; normal during exercise or anxiety but also associated with shock, hypotension, hypoxia, congestive heart failure, fever, and various high output states. supraventricular t. (SVT) t. paroxystique supraventriculaire any regular tachycardia in which the point of stimulation is above the bundle branches; it may also include those arising from large reentrant circuits that encompass both atrial and ventricular sites. ventricular t. t. ventriculaire an abnormally rapid ventricular rhythm with aberrant ventricular excitation, usually above 150 beats per minute, generated within the ventricle, and most often associated with atrioventricular dissociation.
tachydysrhythmia tachydysrythmie an abnormal heart rhythm with a rate greater than 100 beats per minute in an adult; the term tachyarrhythmia is usually used instead.
tachygastria tachygastrie a sequence of electric potentials at abnormally high frequencies in the gastric antrum.
tachykinin tachykinine any of a family of peptides structurally and functionally similar to substance P; all are potent, rapidly acting secretagogues and cause smooth muscle contraction and vasodilation.
tachyphagia tachyphagie rapid eating.
tachyphylaxis 1. tachyphylaxie rapid immunization against the effect of toxic doses of an extract or serum by previous injection of small doses of it. 2. tachyphylaxie, méthode de Besredka rapidly decreasing response to a drug or physiologically active agent after administration of a few doses. Adj.: tachyphylactic.
tachypnea tachypnée very rapid respiration.
tachyrhythmia tachyrythmie tachycardia.
tachysterol tachystérol an isomer of ergosterol produced by irradiation.
tacrine tacrine a cholinesterase inhibitor used to improve cognitive performance in dementia of the Alzheimer type; used as the hydrochloride salt.
tacrolimus tacrolimus a macrolide immunosuppressant having actions similar to those of cyclosporine; used to prevent rejection of organ transplants; also used topically to treat moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.
tactile tactile pertaining to touch.
tactometer esthésiomètre an instrument for measuring tactile sensibility.
Taenia Taenia a genus of tapeworms. T. echinococcus T. echinococcus Echinococcus granulosus. T. saginata T. saginata a species 4–8 meters long, found in the adult form in the human intestine and in the larval state in muscles and other tissues of cattle and other ruminants; human infection usually results from eating inadequately cooked beef. T. solium T. solium a species 1–2 meters long, found in the adult intestine; the larval form most often is found in muscle and other tissues of the pig; human infection results from eating inadequately cooked pork.
taenia taenia pl. taeniae [L.] 1. a flat band or strip of soft tissue. 2. a tapeworm of the genus Taenia. Taeniae coli Taeniae coli three thickened bands formed by the longitudinal fibers in the muscular tunic of the large intestine and extending from the vermiform appendix to the rectum.
taeniacide Taeniacide 1. destruction of tapeworms. 2. an agent lethal to tapeworms.
taeniafuge ténifuge an agent that expels tapeworms. Adj.: taeniafugal.
taeniasis taeniase infection with tapeworms of the genus Taenia.
tag 1. lambeau, morceau de tissu qui pend a small appendage, flap, or polyp. 2. marqueur label. skin t. p. de la peau acrochordon.
tai chi tai chi [Chinese] a system of postures linked by elegant and graceful movements, originating in China, whose purpose is to balance yin and yang, creating inner and outer harmony. It improves cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and respiratory function and increases central nervous system function, and can be used for treating various conditions.
tail queue any slender appendage. t. of spermatozoon q. du spermatozoïde the flagellum of a spermatozoon, which contains the axonema; it has four regions: the neck, middle piece, principal piece, and end piece.
talc talc a native hydrous magnesium silicate, sometimes with a small amount of aluminum silicate; in purified form, used as a dusting powder and pharmaceutic aid.
talcosis talcose talc pneumoconiosis.
talipes pied bot a congenital deformity in which the foot is twisted out of shape or position; it may be in dorsiflexion (t. calcaneus), in plantar flexion (t. equinus), abducted and everted (t. valgus or flatfoot), abducted and inverted (t. varus), or various combinations (t. calcaneovalgus, t. calcaneovarus, t. equinovalgus, or t. equinovarus).
talipomanus main bote clubhand.
talocalcaneal talocalcanéen pertaining to the talus and calcaneus.
talocrural tibio-tarsien pertaining to the talus and the leg bones.
talofibular talofibulaire pertaining to the talus and fibula.
talonavicular talonaviculaire pertaining to the talus and navicular bone.
talus talus pl. tali [L.] the highest of the tarsal (ankle) bones and the one that articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. See Plate 1.
tamas tamas [Sanskrit] according to ayurveda, one of the three gunas, characterized by inertia and responsible for stability, lethargy, and retentiveness in the mind and body.
tambour tambour a drum-shaped appliance used in transmitting movements in a recording instrument.
tamoxifen tamoxifène a nonsteroidal antiestrogen used as the citrate salt in the prophylaxis and treatment of breast cancer.
tampon tampon [Fr.] a pack, pad, or plug made of cotton, sponge, or other material, variously used in surgery to plug the nose, vagina, etc., for the control of hemorrhage or the absorption of secretions.
tamponade tamponnade 1. surgical use of a tampon. 2. pathologic compression of a part. balloon t. t. par ballonnet esophagogastric tamponade by means of a device with a triplelumen tube and two inflatable balloons, the third lumen providing for aspiration of blood clots. cardiac t. t. cardiaque compression of the heart caused by increased intrapericardial pressure due to collection of blood or fluid in the pericardium. esophagogastric t. t. par ballonnet gastro-œsophagien the exertion of direct pressure against bleeding esophageal varices by insertion of a tube with a balloon in the esophagus and one in the stomach and inflating them.
tamsulosin tamsulosine an α1-adrenergic blocking agent specific for the receptors in the prostate; used as the hydrochloride salt in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
tangentiality tangentialité a pattern of speech characterized by oblique, digressive, or irrelevant replies to questions; the responses never approach the point of the questions.
tangle enchevêtrement a knot or snarl. neurofibrillary t’s dégénérescence neurofibrillaire intracellular knots or clumps of neurofibrils seen in the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer disease.
tannate tannate any of the salts of tannic acid, all of which are astringent.
tannic acid acide tannique a substance obtained from nutgalls, used as an ingredient of dermatologic preparations and formerly used as an astringent.
tannin tannin tannic acid.
tantalum tantale chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 73, symbol Ta; a noncorrosive and malleable metal that has been used for plates or disks to replace cranial defects, for wire sutures, and for making prosthetic appliances.
tanycyte tanycyte a modified cell of the ependyma of the infundibulum of the hypothalamus; its function is unknown, but it may transport hormones from the cerebrospinal fluid into the hypophyseal circulation or from the hypothalamic neurons to the cerebrospinal fluid.
tap 1. tape a quick, light blow. 2. ponctionner to drain off fluid by paracentesis. spinal t. ponction lombaire, rachicentèse lumbar puncture.
tape ruban a long, narrow strip of fabric or other flexible material. adhesive t. r. adhésif a strip of fabric or other material evenly coated on one side with a pressure-sensitive adhesive material.
tapeinocephaly tapéinocéphalie flatness of the skull, with a vertical index below 72. Adj.: tapeinocephalic.
tapetoretinal tapétorétinien pertaining to the pigmented layer of the retina.
tapetum tapétum pl. tapeta [L.] 1. a covering structure or layer of cells. 2. a stratum of fibers of the corpus callosum on the superolateral aspect of the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle.
tapeworm taenia cestode; a parasitic intestinal worm with a flattened, bandlike form. armed t. ver armé Taenia solium. beef t. ver solitaire du bœuf Taenia saginata. broad t. bothriocéphale Diphyllobothrium latum. dog t. ver du chien Dipylidium caninum. fish t. bothriocéphale Diphyllobothrium latum. hydatid t. t. échinocoque Echinococcus granulosus. pork t. t. solium Taenia solium. unarmed t. t. saginata Taenia saginata.
tapotement tapotement [Fr.] a tapping or percussing movement in massage.
tar goudron a dark-brown or black, viscid liquid obtained from various species of pine or from bituminous coal (coal t.). It is used for topical treatment of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff, but is toxic and carcinogenic by inhalation or ingestion.
tarantula tarentule a venomous spider whose bite causes local inflammation and pain, usually not to a severe extent, including Eurypelma hentzii (American t.), Sericopelma communis (black t.) of Panama, and Lycosa tarentula (European wolf spider).
tardive tardif [Fr.] tardy; late.
tare 1. tare the weight of the vessel in which a substance is weighed. 2. tarer to weigh a vessel in order to allow for its weight when the vessel and a substance are weighed together.
target cible 1. an object or area toward which something is directed, such as the area of the anode of an x-ray tube where the electron beam collides, causing the emission of x-rays. 2. a cell or organ that is affected by a particular agent, e.g., a hormone or drug.
tarichatoxin tarichatoxine name given to the lethal neurotoxin tetrodotoxin when it comes from the newt Taricha torosa.
tarry goudronneux 1. filled with or covered by tar. 2. thick, dark; resembling tar.
tarsadenitis canaliculite tarsienne inflammation of the meibomian glands and tarsus.
tarsal tarsien pertaining to a tarsus.
tarsalgia tarsalgie pain in a tarsus.
tarsalia os du tarse the bones of the tarsus.
tarsalis tarsal [L.] tarsal.
tarsectomy tarsectomie 1. excision of one or more bones of the tarsus. 2. excision of the tarsus of an eyelid.
tarsitis blépharite blepharitis.
tars(o)- tars(o)- word element [Gr.], edge of eyelid; tarsus of the foot; instep.
tarsoclasis tarsoclasie surgical fracturing of the tarsus of the foot.
tarsoconjunctival tarsoconjonctival pertaining to the tarsus of an eyelid and the conjunctiva.
tarsomalacia tarsomalacie softening of the tarsus of an eyelid.
tarsometatarsal tarsométatarsien pertaining to the tarsus and metatarsus.
tarsoplasty tarsoplastie blepharoplasty.
tarsoptosis tarsoptose flatfoot.
tarsorrhaphy tarsorraphie suture of a portion of or the entire upper and lower eyelids together; done to shorten or entirely close the palpebral fissure.
tarsotomy tarsotomie blepharotomy.
tarsus tarse 1. ankle; the seven bones (talus, calcaneus, navicular, medial, intermediate and lateral cuneiform, and cuboid) composing the joint between the foot and leg. 2. the plate of connective tissue forming the framework of an eyelid.
tartar tartre dental calculus.
tartaric acid acide tartrique any of several isomers of the dicarboxylic acid HOOC(CHOH)2COOH, occurring especially in grapes.
tartrate tartrate a salt of tartaric acid.
tastant arôme any substance, e.g., salt, capable of eliciting gustatory excitation, i.e., stimulating the sense of taste.
taste saveur 1. the sense effected by the gustatory receptors in the tongue. Four qualities are distinguished: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. 2. goût the act of perceiving by this sense.
taster goûteur an individual capable of tasting a particular test substance (e.g., phenylthiourea, used in genetic studies).
tattooing tatouage the introduction, by punctures, of permanent colors in the skin. t. of cornea t. de la cornée permanent coloring of the cornea, chiefly to conceal leukomatous spots.
taurine taurine an oxidized sulfur-containing amine occurring conjugated in the bile, usually as cholyltaurine or chenodeoxycholyltaurine; it may also be a central nervous system neurotransmitter or neuromodulator.
tautomer tautomère a chemical compound exhibiting, or capable of exhibiting, tautomerism.
tautomeral tautomère pertaining to the same part; said especially of neurons and neuroblasts sending processes to aid in formation of the white matter in the same side of the spinal cord.
tautomerase tautomérase any enzyme catalyzing the interconversion of tautomers.
tautomerism tautomérisme the relationship that exists between two constitutional isomers (those having the same atoms linked in different structures) that are in chemical equilibrium and freely change from one to the other. Adj.: tautomeric.
taxis [Gr.] 1. taxie an orientation movement of a motile organism in response to a stimulus, either toward (positive) or away from (negative) the source of the stimulus. 2. taxis exertion of force in manual replacement of a displaced organ or part.
-taxis -taxie word element [Gr.], movement of an organism in response to an external stimulus.
taxon taxon pl. taxa 1. a particular taxonomic grouping, e.g., a species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, or kingdom. 2. the name applied to a taxonomic grouping.
taxonomy taxonomie the orderly classification of organisms into appropriate categories (taxa), with application of suitable and correct names. Adj.: taxonomic numerical t. t. numérique a method of classifying organisms solely on the basis of the number of shared phenotypic characters, each character usually being given equal weight; used primarily in bacteriology.
tazarotene tazarotène a retinoid prodrug used topically in the treatment of acne vulgaris and psoriasis.
tazobactam tazobactam a β-lactamase inhibitor having antibacterial actions and uses similar to those of sulbactam; used as the sodium salt.
Tb Tb terbium.
Tc Tc technetium.
TCM MCT traditional Chinese medicine.
TD50 DT50 median toxic dose.
Td Td tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, adult use; see diphtheria toxoid, under toxoid.
Te Te tellurium.
tea thé 1. Camellia sinensis or its dried leaves, which contain caffeine, theophylline, tannic acid, and a volatile oil. Tea is either green or black depending on the curing method. 2. a decoction of these leaves, used as a stimulating beverage or soothing drink for various abdominal discomforts. Green tea has been used for prevention of dental caries and is also used in traditional Chinese medicine, ayurveda, and homeopathy. 3. any decoction or infusion.
tears larmes the watery, slightly alkaline and saline secretion of the lacrimal glands, which moistens the conjunctiva.
tease dissocier to pull apart gently with fine needles to permit microscopic examination.
teat mamelle nipple (1).
tea tree théier a tree, Melaleuca alternifolia, native to eastern Australia, from whose leaves and branches tea tree oil is obtained.
tebutate tébutate USAN contraction for tertiary butyl acetate.
technetium technétium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 43, symbol Tc. t. 99 m t. 99 m the most frequently used radioisotope in nuclear medicine, a gamma emitter (0.141 MeV) having a half-life of 6.01 hours.
technician technicien a person skilled in the performance of the technical or procedural aspects of a health care profession, usually with at least an associate degree, working under the supervision of a physician, therapist, technologist, or other health care professional.
technique technique a maneuver, method, or procedure. fluorescent antibody t. méthode d’immunofluorescence an immunofluorescence technique in which antigen in tissue sections is located by homologous antibody labeled with fluorochrome or by treating the antigen with unlabeled antibody followed by a second layer of labeled antiglobulin which is reactive with the unlabeled antibody. isolation-perfusion t. t. d’isolation-perfusion a technique for administering high doses of a chemotherapy agent to a region while protecting the patient from toxicity; the region is isolated and perfused with the drug by means of a pump-oxygenator. Jerne plaque t. méthode de Jerne a hemolytic technique for detecting antibody-producing cells: a suspension of presensitized lymphocytes is mixed in an agar gel with erythrocytes; after a period of incubation, complement is added and a clear area of lysis of red cells can be seen around each of the antibody-producing cells. Mohs t. méthode de Mohs see under surgery. Pomeroy t. méthode de Pomeroy sterilization by ligation of a loop of fallopian tube and resection of the tied loop.
technologist technicien spécialisé a person skilled in the theory and practice of a technical profession, usually with at least a baccalaureate degree; in several allied health fields, technologist is the highest professional rank.
technology technologie scientific knowledge; the sum of the study of a technique. assisted reproductive t. (ART) t. de procréation assistée any procedure involving the manipulation of eggs or sperm to establish pregnancy in the treatment of infertility. recombinant DNA t. recombinaison génétique in vitro, techniques de l’ADN recombiné a body of techniques that isolate specific DNA sequences, create and amplify recombinant DNA molecules, and employ them in a variety of analytic, therapeutic, and industrial applications.
tectonic tectonique pertaining to construction.
tectorial tectiforme of the nature of a roof or covering.
tectorium tectorium pl. tectoria [L.] Corti membrane.
tectospinal tectospinal extending from the tectum of the midbrain to the spinal cord.
tectum tectum [L.] a rooflike structure. t. of mesencephalon, t. of midbrain toit du mésencéphale the dorsal portion of the midbrain.
TEE ETO transesophageal echocardiography.
teething éruption des dents, percée des dents the entire process resulting in eruption of the teeth.
Teflon Teflon trademark for preparations of polytef (polytetrafluoroethylene).
tegmen tegmen pl. tegmina [L.] a covering structure or roof. t. tympani t. tympani the thin layer of bone that forms the roof of the tympanic cavity, separating it from the cranial cavity.
tegmental tegmental pertaining to or of the nature of a tegmen or tegmentum.
tegmentum pl. tegmenta [L.] 1. calotte a covering. 2. tegmentum tegmentum of mesencephalon. 3. tegmentum the dorsal part of each cerebral peduncle. t. of mesencephalon t. du mésencéphale the dorsal part of the mesencephalon, formed by continuation of the dorsal parts of the cerebral peduncles across the median plane, and extending on each side from the substantia nigra to the level of the mesencephalic aqueduct.
teichoic acid acide téichoïque any of a diverse group of antigenic polymers of glycerol or ribitol phosphates found attached to the cell walls or in intracellular association with membranes of gram-positive bacteria; they determine group specificity of some species, e.g., the staphylococci.
teichopsia téichopsie the sensation of a lumi nous appearance before the eyes, with a zigzag, wall-like outline. It may be a migraine aura.
teicoplanin téicoplanine a glycopeptide antibiotic used as a less toxic alternative to vancomycin in the treatment of infections caused by gram-positive bacteria.
tela toile pl. telae [L.] any weblike tissue. t. elastica t. élastique elastic tissue. t. subcutanea t. sous-cutanée subcutaneous tissue.
telalgia douleurs irradiées referred pain.
telangiectasia télangiectasie permanent di lation of preexisting small blood vessels to form focal, discolored lesions. hereditary he morrhagic t. t. hémorragique héréditaire a he reditary condition marked by multiple small telangiectases of the skin, mucous membra nes, and other organs, associated with recur rent episodes of bleeding from affected sites and gross or occult melena. spider t. angiome stellaire see under angioma.
telangiectasis pl. telangiectases 1. telangiectasis the lesion produced by telangiectasia, which may present as a coarse or fine red line or as a punctum with radiating limbs (spider). 2. télangiectasie telangiectasia.
telangiosis télangiose any disease of the capil laries.
tele- télé- word element [Gr.], operating at a dis tance; far away.
telecanthus télécanthus abnormally increased distance between the medial canthi of the eye lids.
telecardiography télécardiographie the recor ding of an electrocardiogram by transmission of impulses to a site at a distance from the patient.
telecardiophone télécardiophone an apparatus for making heart sounds audible at a distance from the patient.
teleceptor télérécepteur a sensory nerve termi nal, such as those in the eyes, ears, and nose, that is sensitive to distant stimuli.
telediagnosis télédiagnostic determination of the nature of a disease at a site remote from the patient on the basis of transmitted telemonitoring data or closed-circuit television consultation.
telefluoroscopy téléradioscopie television transmission of fluoroscopic images for study at a distant location.
telekinesis 1. psychokinésie movement of an object produced without contact. 2. téléki nésie the ability to produce such movement. Adj.: telekinetic.
telemedicine télémédecine the provision of consultant services by off-site physicians to health care professionals on the scene, as by means of closed-circuit television.
telemetry télémesure the making of measurements at a distance from the subject, the measurable evidence of phenomena under investigation being transmitted by radio signals, wires, or other means.
telencephalon télencéphale endbrain. 1. one of the two divisions of the prosencephalon, composing the cerebrum (q.v.). 2. the anterior of the two vesicles formed by specialization of the prosencephalon in embryonic development; from it the cerebral hemispheres are derived. Adj.: telencephalic.
teleneurite télodendrite an end expansion of an axon.
teleneuron téléneurone a nerve ending.
tele(o)- télé(o)- word element [Gr.], an end.
teleology téléologie the doctrine of final causes or of adaptation to a definite purpose.
teleopsia téléopsie a visual disturbance in which objects appear to be farther away than they actually are.
teleorganic téléorganique necessary to life.
Telepaque Télépaque trademark for a prepara tion of iopanoic acid.
telepathology télépathologie the practice of pathology at a remote location by means of video cameras, monitors, and a remote- controlled microscope.
teleradiography téléradiographie 1. interpretation of images transmitted over telephone lines or by satellite. 2. radiography with the radiation source 6.5 to 7 feet from the subject to maximize the parallelism of the rays and minimize distortion.
teletherapy téléthérapie treatment in which the source of the therapeutic agent, e.g., radiation, is at a distance from the body.
telluric tellurique 1. pertaining to tellurium. 2. pertaining to or originating from the earth.
tellurium tellure chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 52, symbol Te.
telmisartan telmisartan an angiotensin II antagonist used as an antihypertensive.
tel(o)- tél(o)- word element [Gr.], end.
telocentric télocentrique having the centro mere at the extreme end of the chromosome, which thus has only one arm.
telodendron ramification terminale, télodendrion any of the fine terminal branches of an axon.
telogen télogène the quiescent or resting phase of the hair cycle, following catagen; the hair has become a club hair and does not grow further.
telognosis télognose diagnosis based on inter pretation of radiographs transmitted by teleradiography.
telolecithal télolécithe having a medium to large amount of yolk, with the yolk concentrated toward one pole (the vegetal pole); as in the eggs of fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles.
telomerase télomérase a DNA polymerase in volved in the formation of telomeres and the maintenance of telomere sequences during replication.
telomere télomère either of the ends of a euka ryotic chromosome, consisting of many repeats of a short DNA sequence in specific orientation; it protects the chromosomal end and facilitates its replication.
telophase télophase the final stage of mitosis and meiosis, following metaphase and immediately preceding cytokinesis; the daughter chromatids separate from the kinetochore microtubules and the nuclear membrane reforms.
temazepam témazépam a benzodiazepine used as a sedative and hypnotic in the treatment of insomnia.
temozolomide témozolomide a cytotoxic alkylating agent used as an antineoplastic in the treatment of refractory anaplastic astrocytoma.
temperate tempéré restrained; characterized by moderation; as a temperate bacteriophage, which infects but does not lyse its host.
temperature température 1. an expression of heat or coldness in terms of a specific scale; a measure of the average kinetic energy due to thermal agitation of the particles in a system. Symbol t. See accompanying tables. 2. the level of heat natural to a living being. 3. colloquial term for fever. absolute t. (T) t. absolue that reckoned from absolute zero (− 273.15 °C or − 459.67 °F), expressed on an absolute scale. basal body t. (BBT) t. basale the temperature of the body under conditions of absolute rest. core t. t. à cœur the temperature of structures deep within the body, as opposed to peripheral temperature such as that of the skin. critical t. t. critique that below which a gas may be converted to a liquid by increased pressure. normal t. t. normale that of the human body in health, about 98.6 °F or 37 °C when measured orally.
template matrice 1. a pattern or mold. 2. in genetics, the strand of DNA or RNA that spe cifies the base sequence of the strand of DNA or RNA to be synthesized, the newly synthesized strand being complementary to it. 3. in dentistry, a curved or flat plate used as an aid in setting teeth in a denture.
temple tempe the lateral region on either side of the head, above the zygomatic arch.
tempora tempora [L.] the temples.
temporal 1. temporal pertaining to the temple. 2. temporel pertaining to time; limited as to time; temporary.
temporomandibular temporomandibulaire pertaining to the temporal bone and mandible.
temporomaxillary temporomaxillaire pertai ning to the temporal bone and maxilla.
temporo-occipital temporooccipital pertai ning to the temporal and occipital bones.
temporosphenoid temporosphénoïde per taining to the temporal and sphenoid bo nes.
tenaculum tenaculum a hooklike surgical ins trument for grasping and holding parts.
tenalgia ténalgie pain in a tendon.
tenascin ténascine a glycoprotein of the extra cellular matrix, isolated from a variety of em bryo and adult tissues, including epithelial sites, smooth muscles, and some tumors.
tenderness sensibilité à la pression a state of unusual sensitivity to touch or pressure. re bound t. douleur à la décompression, à la palpation appuyée a state in which pain is felt on the release of pressure over a part.
tendinitis tendinite inflammation of tendons and of tendon-muscle attachments. calcific t. t. calcifiante inflammation and calcification of the subacromial or subdeltoid bursa, resulting in pain, tenderness, and limitation of motion in the shoulder.
tendin(o)- tendin(o)- word element [L.], tendon.
tendinoplasty tendinoplastie tenoplasty.
tendinosuture tendinosuture tenorrhaphy.
tendinous tendineux pertaining to, resembling, or of the nature of a tendon.
tendo tendo pl. tendines [L.] tendon. t. Achillis, t. calcaneus t. Achillis Achilles tendon.
tendon tendon a fibrous cord of connective tissue continuous with the fibers of a muscle and attaching the muscle to bone or cartilage. Achilles t., calcaneal t. t. d’Achille the powerful tendon at the back of the heel, attaching the triceps surae muscle to the calcaneus. t. of conus, t. of infundibulum t. de conus a collagenous band connecting the posterior surface of the pulmonary annulus and the muscular infundibulum with the root of the aorta.
tendonitis ténosite tendinitis.
tendovaginal tendovaginal pertaining to a ten don and its sheath.
tenecteplase tenectéplase a modified form of human tissue plasminogen activator produced by recombinant DNA technology; used as a thrombolytic agent in the treatment of myocardial infarction.
tenectomy ténectomie excision of a lesion of a tendon or of a tendon sheath.
tenesmus ténesme straining, especially ineffectual and painful straining at stool or urination. Adj.: tenesmic.
tenia ténia pl. teniae taenia.
teniacide téniacide taeniacide.
teniafuge téniafuge taeniafuge.
teniasis téniasis taeniasis.
teniposide téniposide a semisynthetic antineo plastic used in the treatment of neuroblastoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
ten(o)- tén(o)- word element [Gr.], tendon.
tenodesis ténodèse suture of the end of a ten don to a bone.
tenodynia ténodynie tenalgia.
tenofovir tenofovir an antiretroviral agent that inhibits reverse transcriptase; used as t. disoproxil fumarate in the treatment of HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus-1) infection.
tenolysis ténolyse the operation of freeing a tendon from adhesions.
tenomyoplasty ténomyoplastie plastic repair of a tendon and muscle.
tenomyotomy ténomyotomie excision of a portion of a tendon and muscle.
tenonectomy ténectomie excision of part of a tendon to shorten it.
tenonitis 1. ténosite tendinitis. 2. ténonite in flammation of the Tenon capsule.
tenont(o)- ténont(o)- word element [Gr.], tendon.
tenontography ténographie a written descrip tion or delineation of the tendons.
tenontology ténologie sum of what is known about the tendons.
tenophyte ténophyte a growth or concretion in a tendon.
tenoplasty ténoplastie plastic repair of a ten don. Adj.: tenoplastic.
tenoreceptor ténorécepteur a proprioreceptor in a tendon.
tenorrhaphy ténorraphie suture of a tendon.
tenostosis ténostose conversion of a tendon into bone.
tenosuture ténosuture tenorrhaphy.
tenosynovectomy ténosynovectomie excision or resection of a tendon sheath.
tenosynovitis ténosynovite inflammation of a tendon sheath. villonodular t. t. villi-nodulaire a condition marked by exaggerated proliferation of synovial membrane cells, producing a solid tumor-like mass, commonly occurring in periarticular soft tissues and less frequently in joints.
tenotomy ténotomie transection of a tendon.
tenovaginitis ténovaginite tenosynovitis.
TENS TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve sti mulation.
tension tension 1. the act of stretching. 2. the condition of being stretched or strained. 3. the partial pressure of a component of a gas mixture. 4. mental, emotional, or nervous strain. 5. hostility between two or more individuals or groups. arterial t. t. artérielle blood pressure (2). intraocular t. (T) t. intraoculaire see under pressure. intravenous t. t. intraveineuse venous pressure. surface t. t. superficielle tension or resistance which acts to preserve the integrity of a surface. tissue t. t. tissulaire a state of equilibrium between tissues and cells which prevents overaction of any part.
tensor tenseur any muscle that stretches or ma kes tense.
tent 1. tente a fabric covering for enclosing an open space. 2. mèche a conical, expansible plug of soft material for dilating an orifice, or keeping a wound open to prevent its healing except at the bottom. oxygen t. t. à oxygène one above a patient’s bed for administering oxygen by inhalation.
tentorium tente pl. tentoria [L.] an anatomi cal part resembling a tent or covering. Adj.: tentorial t. cerebelli, t. of cerebellum t. du cervelet the process of the dura mater supporting the occipital lobes and covering the cerebellum.
tera- téra- word element [Gr.] monster; used in naming units of measurement (symbol T) to designate a quantity one trillion (1012) times the unit specified by the root to which it is joined, as teracurie.
teratism tératisme an anomaly of formation or development. Adj.: teratic, teratoid.
terat(o)- térat(o)- word element [Gr.], monster; monstrosity.
teratoblastoma tératoblastome teratoma.
teratocarcinoma tératocarcinome a malignant neoplasm consisting of elements of teratoma with those of embryonal carcinoma or choriocarcinoma, or both; occurring most often in the testis.
teratogen tératogène any agent or factor that induces or increases the incidence of abnormal prenatal development. Adj.: teratogenic.
teratogenesis tératogenèse the production of birth defects in embryos and fetuses. Adj.: teratogenetic.
teratogenous tératogénique developed from fetal remains.
teratoid tératoïde characterized by teratism.
teratology tératologie that division of embryo logy and pathology dealing with abnormal development and the production of congenital anomalies. Adj.: teratologic.
teratoma tératome pl. teratomata, teratomas a true neoplasm made up of different types of tissue, none of which is native to the area in which it occurs; usually found in the ovary or testis. Adj.: teratomatous malignant t. t. malin 1. a solid, malignant ovarian tumor resembling a dermoid cyst but composed of immature embryonal and/or extraembryonal elements derived from all three germ layers. 2. teratocarcinoma.
teratosis tératose teratism.
terazosin térazosine an alpha1-adrenergic bloc king agent used as the hydrochloride salt in the treatment of hypertension and of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
terbinafine terbinafine a synthetic antifungal used as the hydrochloride salt in the treatment of tinea and onychomycosis.
terbium terbium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 65, symbol Tb.
terbutaline terbutaline a β2-adrenergic recep tor agonist; used as the sulfate salt as a bron chodilator and as a tocolytic in the prevention of premature labor.
terconazole terconazole an imidazoleantifun gal used in the treatment of vulvovaginal can didiasis.
terebration térébration a boring pain.
teres arrondi, allongé [L.] long and round.
term terme a definite period, especially the pe riod of gestation, or pregnancy.
terminal terminal 1. forming or pertaining to an end; placed at the end. 2. a termination, end, or extremity.
terminatio arrêt pl. terminationes [L.] an ending; the site of discontinuation of a structure, as the free nerve endings (terminationes nervorum liberae), in which the peripheral fiber divides into fine branches that terminate freely in connective tissue or epithelium.
Terminologia Anatomica Terminologia Ana tomica [L.] International Anatomical Termi nology: the internationally approved official body of anatomical nomenclature, superseding the Nomina Anatomica (NA).
terminology terminologie 1. the vocabulary of an art or science. 2. the science which deals with the investigation, arrangement, and construction of terms. International Anatomical T. T. anatomique internationale Terminologia Anatomica.
terminus terminus pl. termini [L.] an ending.
ternary ternaire 1. third in order. 2. made up of three distinct chemical elements.
terpene terpène any hydrocarbon of the for mula C10H16.
territory territoire an area or region. chromosome t’s t. chromosomiques discrete, compact regions within the cell nucleus that are occupied by individual chromosomes during interphase and separated by the interchromosomal domain.
terror terreur intense fright. night t’s t. noctur nes pavor nocturnus.
tertian tierce recurring every third day (coun ting the day of occurrence as the first day); see under malaria.
tertiary tertiaire third in order.
tertigravida troisième geste a woman pregnant for the third time; gravida III.
tertipara tripare a woman who has had three pregnancies which resulted in viable offspring; para III.
tesla (T) tesla the SI unit of magnetic flux density, a vector quantity that measures the magnitude of a magnetic field. It is equal to 1 weber per square meter.
tessellated quadrillé divided into squares, like a checker board.
test 1. épreuve an examination or trial. 2. réac tion a significant chemical reaction. 3. test a reagent. abortus Bang ring t., ABR t. t. de l’anneau an agglutination test for brucellosis in cattle, performed by mixing a drop of stained brucellae with 1 mL of milk and incubating for 1 hour at 37 °C; agglutinated bacteria rise to the surface to form a colored ring. acid elution t. t. d’élution à l’acide air-dried blood smears are fixed in 80 per cent methanol and immersed in a pH 3.3 buffer; all hemoglobins are eluted except fetal hemoglobin, which is seen in red cells after staining. acidified serum t. t. au sérum acidifié incubation of red cells in acidified serum; after centrifugation, the supernatant is examined by colorimetry for hemolysis, which indicates paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. acoustic reflex t. t. du réflexe acoustique measurement of the acoustic reflex threshold; used to differentiate between conductive and sensorineural deafness and to diagnose acoustic neuroma. Adson t. t. d’Adson one for thoracic outlet syndrome; with the patient in a sitting position, hands on thighs, the examiner palpates both radial pulses as the patient rapidly fills the lungs by deep inhalation and, holding breath, hyperextends the neck, turning the head toward the affected side. If the radial pulse on that side is markedly or completely obliterated, the result is positive. agglutination t. r. d’agglutination cells containing antigens to a given antibody are mixed into the solution being tested for a particular antibody, with agglutination indicative of antibody presence. alkali denaturation t. t. de dénaturation alcaline a spectrophotometric method for determining the concentration of fetal (F) hemoglobin. Ames t. t. d’Ames a strain of Salmonella typhimurium that lacks the enzyme necessary for histidine synthesis is cultured in the absence of histidine and in the presence of the suspected mutagen and certain enzymes known to activate procarcinogens. If the substance causes DNA damage resulting in mutations, some of the bacteria will regain the ability to synthesize histidine and will proliferate to form colonies; almost all of the mutagenic substances are also carcinogenic. antibiotic sensitivity t., antibiotic susceptibility t. t. de sensibilité antibiotique antimicrobial susceptibility t. anti-DNA t., anti-double-stranded DNA t. t. anti-ADN an immunoassay that uses native double-stranded DNA as an antigen to detect and monitor increased serum levels of anti-DNA antibodies; used in the detection and management of systemic lupus erythematosus. antiglobulin t. (AGT) t. à l’antiglobuline a test for nonagglutinating antibodies against red cells, using antihuman globulin antibody to agglutinate red cells coated with the nonagglutinating antibody. The direct antiglobulin test detects antibodies bound to circulating red cells in vivo. It is used in the evaluation of autoimmune and drug-induced hemolytic anemia and hemolytic disease of the newborn. The indirect antiglobulin test detects serum antibodies that bind to red cells in an in vitro incubation step. It is used in typing of erythrocyte antigens and in compatibility testing (cross-match). antimicrobial susceptibility t. t. de sensibilité antimicrobienne any of numerous tests of how susceptible bacteria are to antimicrobial agents; the bacteria are classified as either sensitive or susceptible, indeterminate or intermediate, or resistant. aptitude t’s t. d’aptitude tests designed to determine ability to undertake study or training in a particular field. association t. t. d’association one based on associative reaction, usually by mentioning words to a patient and noting what other words the patient will think of and give in reply. automated reagin t. (ART) t. à la réagine automatisé a modification of the rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis, used with automated analyzers in clinical chemistry. basophil degranulation t. t. de dégranulation des basophiles an in vitro procedure testing allergic sensitivity to a specific allergen at the cellular level by measuring staining of basophils after exposure to the allergen; a reduced number of granular cells is a positive result. Benedict t. t. de Benedict a qualitative or quantitative test for the determination of glucose content of urine. Binet t., Binet-Simon t. t. de Binet a method of ascertaining a child’s or youth’s mental age by asking a series of questions adapted to, and standardized on, the capacity of normal children at various ages. Bing t. t. de Bing a vibrating tuning fork is held to the mastoid process and the auditory meatus is alternately occluded and left open; an increase and decrease in loudness is perceived by the normal ear and in sensorineural hearing loss, whereas the hearing of no difference occurs in conductive hearing loss. caloric t. é. calorique irrigation of the normal ear with warm water produces a rotatory nystagmus toward that side; irrigation with cold water produces a rotatory nystagmus away from that side. chi-square t. t. du Khi-deux, du Khi-carré any statistical hypothesis test employing the chi-square (χ2) distribution, measuring the difference between theoretical and observed frequencies and hypothesized to approach the χ2-distribution as the sample size increases. cis-trans t. t. cis-trans one used to determine whether two mutations are in the same gene (alleles) or different genes (pseudoalleles) by examining the phenotypes of heterozygotes carrying the mutations in cis (same chromosome) and in trans (different chromosomes) configurations. clomiphene citrate challenge t. r. au citrate de clomiphène measurement of fertility potential in a woman by examination of the response of follicle-stimulating hormone level to administration of clomiphene citrate early in the menstrual cycle. complement fixation t. r. de fixation du complément see under fixation. contraction stress t. (CST) épreuve à l’ocytocine the monitoring of the response of the fetal heart rate to spontaneous or induced uterine contractions by cardiotocography, with deceleration indicating possible fetal hypoxia. Coombs t. t. de Coombs antiglobulin t. Denver Developmental Screening t. t. de dépistage du développement de Denver a test for identification of infants and preschool children with developmental delay. DFA-TP t. t. DFA-TP direct fluorescent antibody-Treponema pallidum t. direct fluorescent antibody-Treponema pallidum t. DFA-TP t.; é. d’immunofluorescence directe à Treponema pallidum a serologic test for syphilis using direct immunofluorescence. disk diffusion t. méthode des disques a test for antibiotic sensitivity in bacteria; agar plates are inoculated with a standardized suspension of a microorganism. Antibiotic-containing disks are applied to the agar surface. Following overnight incubation, the diameters of the zones of inhibition are interpreted as sensitive (susceptible), indeterminate (intermediate), or resistant. drawer t’s signe du tiroir tests for the integrity of the cruciate ligaments of the knee; with the knee flexed 90 degrees, if the tibia can be drawn too far forward there is rupture of the anterior ligaments (anterior drawer t.), if too far back then the rupture is of the posterior ligaments (posterior drawer t.). early pregnancy t. t. précoce de grossesse a do-it-yourself immunological test for pregnancy, performed as early as one day after menstruation was expected (missed period); a variety of tests exist, all based on an increase in urinary levels of human chorionic gonadotropin after fertilization. EP t., erythrocyte protoporphyrin t. dosage de la PPE determination of erythrocyte protoporphyrin levels as a screening test for lead toxicity; levels are increased in lead poisoning and iron deficiency. exercise t’s, exercise stress t’s é. d’effort any of various stress tests in which exercise is used in the electrocardiographic assessment of cardiovascular health and function, particularly in the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia. The most widely used forms are the treadmill and bicycle ergometer exercise tests; they are usually graded, consisting of a series of incrementally increasing workloads sustained for defined intervals. FAB t. t. de FAB fluorescent antibody t. FeNa t. t. FeNa excreted fraction of filtered sodium test, a measure of renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, calculated as (urine Na × plasma Cr) ÷ (urine Cr × plasma Na) × 100. finger-nose t. é. doigt-nez one for coordinated limb movements; with upper limb extended to one side the patient is asked to try to touch the end of the nose with the tip of the index finger. Finn chamber t. t. Finn Chamber a type of patch test in which the materials being tested are held in shallow aluminum cups (Finn chambers) that are taped against the skin, usually for a few days. Fishberg concentration t. t. de concentration Fishberg determination of the ability of the kidneys to maintain excretion of solids under conditions of reduced water intake and a high protein diet, in which urine samples are collected and tested for specific gravity. flocculation t. t. de floculation any serologic test in which a flocculent agglomerate is formed; usually applied to a variant form of the precipitin reaction. fluorescent antibody t. t. des (aux) anticorps fluorescents, FAB t.; a test for the distribution of cells expressing a specific protein by binding antibody specific for the protein and detecting complexes by fluorescent labeling of the antibody. fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption t., FTA-ABS t. t. d’absorption des anticorps tréponémiques fluorescents the standard treponemal antigen serologic test for syphilis, using fluorescein-labeled antihuman globulin to demonstrate specific treponemal antibodies in patient serum. gel diffusion t. t. de diffusion sur gel see immunodiffusion. glucose tolerance t. t. de tolérance au glucose a test of the body’s ability to utilize carbohydrates by measuring the plasma glucose level at stated intervals after ingestion or intravenous injection of a large quantity of glucose. glycosylated hemoglobin t. dosage de l’hémoglobine glycosylée measurement of the percentage of hemoglobin A molecules that have formed a stable keto-amine linkage between their terminal amino acid position of the β-chains and a glucose group; in normal persons this is about 7 per cent of the total, in diabetics about 14.5 per cent. guaiac t. t. au guaïac one for occult blood; glacial acetic acid and a solution of gum guaiac are mixed with the specimen; on addition of hydrogen peroxide, the presence of blood is indicated by a blue tint. Ham t. t. de Ham acidified serum t. heterophil antibody t., heterophile antibody t. recherche d’anticorps hétérophiles any of several tests for heterophile antibodies associated with infectious mononucleosis. histamine t. t. histaminique 1. subcutaneous injection of 0.1 per cent solution of histamine to stimulate gastric secretion. 2. after rapid intravenous injection of histamine phosphate, normal persons experience a brief fall in blood pressure, but in those with pheochromocytoma, after the fall, there is a marked rise in blood pressure. Huhner t. t. de Huhner postcoital t. hydrogen breath t. t. respiratoire à l’hydrogène a test for deficiency of lactase or other hydrolases or for colonic overgrowth of bacteria, in which the exhalations are trapped and measured after administration of carbohydrate, with excess carbohydrate fermentation in the colon resulting in high levels of exhaled hydrogen. hypoosmotic swelling t. t. de gonflement hypo-osmotique determination of sperm viability by placing a sample in a hypo-osmotic solution, which causes swelling and curling of the tails of spermatozoa with normal plasma membranes. immobilization t. t. d’immobilisation detection of antibody based on its ability to inhibit the motility of a bacterial cell or protozoan. inkblot t. t. des taches d’encre Rorschach t. intelligence t. t. d’intelligence a set of problems or tasks posed to assess an individual’s innate ability to judge, comprehend, and reason. intracutaneous t., intradermal t. t. intracutané skin test in which the antigen is injected intradermally. Kveim t. t. de Kveim an intradermal test for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. latex agglutination t., latex fixation t. r. au latex a type of agglutination test in which antigen to a given antibody is adsorbed to latex particles and mixed with a test solution to observe for agglutination of the latex. limulus t. t. LAL an extract of blood cells from the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) is exposed to a blood sample from a patient; if gram-negative endotoxin is present in the sample, it will produce gelation of the extract of blood cells. Lundh t. t. de Lundh a test for pancreatic function in which trypsin concentrations in the duodenum after a test meal are measured, with lowered levels of trypsin indicating low pancreatic secretion. lupus band t. t. de la bande lupique an immunofluorescence test to determine the presence and extent of immunoglobulin and complement deposits at the dermal-epidermal junction of skin specimens from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. McMurray t. t. de McMurray as the patient lies supine with one knee fully flexed, the examiner rotates the patient’s foot fully outward and the knee is slowly extended; a painful “click” indicates a tear of the medial meniscus of the knee joint; if the click occurs when the foot is rotated inward, the tear is in the lateral meniscus. Mantoux t. t. de Mantoux an intracutaneous tuberculin test. Master “two-step” exercise t. é. des deux marches an early exercise test for coronary insufficiency in which electrocardiograms were recorded while and after the subject repeatedly ascended and descended two steps. MIF t., migration inhibitory factor t. MIF test an in vitro test for production of MIF by lymphocytes in response to specific antigens; used for evaluation of cell-mediated immunity. MIF production is absent in certain immunodeficiency diseases. Moloney t. t. de Moloney one for detection of delayed hypersensitivity to diphtheria toxoid. monospot t. t. monospot a type of heterophile antibody test based on the Paul-Bunnell- Davidsohn test but using erythrocytes from horses instead of sheep, so that the test is much faster. multiple-puncture t. t. par multipuncture a skin test in which the material used (e.g., tuberculin) is introduced into the skin by pressure of several needles or pointed tines or prongs. neostigmine t. t. à la prostigmine on injection of neostigmine methylsulfate mixed with atropine sulfate, lessening of myasthenic symptoms indicates myasthenia gravis. neutralization t. t. de neutralisation a test for the power of an antiserum, antibiotic, antitoxin, antiviral, or other substance to antagonize the pathogenic properties of a microorganism, virus, bacteriophage, or toxic substance. nocturnal penile tumescence t. t. de tumescence pénienne nocturne monitoring of erections occurring during sleep; used in the differential diagnosis of psychogenic and organic impotence. nonstress t. (NST) examen de réactivité fœtale the monitoring of the response of the fetal heart rate to fetal movements by cardiotocography. nontreponemal antigen t. r. aux antigènes non tréponémiques any of various tests detecting serum antibodies to reagin (cardiolipin and lecithin) derived from host tissues in the diagnosis of the Treponema pallidum infection of syphilis. NPT t. t. de TPN nocturnal penile tumescence t. osmotic fragility t. é. de la résistance globulaire heparinized or defibrinated blood is placed in sodium chloride solutions of varying concentrations; increased fragility, measured as hemolysis, indicates spherocytosis. oxytocin challenge t. (OCT) é. à l’ocytocine a contraction stress test in which the uterine contractions are stimulated by intravenous infusion of oxytocin. Pap t., Papanicolaou t. t. de Papanicolaou an exfoliative cytological staining procedure for detection and diagnosis of various conditions, particularly malignant and premalignant conditions of the female genital tract; also used in evaluating endocrine function and in the diagnosis of malignancies of other organs. patch t’s t. épicutanés tests for hypersensitivity, performed by observing the reaction to application to the skin of filter paper or gauze saturated with the substance in question. Patrick t. t. de Patrick thigh and knee of the supine patient are flexed, the external malleolus rests on the patella on the opposite leg, and the knee is depressed; production of pain indicates arthritis of the hip. Also known as fabere sign, from the first letters of movements that elicit it (flexion, abduction, external rotation, extension). Paul-Bunnell- Davidsohn t. t. de Paul- Bunnell-Davidsohn a type of heterophile antibody test that differentiates among three types of heterophile sheep agglutinins: those associated with infectious mononucleosis and serum sickness, and natural antibodies against Forssman antigen. postcoital t. t. postcoïtal determination of the number and condition of spermatozoa in mucus aspirated from the cervical canal soon after intercourse. precipitin t. t. de précipitation any serologic test based on a precipitin reaction. projective t. t. projectif any of various tests in which an individual interprets ambiguous stimulus situations according to their own unconscious dispositions, yielding information about their personality and possible psychopathology. psychological t. t. psychologique any test to measure a subject’s development, achievement, personality, intelligence, thought processes, etc. psychomotor t. t. psychomoteur a test that assesses the subject’s ability to perceive instructions and perform motor responses. Queckenstedt t. t. de Queckenstedt see under sign. Quick t. méthode de Quick 1. a test for liver function based on excretion of hippuric acid after administration of sodium benzoate. 2. prothrombin time. radioallergosorbent t. (RAST) t. de radioallergosorbent a radioimmunoassay test for the measurement of specific IgE antibody in serum, using allergen extract antigens fixed in a solid-phase matrix and radiolabeled anti-human IgE. radioimmunosorbent t. (RIST) t. du RIST, t. radioimmunosorbent a radioimmunoassay technique for measuring serum IgE concentration, using radiolabeled IgE and anti-human IgE bound to an insoluble matrix. rapid plasma reagin t. t. rapide de la réagine plasmatique RPR test; a screening flocculation test for syphilis, using a modified VDRL antigen. Rinne t. t. de Rinne a test of hearing made with tuning forks of 256, 512, and 1024 Hz, comparing the duration of perception by bone and by air conduction. rollover t. t. de Gant comparison of the blood pressure of a pregnant woman lying on her back versus on her side; an excessive increase when she rolls to the supine postion indicates increased risk of preeclampsia. Rorschach t. t. de Rorschach an association technique for personality testing based on the patient’s response to a series of inkblot designs. RPR t. t. RPR rapid plasma reagin test. Rubin t. t. de Rubin one for patency of the uterine tubes, performed by transuterine inflation with carbon dioxide gas. Schick t. t. de Schick an intradermal test for determination of susceptibility to diphtheria. Schiller t. t. de Schiller one for early squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, performed by painting the uterine cervix with a solution of iodine and potassium iodide, diseased areas being revealed by a failure to take the stain. Schilling t. t. de Schilling a test for vitamin B12 absorption employing cyanocobalamin tagged with Co-57; used in the diagnosis of pernicious anemia and other disorders of vitamin B12 metabolism. Schirmer t. t. de Schirmer a test of tear production in keratoconjunctivitis sicca, performed by measuring the area of moisture on a piece of filter paper inserted over the conjunctival sac of the lower lid, with the end of the paper hanging down on the outside. Schwabach t. t. de Schwabach a hearing test made, with the opposite ear masked, placing the stems of vibrating tuning forks on the mastoid process first of the patient and then of the examiner. If heard longer by the patient it indicates conductive hearing loss and if heard longer by the examiner it indicates sensorineural hearing loss in the patient. scratch t. é. par scarification a skin test in which the antigen is applied to a superficial scratch. serologic t. t. sérologique a laboratory test involving seroreactions, especially one measuring serum antibody titer. sheep cell agglutination t. (SCAT) t. d’agglutination de cellules de mouton any agglutination test using sheep erythrocytes. sickling t. é. de falciformation one for demonstration of abnormal hemoglobin and the sickling phenomenon in erythrocytes. skin t. t. cutané any test in which an antigen is applied to the skin in order to observe the patient’s reaction; used to determine exposure or immunity to infectious diseases, to identify allergens producing allergic reactions, and to assess ability to mount a cellular immune response. sperm agglutination t. t. d’agglutination du sperme any of various tests for the presence of antisperm antibodies as a cause of infertility, based on the ability of large multivalent isotypes such as IgM or secretory IgA to cross-link and agglutinate spermatozoa with such antibodies. stress t’s t. de stress any of various tests that assess cardiovascular health and function after application of a stress, usually exercise, to the heart. swinging flashlight t. t. de la lampe de poche with the eyes fixed at a distance and a strong light shining before the intact eye, a crisp bilateral contraction of the pupil is noted; on moving the light to the affected eye, both pupils dilate for a short period, and on moving it back to the intact eye, both pupils contract promptly and remain contracted; indicative of minimal damage to the optic nerve or retina. Thematic Apperception T. (TAT) t. d’aperception thématique de Murray a projective test in which the subject tells a story based on each of a series of standard ambiguous pictures, so that the responses reflect a projection of some aspect of the subject’s personality and current psychological preoccupations and conflicts. thyroid suppression t. t. de Werner after administration of liothyronine for several days, radioactive iodine uptake is decreased in normal persons but not in those with hyperthyroidism. tine t. t. tuberculinique par multipuncture a tuberculin test in which four small tines coated with dip-dried tuberculin are pressed into the forearm skin; the test is positive if after 48 to 72 hours there is induration of at least 2 mm in diameter around one or more of the puncture wounds. treponemal antigen t. t. aux antigènes tréponémiques any of various tests detecting specific antitreponemal antibodies in serum in the diagnosis of the Treponema pallidum infection of syphilis. tuberculin t. t. tuberculinique any of a number of skin tests for tuberculosis using a variety of different types of tuberculin and methods of application. unheated serum reagin t., USR t. t. de la réagine plasmatique à l’air ambiant a modification of the VDRL test using unheated serum; used primarily for screening. VDRL t. t. VDRL [Venereal Disease Research Laboratory] a flocculation test for syphilis using VDRL antigen, which contains cardiolipin, cholesterol, and lecithin, to test heat-inactivated serum. Weber t. t. de Weber the stem of a vibrating tuning fork is placed on the vertex or midline of the forehead. If the sound is heard better in the affected ear, it suggests conductive hearing loss; if heard better in the normal ear, it suggests sensorineural hearing loss. Widal t. t. de Widal a test for agglutinins to O and H antigens of Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi in the serum of p atients with suspected Salmonella infection. testalgia orchidodynie orchialgia.
test card optotype a card printed with various letters or symbols, used in testing vision.
testes testicules [L.] plural of testis.
testicle testicule testis.
testicular testiculaire pertaining to a testis.
testis testicule pl. testes [L.] the male gonad; either of the paired egg-shaped glands nor mally situated in the scrotum, in which the spermatozoa develop. Specialized interstitial cells (Leydig cells) secrete testosterone. ab dominal t. t. abdominal an undescended tes tis in the abdominal cavity. ectopic t. ectopie testiculaire one outside the normal pathway of descent. obstructed t. occlusion testiculaire one whose normal descent is blocked, so that it goes into an inguinal pouch. retained t. cryptorchidisme undescended t. retractile t. t. rétractile one that can descend fully into the scrotum but then moves freely up into the in guinal canal. undescended t. cryptorchidie one that has failed to descend into the scrotum, as in cryptorchidism.
testitis testite orchitis.
testosterone testostérone the principal an drogenic hormone, produced by the inters titial (Leydig) cells of the testes in response to stimulation by the luteinizing hormone of the anterior pituitary gland; it is thought to be responsible for regulation of gonadotropic secretion, spermatogenesis, and wolffian duct differentiation. It is also responsible for other male characteristics after its conversion to dihydrotestosterone. In addition, testosterone possesses protein anabolic properties. It is used as replacement therapy for androgen deficiency in males, in the treatment of delayed male puberty or hypogonadism, and in the palliation of certain breast cancers in females; used as the base or various esters (e.g., cypionate, enanthate, propionate).
test type optotype printed letters of varying size, used in the testing of visual acuity.
TET TET treadmill exercise test; tubal embryo transfer.
tetanic tétanique pertaining to tetanus.
tetaniform tétaniforme tetanoid.
tetanize tétaniser to induce tetanic convulsions or symptoms.
tetanode tétanode the unexcited stage occur ring between the tetanic contractions in teta nus.
tetanoid tétanoïde resembling tetanus.
tetanolysin tétanolysine the hemolytic fraction of the exotoxin formed by the tetanus bacillus (Clostridium tetani).
tetanospasmin tétanospasmine the neurotoxic component of the exotoxin (tetanus toxin) pro duced by Clostridium tetani, which causes the typical muscle spasms of tetanus.
tetanus 1. tétanos an acute, often fatal, infectious disease caused by a neurotoxin (tetanospasmin) produced by Clostridium tetani, which enters the body through wounds. There are two forms: generalized tetanus, with tetanic muscular contractions, hyperreflexia, trismus (lockjaw), glottal spasm, generalized muscle spasm, opisthotonos, respiratory spasm, seizures, and paralysis; and localized tetanus, with localized twitching and spasms, which may progress to the generalized form. 2. tétanisation a state of muscular contraction without periods of relaxation. Adj.: tetanic. neonatal t., t. neonatorum t. des nouveau-nés tetanus of very young infants, usually due to umbilical infection.
tetany tétanie a syndrome of sharp flexion of the wrist and ankle joints (carpopedal spasm), muscle twitching, cramps, and convulsions, sometimes with attacks of stridor; due to hyperexcitability of nerves and muscles caused by decreased extracellular ionized calcium in parathyroid hypofunction, vitamin D deficiency, or alkalosis, or following ingestion of alkaline salts. duration t. galvanotonus durable a continuous tetanic contraction in response to a strong continuous current, seen especially in degenerated muscles. gastric t. t. gastrique a severe form due to disease of the stomach, with difficult respiration and painful tonic spasms of limbs. hyperventilation t. t. par hyperventilation tetany produced by forced inhalation and exhalation over a period of time. latent t. t. latente tetany elicited by the application of electrical and mechanical stimulation. neonatal t., t. of newborn t. des nouveau-nés hypocalcemic tetany in the first few days of life, often marked by irritability, muscle twitchings, jitteriness, tremors, and convulsions, and less often by laryngospasm and carpopedal spasm. parathyroid t., parathyroprival t. t. parathyroïdienne tetany due to removal or hypofunction of the parathyroids.
tetartanopia tétartanopie 1. quadrantanopia. 2. a rare type of dichromatic vision of doubtful existence, characterized by perception of red and green only, with blue and yellow perceived as an achromatic (gray) band.
tetartanopsia tétartanopsie tetartanopia.
tetr(a)- tetr(a)- word element [Gr.], four.
tetracaine tétracaïne a local, topical, and spinal anesthetic, used as the base or the hydrochlo ride salt.
tetrachloroethylene tétrachloréthylène a mo derately toxic chlorinated hydrocarbon used as a dry-cleaning solvent and for other industrial uses.
tetracrotic tétracrote having four sphygmogra phic elevations to one beat of the pulse.
tetracyclic tétracyclique containing four fused rings or closed chains in the molecular structure.
tetracycline tétracycline 1. any of a group of related broad-spectrum antibiotics, isolated from species of Streptomyces or produced semisynthetically. 2. a semisynthetic antibiotic produced semisynthetically from chlortetracycline, having the same wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity as other members of the tetracycline group; used as the base or the hydrochloride salt.
tetrad tétrade a group of four similar or rela ted entities, as (1) any element or radical ha ving a valence, or combining power, of four; (2) a group of four chromosomal elements formed in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase; (3) a square of cells produced by division into two planes of certain cocci (Sarcina). Fallot t. tétralogie de Fallot tetralogy of Fallot.
tetradactyly tétradactylie the presence of four digits on the hand or foot.
tetragonum tétragone [L.] a quadrilateral. t. lumbale tetragonum lumbale the area boun ded by the four lumbar muscles.
tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, BH4) tétrahydrobioptérine a coenzyme in the reactions hydroxylating phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine; defects in its biosynthesis or regeneration affect all three hydroxylation reactions, interfere with production of the corresponding neurotransmitter precursors, and result in hyperphenylalaninemia.
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) tétrahydrocanna binol the active principle of cannabis, occur ring in two isomeric forms, both considered psychomimetically active.
tetrahydrofolic acid acide tétrahydrofolique a form of folic acid in which the pteridine ring is fully reduced; it is the parent compound of a variety of coenzymes that serve as carriers of one-carbon groups in metabolic reactions; in dissociated form, called tetrahydrofolate. Abbreviated THF.
tetrahydrozoline tétryzoline an adrenergic ap plied topically as the hydrochloride salt to the nasal mucosa and to the conjunctiva to produce vasoconstriction.
tetralogy tétralogie a group or series of four. t. of Fallot t. de Fallot a complex of congenital heart defects consisting of pulmonary stenosis, interventricular septal defect, hypertrophy of right ventricle, and dextroposition of the aorta.
tetrameric tétramère having four parts.
tetranopsia tétranopsie quadrantanopia.
tetraparesis tétraparésie muscular weakness of all four limbs.
tetrapeptide tétrapeptide a peptide which, on hydrolysis, yields four amino acids.
tetraplegia tétraplégie quadriplegia.
tetraploid tétraploïde 1. pertaining to or cha racterized by tetraploidy. 2. an individual or cell having four sets of chromosomes.
tetraploidy tétraploïdie the state of having four sets of chromosomes (4n).
tetrapus tétrapus a human fetus having four feet.
tetrapyrrole tétrapyrrole a compound contai ning four pyrrole rings, e.g., heme or chloro phyll.
tetrascelus tétrascelus a human fetus with four lower limbs.
tetrasomy tétrasomie the presence of two extra chromosomes of one type in an otherwise di ploid cell. Adj.: tetrasomic.
tetravalent tétravalent having a valence of four.
tetrodotoxin tétrodotoxine a highly lethal neu rotoxin present in numerous species of puffer fish and in certain newts (in which it is called tarichatoxin); ingestion rapidly causes malaise, dizziness, and tingling about the mouth, which may be followed by ataxia, convulsions, respiratory paralysis, and death.
textiform textiforme formed like a network.
TGF TGF transforming growth factor.
Th Th thorium.
thalamencephalon thalamencéphale the part of the diencephalon comprising the thalamus, metathalamus, and epithalamus.
thalamic thalamique pertaining to the thala mus.
thalamocortical thalamocortical pertaining to the thalamus and cerebral cortex.
thalamolenticular thalamolenticulaire pertai ning to the thalamus and lenticular nucleus.
thalamotomy thalamotomie a stereotaxic sur gical technique for the discrete destruction of specific groups of cells within the thalamus, as for the relief of pain, for relief of tremor and rigidity in paralysis agitans, or in the treatment of certain psychiatric disorders.
thalamus thalamus pl. thalami [L.] either of two large ovoid masses, consisting chiefly of gray substance, situated one on either side of and forming part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle. Each is divided into dorsal and ven tral parts; the term thalamus without a modifier usually refers to the dorsal thalamus, which functions as a relay center for sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex. optic t. t. optique lateral geniculate body.
thalassemia thalassémie a heterogeneous group of hereditary hemolytic anemias mar ked by a decreased rate of synthesis of one or more hemoglobin polypeptide chains, classified according to the chain involved (α, β, δ); the two major categories are α- and β-thalassemia. α-t. α-t. that caused by diminished synthesis of alpha chains of hemoglobin. The homozygous form is incompatible with life, the stillborn infant displaying severe hydrops fetalis. The heterozygous form may be asymptomatic or marked by mild anemia. β-t. β-t. that caused by diminished synthesis of beta chains of hemoglobin. The homozygous form is called t. major and the heterozygous form is called t. minor. t. major t. majeure the homozygous form of β-thalassemia, in which hemoglobin A is completely absent; it appears in the newborn period and is marked by hemolytic, hypochromic, microcytic anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal deformation, mongoloid facies, and cardiac enlargement. t. minor t. mineure the heterozygous form of β-thalassemia, usually asymptomatic, although there is sometimes mild anemia. sickle cell-t. maladie microdrépanocytaire a hereditary anemia involving simultaneous heterozygosity for hemoglobin S and thalassemia.
thalidomide thalidomide a sedative and hypnotic, commonly used in Europe in the early 1960’s, and discovered to cause serious congenital anomalies in the fetus, notably amelia and phocomelia, when taken during early pregnancy; now used in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum.
thallium thallium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 81, symbol Tl. It may be absorbed from the gut and from the intact skin, causing a variety of neurologic and psychic symptoms and liver and kidney damage. t. 201 t. 201 a radioactive isotope of thallium having a half-life of 3.05 days and decaying by electron capture with emission of gamma rays (0.135, 0.167 MeV); it is used as a diagnostic aid in the form of thallous chloride Tl 201.
thallous thallique of, pertaining to, or containing thallium. t. chloride Tl 201 chlorure de thallium Tl 201 the form in which thallium-201 in solution is injected intravenously for imaging of myocardial disease, parathyroid disorder, or neoplastic disease.
thanat(o)- thanat(o)- word element [Gr.], death.
thanatognomonic thanatognomonique indicating the approach of death.
thanatophobia thanatophobie irrational fear of death.
thanatophoric thanatophore deadly; lethal.
THC THC tetrahydrocannabinol.
theaism théïsme caffeinism resulting from ingestion of excessive quantities of tea.
thebaine thébaïne a crystalline, poisonous, and anodyne alkaloid from opium, having properties similar to those of strychnine.
theca thèque pl. thecae [L.] a case or sheath. Adj.: thecal. t. folliculi t. folliculaire an envelope of condensed connective tissue surrounding a vesicular ovarian follicle, comprising an internal vascular layer (tunica interna) and an external fibrous layer (tunica externa).
thecoma thécome theca cell tumor.
thecostegnosis thécostégnose contraction of a tendon sheath.
thelalgia thélalgie pain in the nipples.
thelarche thélarche the beginning of development of the breasts at puberty.
Thelazia Thelazia a genus of nematode worms parasitic in the eyes of mammals, including, rarely, humans.
theleplasty théléplastie a plastic operation on the nipple.
thelerethism thélotisme erection of the nipple.
thelitis thélite inflammation of a nipple.
thelorrhagia thélorragie hemorrhage from the nipple.
thenar 1. éminence thénar the fleshy part of the hand at the base of the thumb. 2. thénarien pertaining to the palm.
theophylline théophylline a xanthine derivative found in tea leaves and prepared synthetically; its salts and derivatives act as smooth muscle relaxants, central nervous system and cardiac muscle stimulants, and bronchodilators; used as a bronchodilator in asthma and in bronchitis, emphysema, or other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Its choline salt is oxtriphylline.
theory théorie 1. the doctrine or the principles underlying an art as distinguished from the practice of that particular art. 2. a formulated hypothesis or, loosely speaking, any hypothesis or opinion not based upon actual knowledge. cell t. t. cellulaire all organic matter consists of cells, and cell activity is the essential process of life. clonal deletion t. t. des clones interdits a theory of immunologic self-tolerance according to which “forbidden clones” of immunocytes, those reactive with self antigens, are eliminated on contact with antigen during fetal life. clonal selection t. t. de la sélection clonale there are several million clones of antibodyproducing cells in each adult, each programmed to make an antibody of a single specificity and carrying cell-surface receptors for specific antigens; exposure to antigen induces cells with receptors for that antigen to proliferate and produce large quantities of specific antibody. information t. t. de l’information a system for analyzing, chiefly by statistical methods, the characteristics of communicated messages and the systems that encode, transmit, distort, receive, and decode them. overflow t. t. du débordement one similar to the underfilling theory but that proposes that the primary event in ascites formation is sodium and water retention, with portal hypertension resulting; plasma volume expansion to the point of overflow from the hepatic sinusoids then causes ascites formation. quantum t. hypothèse des quanta radiation and absorption of energy occur in quantities (quanta) which vary in size with the frequency of the radiation. recapitulation t. loi biogénétique de Haeckel ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, i.e., an organism in the course of its development goes through the same successive stages (in abbreviated form) as did the species in its evolutionary development. underfilling t. t. du remplissage insuffisant a theory that ascites associated with portal hypertension causes hypovolemia and so both a lowering of portal pressure and retention of sodium and water. The higher sodium concentration causes increases in the plasma volume and portal pressure, and the subsequent formation of ascites renews the cycle. Young-Helmholtz t. t. de Young-Helmholtz color vision depends on three sets of retinal receptors, corresponding to the colors red, green, and violet.
therapeutic thérapeutique 1. pertaining to therapy. 2. tending to overcome disease and promote recovery.
therapist thérapeute a person skilled in the treatment of disease or other disorder. physical t. physiothérapeute a person skilled in the techniques of physical therapy and qualified to administer treatment prescribed by a physician. speech t. orthophoniste a person specially trained and qualified to assist patients in overcoming speech and language disorders.
therapy thérapie, traitement the treatment of disease; see also treatment. ablation t. t. par ablation the destruction of small areas of myocardial tissue, usually by application of electrical or chemical energy, in the treatment of some tachyarrhythmias. adjuvant t. traitement adjuvant the use of chemotherapy or radiotherapy in addition to surgical resection in the treatment of cancer. antiplatelet t. traitement antiplaquettaire the use of platelet-modifying agents to inhibit platelet adhesion or aggregation and so prevent thrombosis, alter the course of atherosclerosis, or prolong vascular graft patency. art t. art-t. the use of art, the creative process, and patient response to the products created for the treatment of psychiatric and psychologic conditions and for rehabilitation. aversion t., aversive t. traitement dissuasif that using aversive conditioning to reduce or eliminate undesirable behavior or symptoms; sometimes used synonymously with aversive conditioning. behavior t. t. comportementale a therapeutic approach that focuses on modifying the patient’s observable behavior, rather than on the conflicts and unconscious processes presumed to underlie the behavior. bile acid t. traitement par (les) acides biliaires administration of bile acids for treatment of hyperlipidemia. biological t. t. biologique treatment of disease by injection of substances that produce a biological reaction in the organism. chelation t. traitement par chélation the use of a chelating agent to remove toxic metals from the body, used in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning. In complementary medicine, also used for the treatment of atherosclerosis and other disorders. cognitive t., cognitivebehavioral t. t. cognitivo-comportementale that based on the theory that emotional problems result from distorted attitudes and ways of thinking that can be corrected, the therapist guiding the patient to do so. convulsive t. convulsivo-t. treatment of mental disorders, primarily depression, by induction of convulsions; now it is virtually always by electric shock (electroconvulsive t.). couples t. t. du couple 1. marital t. 2. a form of therapy that parallels marital therapy, but also includes the treatment of two unmarried adults in a committed relationship. dance t. t. par la danse the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual in the treatment of a variety of social, emotional, cognitive, and physical disorders. electroconvulsive t. (ECT) électroconvulsivo thérapie a treatment for mental disorders, primarily depression, in which convulsions and loss of consciousness are induced by application of brief pulses of low-voltage alternating current to the brain via scalp electrodes. electroshock t. (EST) électrochocs electroconvulsive t. endocrine t. traitement endocrinien treatment of disease by the use of hormones. estrogen replacement t. œstrogénothérapie de substitution administration of an estrogen to treat estrogen deficiency, as that following menopause; in women with a uterus, a progestational agent is usually included to prevent endometrial hyperplasia. enzyme t. enzymothérapie in complementary medicine, the oral administration of proteolytic enzymes to improve immune system function; used for a wide variety of disorders and as adjunctive therapy in cancer treatment. family t. t. familiale group therapy of the members of a family, exploring and improving family relationships and processes and thus the mental health of the collective unit and of individual members. fibrinolytic t. t. fibrinolytique the use of fibrinolytic agents (e.g., prourokinase) to lyse thrombi in patients with acute peripheral arterial occlusion, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or acute myocardial infarction. gene t. t. génique manipulation of the genome of an individual to prevent, mask, or lessen the effects of a genetic disorder. group t. t. de groupe psychotherapy carried out regularly with a group of patients under the guidance of a group leader, usually a therapist. highly active antiretroviral t. (HAART) multithérapie antirétrovirale the aggressive use of extremely potent antiretroviral agents in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection. hormonal t., hormone t. hormonothérapie endocrine t. hormone replacement t. hormonothérapie substitutive the administration of hormones to correct a deficiency, such as postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy. immunosuppressive t. t. immunosuppressive treatment with agents, such as x-rays, corticosteroids, or cytotoxic chemicals, that suppress the immune response to antigen(s); used in conditions such as organ transplantation, autoimmune disease, allergy, multiple myeloma, and chronic nephritis. inhalation t. inhalothérapie respiratory care (2). light t. luminothérapie 1. phototherapy (def. 1). 2. photodynamic t. marital t., marriage t. t. conjointe a type of family therapy aimed at understanding and treating one or both members of a couple in the context of a distressed relationship; it may be used more generally to include unmarried couples in a committed relationship, i.e., couples t. massage t. massothérapie the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing them, thereby enhancing health and healing. milieu t. t. par le milieu treatment, usually in a psychiatric hospital, that emphasizes the provision of an environment and activities appropriate to the patient’s emotional and interpersonal needs. music t. musicothérapie the use of music to effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems. occupational t. ergothérapie the therapeutic use of self-care, work, and play activities to increase function, enhance development, and prevent disabilities. oral rehydration t. (ORT) réhydratation par voie buccale oral administration of a solution of electrolytes and carbohydrates in the treatment of dehydration. orthomolecular t. t. orthomoléculaire treatment of disease based on the theory that restoration of optimal concentrations of substances normally present in the body, such as vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids, will effect a cure. photodynamic t. t. photodynamique intravenous administration of hematoporphyrin derivative, which concentrates selectively in metabolically active tumor tissue, followed by exposure of the tumor tissue to red laser light to produce cytotoxic free radicals that destroy hematoporphyrin-containing tissue. physical t. physiothérapie 1. treatment by physical means. 2. the health profession concerned with the promotion of health, the prevention of disability, and the evaluation and rehabilitation of patients disabled by pain, disease, or injury, and with treatment by physical therapeutic measures as opposed to medical, surgical, or radiologic measures. poetry t. t. par la poésie a form of bibliotherapy in which a poem, sometimes one composed by the patient, is used to evoke feelings and responses for discussion in a therapeutic setting. PUVA t. puvathérapie a form of photochemotherapy for skin disorders such as psoriasis and vitiligo; oral psoralen administration is followed two hours later by exposure to ultraviolet light. radiation t. radiothérapie radiotherapy. relaxation t. relaxation any of a number of techniques for inducing the relaxation response, used for the reduction of stress; useful in the management of a wide variety of chronic illnesses caused or exacerbated by stress. replacement t. traitement substitutif 1. treatment to replace deficiencies in body products by administration of natural or synthetic substitutes. 2. treatment that replaces or compensates for a nonfunctioning organ, e.g., hemodialysis. respiratory t. t. respiratoire see under care. substitution t. t. substitutive the administration of a hormone to compensate for glandular deficiency. thrombolytic t. traitement thrombolytique fibrinolytic t. thyroid replacement t. thyroïdothérapie treatment with a preparation of a thyroid hormone.
therm therm a unit of heat. The word has been used as equivalent to (a) large calorie; (b) small calorie; (c) 1000 large calories; (d) 100,000 British thermal units.
thermal thermique pertaining to or characterized by heat.
thermalgesia thermalgésie a dysesthesia in which application of heat causes pain.
thermalgia thermalgie causalgia.
thermanalgesia thermo-analgésie thermoanesthesia.
thermanesthesia thermanesthésie thermoanesthesia.
thermesthesia thermesthésie temperature sense.
thermesthesiometer thermesthésiomètre an instrument for measuring sensibility to heat.
thermhyperesthesia thermohyperesthésie thermohyperesthesia.
thermhypesthesia thermohypoesthésie thermohypesthesia.
thermic thermique pertaining to heat.
therm(o)- therm(o)- word element [Gr.], heat.
thermoanesthesia thermo-anesthésie inability to recognize sensations of heat and cold; loss or lack of temperature sense.
thermocautery thermocautère cauterization by a heated wire or point.
thermochemistry thermochimie the aspect of physical chemistry dealing with heat changes that accompany chemical reactions.
thermocoagulation thermocoagulation tissue coagulation with high-frequency currents.
thermodiffusion thermodiffusion diffusion due to a temperature gradient.
thermodynamics thermodynamique the branch of science dealing with heat, work, and energy, their interconversion, and problems related thereto.
thermoexcitory thermo-excitatoire stimulating production of bodily heat.
thermogenesis thermogenèse the production of heat, especially within the animal body. Adj.: thermogenetic, thermogenic.
thermogram thermogramme 1. a graphic record of temperature variations. 2. the visual record obtained by thermography.
thermograph thermographe 1. an instrument for recording temperature variations. 2. thermogram (2). 3. the apparatus used in thermography.
thermography thermographie a technique wherein an infrared camera photographically portrays the body’s surface temperature, based on self-emanating infrared radiation; sometimes used as a means of diagnosing underlying pathologic conditions, such as breast tumors.
thermohyperalgesia hyperalgésie thermique extreme thermalgesia.
thermohyperesthesia thermohyperesthésie a dysesthesia with increased sensibility to heat and cold.
thermohypesthesia thermohypoesthésie a dysesthesia with decreased sensibility to heat and cold.
thermoinhibitory thermo-inhibiteur retarding generation of bodily heat.
thermolabile thermolabile easily affected by heat.
thermolysis thermolyse 1. chemical dissociation by means of heat. 2. dissipation of bodily heat by radiation, evaporation, etc. Adj.: thermolytic.
thermomassage thermomassage massage with heat.
thermometer thermomètre an instrument for determining temperatures, in principle making use of a substance with a physical property that varies with temperature and is susceptible of measurement on some defined scale (see table accompanying temperature). clinical t. t. médical one used to determine the temperature of the human body. infrared tympanic t. t. tympanique à infrarouges a clinical thermometer inserted into the external acoustic meatus to determine the body temperature by measuring the infrared radiation emanating from the tympanic membrane. oral t. t. buccal a clinical thermometer that is placed under the tongue. recording t. t. enregistreur a temperature-sensitive instrument by which the temperature to which it is exposed is continuously recorded. rectal t. t. rectal a clinical thermometer that is inserted into the rectum. tympanic t. t. tympanique infrared tympanic t.
Thermomonosporaceae Thermomonosporaceae a family of aerobic, gram-positive bacteria (suborder Streptosporangineae), that produce a branched substrate mycelium bearing aerial hyphae.
thermophile thermophile an organism that grows best at elevated temperatures. Adj.: thermophilic.
thermophore thermophore a device or apparatus for retaining heat, used in therapeutic local application.
thermoplacentography thermoplacentographie use of thermography for determination of the site of placental attachment.
thermoreceptor thermorécepteur a nerve ending sensitive to stimulation by heat.
thermoregulation thermorégulation the regulation of heat, as of the body heat of a warmblooded animal. Adj.: thermoregulatory.
thermostabile thermostable not affected by heat.
thermosystaltic thermosystaltique contracting under the stimulus of heat.
thermotaxis thermotaxie 1. normal adjustment of bodily temperature. 2. movement of an organism in response to an increase in temperature. Adj.: thermotactic, thermotaxic.
thermotherapy thermothérapie treatment of disease by the application of heat. transurethral microwave t. (TUMT) t. transurétrale par micro-ondes delivery of microwave energy to the prostate through the urethra, to destroy hyperplastic tissue in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
thermotonometer thermotonomètre an instrument for measuring the amount of muscular contraction produced by heat.
thermotropism thermotropisme tropism in response to an increase in temperature. Adj.: thermotropic.
THF THF tetrahydrofolic acid.
thiabendazole tiabendazole a broad-spectrum anthelmintic used in the treatment of strongyloidiasis, trichinosis, and cutaneous or visceral larva migrans.
thiamine thiamine vitamin B1; a water-soluble component of the B vitamin complex, found particularly in pork, organ meats, legumes, nuts, and whole grain or enriched breads and cereals. The active form is thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), which serves as a coenzyme in various reactions. Deficiency can result in beriberi and is a factor in alcoholic neuritis and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Written also thiamin. t. pyrophosphate (TPP) t. pyrophosphate the active form of thiamine, serving as a coenzyme in a variety of reactions, particularly in carbohydrate metabolism.
thiazide thiazidique any of a group of diuretics that act by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium in the proximal renal tubule and stimulating chloride excretion, with resultant increase in excretion of water.
thickness épaisseur a measurement across the smallest dimension of an object. triceps skinfold (TSF) t. mesure du pli cutané tricipital (PCT), é. cutanée tricipitale a measurement of subcutaneous fat taken by measuring a fold of skin running parallel to the length of the arm over the triceps muscle midway between the acromion and olecranon.
thiemia thiémie sulfur in the blood.
thiethylperazine thiéthylpérazine an antiemetic, used as the malate or maleate salt in the treatment and prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting.
thigh cuisse femur; the portion of the leg above the knee.
thigmesthesia thigmesthésie touch (1).
thigmotaxis thigmotactisme taxis of an organism in response to contact or touch. Adj.: thigmotactic, thigmotaxic.
thigmotropism thigmotropisme tropism of an organism elicited by touch or by contact with a solid or rigid surface. Adj.: thigmotropic.
thimerosal thiomersal, thimérosal an organomercurial antiseptic that is antifungal and bacteriostatic for many nonsporulating bacteria, used as a topical antiinfective and as a pharmaceutical preservative.
thinking pensée ideational mental activity (as opposed to emotional activity). autistic t. p. autiste preoccupation with inner thoughts, daydreams, fantasies, private logic; egocentric, subjective thinking lacking objectivity and connection with external reality. dereistic t. déréisme thinking not in accordance with the facts of reality and experience and following illogical, idiosyncratic reasoning. magical t. p. magique that characterized by the belief that thinking or wishing something can cause it to occur.
thi(o)- thi(o)- a word element [Gr.], sulfur.
thiobarbituric acid acide thiobarbiturique a condensation of malonic acid and thiourea, closely related to barbituric acid. It is the parent compound of a class of drugs, the thiobarbiturates, which are analogous in their effects to barbiturates.
thiocyanate thiocyanate a salt analogous in composition to a cyanate, but containing sulfur instead of oxygen.
thioester thioester a carboxylic acid and a thiol group in ester linkage, e.g., acetyl coenzyme A.
thioguanine thioguanine an antineoplastic derived from mercaptopurine; used in the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia.
thiokinase thiokinase any of the ligases that catalyze the formation of a thioester in a reaction coupled to cleavage of a high-energy phosphate bond.
thiol thiol 1. sulfhydryl. 2. any organic compound containing the —SH group.
thionine thionine a dark-green powder, purple in solution, used as a metachromatic stain in microscopy.
thiopental thiopental an ultrashort-acting barbiturate; the sodium salt is used intravenously to induce general anesthesia, as an adjunct to general or local anesthesia, and as an anticonvulsant.
thioridazine thioridazine a tranquilizer with antipsychotic and sedative effects, used as the base or hydrochloride salt.
thiosulfate thiosulfate the S2O32− anion, or a salt containing this ion; produced in cysteine metabolism.
thiotepa thiotépa a cytotoxic alkylating agent, used as an antineoplastic in the treatment of breast, ovarian, or bladder cancer, Hodgkin disease, and malignant pleural or pericardial effusion.
thiothixene thiothixène a thioxanthene derivative, used as the base or the hydrochloride salt for the treatment of psychotic disorders.
Thiotrichales Thiotrichales a diverse order of bacteria of the class Gammaproteobacteria; some members are obligate parasites of animals.
thioxanthene thioxanthène 1. a three-ring compound structurally related to phenothiazine. 2. any of a class of structurally related antipsychotic agents, e.g., thiothixene.
thirst soif a sensation, often referred to the mouth and throat, associated with a craving for drink; ordinarily interpreted as a desire for water.
thistle chardon any of a number of weedy plants of the family Compositae, having spiny leaves and flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts. blessed t. c. béni the thistlelike herb Cnicus benedictus, or its dried flowers, leaves, and upper stems; used for dyspepsia and loss of appetite; used also in folk medicine for fever and colds and as a diuretic. milk t. c.-Marie the thistle, Silybum marianum, or its dried ripe fruit; used for loss of appetite and for supportive treatment in gallbladder and liver disorders.
thixotropism thixotropisme thixotropy.
thixotropy thixotropie the property of certain gels of becoming fluid when shaken and then becoming semisolid again. Adj.: thixotropic.
thoracalgia thoracalgie thoracodynia; pain in the chest.
thoracectomy thoracectomie thoracotomy with resection of part of a rib.
thoracentesis thoracentèse pleurocentesis; surgical puncture of the chest wall into the parietal cavity for aspiration of fluids.
thoraces thorax [Gr.] plural of thorax.
thoracic thoracique pectoral; pertaining to the thorax (chest).
thorac(o)- thorac(o)- word element [Gr.], chest.
thoracoacromial thoracoacromial pertaining to the chest and acromion.
thoracocyllosis thoracocyllosis deformity of the thorax.
thoracocyrtosis thoracocyrtosis abnormal curvature of the thorax or unusual prominence of the chest.
thoracodynia thoracodynie thoracalgia.
thoracogastroschisis thoracogastroschisis congenital fissure of the thorax and abdomen.
thoracolumbar thoracolombaire pertaining to thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
thoracolysis thoracolyse the freeing of adhesions of the chest wall.
thoracometer thoracomètre stethometer.
thoracopagus thoracopage conjoined twins united in or near the sternal region.
thoracopathy thoracopathie any disease of the thoracic organs or tissues.
thoracoschisis thoracoschisis congenital fissure of the thorax.
thoracoscope thoracoscope an endoscope for examining the pleural cavity through an intercostal space.
thoracostenosis thoracosténose abnormal contraction of the thorax.
thoracostomy thoracostomie 1. incision of the chest wall, with maintenance of the opening for drainage. 2. the incision so created.
thoracotomy thoracotomie pleurotomy; incision of the chest wall.
thorax thorax pl. thoraces [Gr.] chest; the part of the body between the neck and diaphragm, encased by the ribs. Peyrot t. t. de Peyrot an obliquely oval thorax associated with massive pleural effusions.
thorium thorium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 90, symbol Th.
thought broadcasting diffusion de la pensée the feeling that one’s thoughts are being broadcast to the environment.
thought insertion insertion de la pensée the delusion that thoughts that are not one’s own are being inserted into one’s mind.
thought withdrawal vol de la pensée the delusion that someone or something is removing thoughts from one’s mind.
Thr Thr threonine.
threadworm nématode any long slender nematode, especially Enterobius vermicularis.
thready fileux weak, thin; shallow.
threonine (Thr, T) thréonine a naturally occurring amino acid essential for human metabolism.
threshold seuil the level that must be reached for an effect to be produced, as the degree of intensity of a stimulus that just produces a sensation, or the concentration that must be present in the blood before certain substances are excreted by the kidney (renal t.).
thrill frémissement a vibration felt by the examiner on palpation. diastolic t. f. diastolique one felt over the precordium during ventricular diastole in advanced aortic insufficiency. hydatid t. f. hydatique one sometimes felt on percussing over a hydatid cyst. presystolic t. f. présystolique one felt just before the systole over the apex of the heart. systolic t. f. systolique one felt over the precordium during systole in aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, and ventricular septal defect.
-thrix -thrix word element [Gr.], hair.
throat gorge 1. pharynx. 2. fauces. 3. anterior aspect of the neck. sore t. angine 1. faucitis. 2. pharyngitis. streptococcal sore t. angine streptococcique septic sore throat; severe sore throat occurring in epidemics, usually caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, with local hyperemia and sometimes a gray exudate and enlargement of cervical lymph nodes.
thrombasthenia thrombasthénie a platelet abnormality characterized by defective clot retraction and impaired ADP-induced platelet aggregation; clinically manifested by epistaxis, inappropriate bruising, and excessive posttraumatic bleeding. Glanzmann t. t. de Glanzmann thrombasthenia.
thrombectomy thrombectomie surgical removal of a clot from a blood vessel.
thrombi thrombi plural of thrombus.
thrombin thrombine 1. the activated form of coagulation factor II (prothrombin); it catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.2. a preparation derived from prothrombin of bovine origin together with thromboplastin and calcium; used therapeutically as a local hemostatic.
thromb(o)- thromb(o)- word element [Gr.], clot; thrombus.
thromboangiitis thromboangéite inflammation of a blood vessel, with thrombosis. t. obliterans t. oblitérante Buerger disease; an inflammatory and obliterative disease of the blood vessels of the limbs, primarily the legs, leading to ischemia and gangrene.
thromboarteritis thromboartérite thrombosis associated with arteritis.
thromboclasis thromboclasie the dissolution of a thrombus. Adj.: thromboclastic.
thrombocyst thrombocyste a chronic sac formed around a thrombus in a hematoma.
thrombocystis thrombocyste thrombocyst.
thrombocytapheresis thrombocytaphérèse the selective separation and removal of platelets from withdrawn blood, the remainder of the blood then being retransfused into the donor.
thrombocyte thrombocyte platelet.
thrombocythemia thrombocythémie thrombocytosis. essential t., hemorrhagic t. t. essentielle a syndrome of repeated spontaneous hemorrhages, either external or into the tissues, and greatly increased number of circulating platelets.
thrombocytic thrombocytaire 1. pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a platelet (thrombocyte). 2. pertaining to the thrombocytic series.
thrombocytolysis thrombocytolyse destruction of platelets.
thrombocytopathy thrombocytopathie any qualitative disorder of platelets.
thrombocytopenia thrombocytopénie decrease in number of platelets in circulating blood. Adj.: thrombocytopenic. heparin-induced t. t. induite par l’héparine a complication of heparin therapy in certain persons, characterized by intravascular clots composed of platelet aggregates. immune t. t. immune that associated with the presence of anti-platelet antibodies (IgG).
thrombocytopoiesis thrombocytopoïèse the production of platelets. Adj.: thrombocytopoietic.
thrombocytosis thrombocytose thrombocythemia; an increase in the number of circulating platelets.
thromboembolism thromboembolie obstruction of a blood vessel with thrombotic material carried by the blood from the site of origin to plug another vessel.
thromboendarterectomy thromboendartériectomie excision of an obstructing thrombus together with a portion of the inner lining of the obstructed artery.
thromboendarteritis thromboendartérite inflammation of the innermost coat of an artery, with thrombus formation.
thromboendocarditis thromboendocardite a term formerly used for nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis or sometimes incorrectly for nonbacterial verrucous endocarditis.
thrombogenesis thrombogenèse clot formation. Adj.: thrombogenic.
β-thromboglobulin β-thromboglobuline a platelet-specific protein released with platelet factor 4 on platelet activation; it mediates several reactions of the inflammatory response, binds and inactivates heparin, and blocks endothelial cell release of prostacyclin.
thromboid thromboïde resembling a thrombus.
thrombokinase thrombokinase activated factor X; see coagulation factors, under factor.
thrombokinetics thrombocinétique the dynamics of blood coagulation.
thrombolymphangitis thrombolymphangite inflammation of a lymph vessel due to a thrombus.
thrombolysis thrombolyse dissolution of a thrombus.
thrombolytic thrombolytique dissolving or splitting up a thrombus, or an agent that so acts.
thrombophilia thrombophilie a tendency to the occurrence of thrombosis.
thrombophlebitis thrombophlébite inflammation of a vein (phlebitis) associated with thrombus formation (thrombosis). t. migrans t. migratrice a recurring thrombophlebitis involving different vessels simultaneously or at intervals. postpartum iliofemoral t. t. iliofémorale du postpartum thrombophlebitis of the iliofemoral vein following childbirth.
thromboplastic thromboplastique causing or accelerating clot formation in the blood.
thromboplastin thromboplastine coagulation factor III. tissue t. t. tissulaire coagulation factor III.
thrombopoiesis thrombopoïèse 1. thrombogenesis. 2. thrombocytopoiesis. Adj.: thrombopoietic.
thromboresistance thromborésistance resistance by a blood vessel to thrombus formation.
thrombosed thrombosé affected with thrombosis.
thrombosis thrombose the formation or presence of a thrombus. Adj.: thrombotic. cerebral t. t. cérébrale thrombosis of a cerebral vessel, which may result in cerebral infarction. coronary t. t. coronarienne thrombosis of a coronary artery, usually associated with atherosclerosis and often causing sudden death or myocardial infarction. deep vein t., deep venous t. t. veineuse profonde thrombosis of one or more deep veins, usually of the lower limb, with swelling, warmth, and erythema, frequently a precursor of pulmonary embolism.
thrombospondin thrombospondine a glycoprotein that interacts with a wide variety of molecules, including heparin, fibrin, fibrinogen, platelet cell membrane receptors, collagen, and fibronectin, and plays a role in platelet aggregation, tumor metastasis, adhesion of Plasmodium falciparum, vascular smooth muscle growth, and tissue repair in skeletal muscle following crush injury.
thrombostasis thrombostase stasis of blood in a part with formation of a thrombus.
thrombotic thrombotique pertaining to or affected with thrombosis.
thromboxane thromboxane either of two compounds, one designated A2 and the other B2. Thromboxane A2 is synthesized by platelets and is an inducer of platelet aggregation and platelet release functions and is a vasoconstrictor; it is very unstable and is hydrolyzed to thromboxane B2.
thrombus thrombus pl. thrombi a stationary blood clot along the wall of a blood vessel, frequently causing vascular obstruction. Some authorities differentiate thrombus formation from simple coagulation or clot formation. mural t. t. mural one attached to the wall of the endocardium in a diseased area or to the aortic wall overlying an intimal lesion. occluding t., occlusive t. t. oblitérant one that occupies the entire lumen of a vessel and obstructs blood flow. parietal t. t. pariétal one attached to a vessel or heart wall.
thrush muguet candidiasis of the oral mucous membranes, usually seen in sick, weak infants, or persons who are debilitated or immunocompromised, characterized by creamy white plaques resembling milk curds, which if stripped away leave raw bleeding surfaces.
thrypsis thrypsie comminuted fracture.
thuja thuja the fresh tops of Thuja occidentalis (arbor vitae); used in some topical dermatologic preparations and also in homeopathy.
thulium thulium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 69, symbol Tm.
thumb pouce the radial or first digit of the hand. tennis t. tendinite du pouce tendinitis of the tendon of the long flexor muscle of the thumb, with calcification.
thumbprinting aspect en coup de pouce a radiographic sign appearing as smooth indentations on the barium-filled colon, as though made by depression with the thumb.
thumpversion coup de poing sternal, percussion précordiale delivery of one or two blows to the chest in initiating cardiopulmonary resuscitation, in order to initiate a pulse or to convert ventricular fibrillation to a normal rhythm.
thyme thym 1. any plant of the genus Thymus. 2. a preparation of the leaves and flowers of garden thyme (T. vulgaris), used as an antitussive and expectorant.
thymectomize thymectomiser to excise the thymus.
thymectomy thymectomie excision of the thymus.
-thymia -thymie word element [Gr.], condition of mind. Adj.: -thymic.
thymic thymique pertaining to the thymus.
thymicolymphatic thymolymphatique pertaining to the thymus and lymphatic nodes.
thymidine thymidine thymine linked to ribose, a rarely occurring base in rRNA and tRNA; frequently used incorrectly to denote deoxythymidine. Symbol T.
thymin thymine thymopoietin.
thymine thymine a pyrimidine base, in animal cells usually occurring condensed with deoxyribose to form deoxythymidine, a component of DNA. The corresponding compound with ribose, thymidine, is a rare constituent of RNA. Symbol T.
thymitis thymite inflammation of the thymus.
thym(o)- thym(o)- word element [Gr.], thymus; mind, soul, or emotions.
thymocyte thymocyte a lymphocyte arising in the thymus.
thymokinetic thymocinétique tending to stimulate the thymus.
thymoleptic thymoleptique any drug that favorably modifies mood in serious affective disorders such as depression or mania; categories include tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and lithium compounds.
thymoma thymome a tumor derived from the epithelial or lymphoid elements of the thymus.
thymopathy thymopathie any disease of the thymus. Adj.: thymopathic.
thymopoietin thymopoïétine a polypeptide hormone secreted by thymic epithelial cells that induces differentiation of precursor lymphocytes into thymocytes.
thymoprivic thymoprive thymoprivous.
thymoprivous thymiprive pertaining to or resulting from removal or atrophy of the thymus.
thymosin thymosine a humoral factor secreted by the thymus, which promotes the maturation of T lymphocytes.
thymus thymus a bilaterally symmetrical lymphoid organ consisting of two pyramidal lobules situated in the anterior superior mediastinum, each lobule consisting of an outer cortex, rich in lymphocytes (thymocytes) and an inner medulla, rich in epithelial cells. The thymus is the site of production of T lymphocytes: precursor cells migrate to the outer cortex, where they proliferate, then move through the inner cortex, where T-cell surface markers are acquired, and finally into the medulla, where they become mature T cells; maturation is controlled by hormones produced by the thymus, including thymopoietin and thymosin. The thymus reaches maximal development at about puberty and then undergoes gradual involution.
thyr(o)- thyr(o)- word element [Gr.], thyroid.
thyroadenitis thyroadénite thyroiditis.
thyroaplasia thyroaplasie defective development of the thyroid gland with hypothyroidism.
thyroarytenoid thyro-aryténoïdien pertaining to the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages.
thyrocardiac thyrocardiaque pertaining to the thyroid gland and heart.
thyrochondrotomy thyrochondrotomie median laryngotomy.
thyrocricotomy thyrocricotomie incision of the cricothyroid membrane.
thyroepiglottic thyroépiglottique pertaining to the thyroid gland and epiglottis.
thyrogenic thyréogène thyrogenous.
thyrogenous thyrogène originating in the thyroid gland.
thyroglobulin thyroglobuline an iodine containing glycoprotein of high molecular weight, occurring in the colloid of the follicles of the thyroid gland; the iodinated tyrosine moieties of thyroglobulin form the active hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
thyroglossal thyroglosse pertaining to the thyroid gland and tongue.
thyrohyal thyrohyal pertaining to the thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone.
thyrohyoid thyrohyoïdien pertaining to the thyroid gland or cartilage and the hyoid bone.
thyroid thyroïde 1. the thyroid gland; see under gland. 2. thyroïdien pertaining to the thyroid gland. 3. thyroïdien scutiform. 4. a preparation of thyroid gland from domesticated food animals, containing levothyroxine and liothyronine and used as replacement therapy in the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism and the prophylaxis and treatment of goiter and thyroid carcinoma.
thyroidectomize thyroïdectomiser to excise the thyroid gland.
thyroidectomy thyroïdectomie excision of the thyroid gland, or suppression of its function.
thyroiditis thyroïdite inflammation of the thyroid gland. atrophic t. t. atrophique a type of autoimmune thyroiditis with atrophy of the follicles and without goiter. autoimmune t. t. auto-immune any of various types characterized by autoantibodies against the thyroid, resulting in hypothyroidism; the two major types are Hashimoto disease and atrophic thyroiditis; Riedel thyroiditis is a less common type. Hashimoto t. t. de Hashimoto see under disease. Riedel t. t. de Riedel a chronic type of autoimmune thyroiditis with a proliferating, fibrosing, inflammatory process involving usually one but sometimes both lobes of the thyroid gland, as well as the trachea and other adjacent structures.
thyroidotomy thyroïdotomie median laryngotomy.
thyrolingual thyrolingual thyroglossal.
thyromegaly thyromégalie goiter.
thyromimetic thyromimétique producing effects similar to those of thyroid hormones or the thyroid gland.
thyroparathyroidectomy thyroparathyroïdectomie excision of thyroid and parathyroids.
thyroptosis thyréoptose downward displacement of the thyroid gland into the thorax.
thyrotherapy thyrothérapie thyroid replacement therapy.
thyrotomy thyrotomie 1. median laryngotomy. 2. the operation of cutting the thyroid gland. 3. biopsy of the thyroid gland.
thyrotoxic thyrotoxique 1. pertaining to the effects of thyroid hormone excess. 2. describing a patient suffering from thyrotoxicosis.
thyrotoxicosis thyrotoxicose a morbid condition due to overactivity of the thyroid gland, such as Graves disease.
thyrotrope thyrotrope thyrotroph.
thyrotroph thyréotrope a type of basophil found in the adenohypophysis that secretes thyrotropin.
thyrotrophic thyréotrope thyrotropic.
thyrotrophin thyrotrophine thyrotropin.
thyrotropic thyréotrope 1. pertaining to or marked by thyrotropism. 2. having an influence on the thyroid gland.
thyrotropin thyrotropine thyroid-stimulating hormone; a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland having an affinity for and specifically stimulating the thyroid gland. t. alfa t. alfa a recombinant form of thyrotropin used as a diagnostic adjunct in serum thyroglobulin testing in followup of patients with thyroid cancer.
thyroxine (T4) thyroxine an iodine-containing hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, occurring naturally as l-thyroxine; its chief function is to increase the rate of cell metabolism. It is deiodinated in peripheral tissues to form triiodothyronine, which has greater biological activity. A preparation of thyroxine, levothyroxine, is used pharmaceutically.
Ti Ti titanium.
TIA AIT transient ischemic attack.
tiagabine tiagabine an anticonvulsant agent used as the hydrochloride salt as an adjunct in the treatment of partial seizures.
tibia tibia [L.] shin bone: the inner and larger bone of the leg below the knee; it articulates with the femur and head of the fibula above and with the talus below. See Plate 1. Adj.: tibial t. valga t. valga bowing of the leg in which the angulation is away from the midline. t. vara t. vara medial angulation of the tibia in the metaphyseal region, due to a growth disturbance of the medial aspect of the proximal tibial epiphysis.
tibialis tibialis [L.] tibial.
tibiofemoral tibiofémoral pertaining to the tibia and femur.
tibiofibular tibiofibulaire pertaining to the tibia and fibula.
tibiotarsal tibiotarsien pertaining to the tibia and tarsus.
tic tic an involuntary, compulsive, rapid, repetitive, stereotyped movement or vocalization, experienced as irresistible although it can be suppressed for some length of time. t. douloureux t. douloureux trigeminal neuralgia. facial t. t. facial see under spasm. habit t. t. d’habitude any tic that is psychogenic in origin.
ticarcillin ticarcilline a semisynthetic broadspectrum penicillin effective against both gram-negative and gram-positive organisms; used as the disodium salt.
tick tique a bloodsucking acarid parasite of the superfamily Ixodoidea, divided into soft-bodied ticks and hard-bodied ticks. Some ticks are vectors and reservoirs of disease-causing agents.
ticlopidine ticlopidine a platelet inhibitor used as the hydrochloride salt in the prophylaxis of stroke syndrome.
t.i.d. t.i.d. [L.] ter in die (three times a day).
tidal tidal ebbing and flowing like the waters of the oceans.
tide augmentation, diminution temporaire a physiological variation or increase of a certain constituent in body fluids. acid t. diminution transitoire du pH urinaire après le jeûne temporary increase in the acidity of the urine, which sometimes follows fasting. alkaline t. a. transitoire du pH urinaire après un repas temporary increase in the alkalinity of the urine during gastric digestion.
tigecycline tigécycline an antibiotic effective against a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, used in the treatment of skin and intra-abdominal infections.
tiludronate tiludronate an inhibitor of bone resorption, used as the disodium salt in the treatment of osteitis deformans.
timbre timbre [Fr.] musical quality of a tone or sound.
time temps a measure of duration. Symbol t. activated partial thromboplastin t. (APTT, aPTT, PTT) t. partiel de thromboplastine activée the period required for clot formation in recalcified blood plasma after contact activation and the addition of platelet substitutes; used to address the intrinsic and common pathways of coagulation. bleeding t. t. de saignement the duration of bleeding after controlled, standardized puncture of the earlobe or forearm; a relatively inconsistent measure of capillary and platelet function. circulation t. t. de circulation the time required for blood to flow between two given points. clotting t., coagulation t. t. de coagulation the time required for blood to clot in a glass tube. inertia t. t. de l’inertie the time required to overcome the inertia of a muscle after reception of a stimulus from a nerve. onestage prothrombin t. t. de Quick prothrombin t. prothrombin t. (PT) t. de prothrombine the rate at which prothrombin is converted to thrombin in citrated blood with added calcium; used to assess the extrinsic coagulation system of the blood. reaction t. t. de réaction the time elapsing between the application of a stimulus and the resulting reaction. stimulus-response t. t. de stimulus-réponse reaction t. thrombin t. (TT) t. de thrombine the time required for plasma fibrinogen to form thrombin, measured as the time for clot formation after exogenous thrombin is added to citrated plasma.
timolol timolol a nonselective beta-adrenergic blocking agent used as the maleate salt in the treatment of hypertension, the treatment and prophylaxis of recurrent myocardial infarction, and the prophylaxis of migraine; also used as the hemihydrate or the maleate salt in the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension.
tin étain chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 50, symbol Sn.
tinct. tinct. [L.] tinctura (tincture).
tinctorial tinctorial pertaining to dyeing or staining.
tincture teinture an alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solution prepared from vegetable materials or chemical substances. iodine t. t. d’iode a preparation of iodine and sodium iodide in diluted alcohol, used as a topical antiinfective.
tine dent a prong or pointed projection on an implement, as on a fork.
tinea tinea ringworm; any of numerous different superficial fungal infections of the skin, types being defined according to appearance, etiology, or site. t. barbae sycosis trichophytique tinea of bearded parts of the face and neck caused by species of Trichophyton. t. capitis t. tondante tinea of the scalp, due to species of Trichophyton or Microsporum. t. circinata, t. corporis herpès circiné tinea of glabrous skin, usually due to species of Trichophyton or Microsporum. t. cruris eczéma marginé tinea of the groin and adjacent areas; it often accompanies tinea pedis and has the same causative organism. t. faciei t. faciei tinea of the face, other than the bearded area. t. nigra t. nigra a minor fungal infection caused by Hortaea werneckii, having dark spatterlike lesions on the skin of the hands or occasionally other areas. t. imbricata t. imbricata a form of tinea corporis seen in the tropics, due to Trichophyton concentricum; the early lesion is annular with a circle of scales at the periphery. t. pedis t. pedis athlete’s foot; a chronic superficial type on the skin of the foot, especially between toes or on the soles, due to species of Trichophyton or to Epidermophyton floccosum. t. profunda t. profunda trichophytic granuloma. t. sycosis t. sycosis an inflammatory, deep type of tinea barbae. t. unguium onychomycose tinea of the nails, first the surface and outer edges and later beneath the nail plate. t. versicolor pityriasis versicolor a chronic, usually asymptomatic type with multiple macular patches, seen in tropical regions and caused by Malassezia furfur.
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