I I incisor; iodine; inosine (in nucleotides); isoleucine.

I I electric current.

-ia -ia word element, state; condition.

IABP IABP intra-aortic balloon pump.

IAEA IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency.

-iasis -iase word element [Gr.], condition; state.

iatric iatrique pertaining to medicine or to a physician.

-iatrics -iatrique word element [Gr.], medical treatment.

iatr(o)- iatr(o)- word element [Gr.], medicine; physician.

iatrogenic iatrogène resulting from the activity of physicians; said of any adverse condition in a patient resulting from treatment by a physician or surgeon.

-iatry -iatrie word element [Gr.], medical treatment.

ibandronate ibandronate a bisphosphonate calcium-regulating agent used as the sodium salt to inhibit the resorption of bone in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

ibuprofen ibuprofène a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug used in the treatment of pain, fever, dysmenorrhea, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other rheumatic and nonrheumatic inflammatory disorders, and vascular headaches.

ibutilide ibutilide a cardiac depressant used as an antiarrhythmic agent in the treatment of atrial arrhythmias; administered by intravenous infusion as the fumarate salt.

IC CI inspiratory capacity; irritable colon.

ICD ICD International Classification of Diseases (of the World Health Organization); intrauterine contraceptive device.

ice glace the solid state of water occurring at or below 0°C and 1 atmosphere. dry i. g. sèche carbon dioxide snow.

ichthy(o)- ichty(o)- word element [Gr.], fish.

ichthyoid ichtyoïde fishlike.

ichthyosarcotoxin ichtyosarcotoxine a toxin found in the flesh of poisonous fishes.

ichthyosarcotoxism ichtyosarcotoxisme poisoning from eating of poisonous fish, marked by gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances.

ichthyosiform ichtyosiforme resembling ich thyosis.

ichthyosis ichtyose any in a group of cutaneous disorders characterized by increased or aberrant keratinization, resulting in non- inflammatory scaling of the skin; most are genetically determined; often used to denote i. vulgaris. Adj.: ichthyotic. i. hystrix i. hystrix a rare form of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, marked by generalized, dark brown, linear verrucoid ridges somewhat like porcupine skin. lamellar i. i. lamellaire a autosomal recessive form present at birth; the affected infant is born encased in a collodionlike membrane (collodion baby). The membrane is soon shed, and the skin becomes covered with large, coarse scales, including on the flexures, palms, and soles. i. simplex xérodermie i. vulgaris. i. vulgaris i. vulgaire hereditary ichthyosis present at or shortly after birth, with large, thick, dry scales on the neck, ears, scalp, face, and flexural surfaces.

ICN ICN International Council of Nurses.

ICP ICP intracranial pressure.

ICS ICS International College of Surgeons.

ICSH ICSH interstitial cell–stimulating hormone.

ictal ictal pertaining to, marked by, or due to a stroke or an acute epileptic seizure.

ICSI ICSI, IICS intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

icterogenic ictérigène causing jaundice.

icterohepatitis hépatite ictérique inflammation of the liver with marked jaundice.

icterus ictère [L.] jaundice. Adj.: icteric. i. neonatorum icterus neonatorum jaundice in newborn children.

ictus ictus pl. ictus [L.] a seizure, stroke, blow, or sudden attack. Adj.: ictal.

ICU USI intensive care unit.

ID50 ID50 median infective dose.

id ça in psychoanalytic theory, the innate, unconscious, primitive aspect of the personality dominated by the pleasure principle and seeking immediate gratification.

-id -ide word element [Gr.], 1. having the shape of, resembling. 2. an id reaction associated with the disorder specified by the root word.

idarubicin idarubicine an anthracycline antineoplastic used as the hydrochloride salt in the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia.

IDD, IDDM DID insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; see type 1 diabetes mellitus, under diabetes.

-ide -ide a suffix indicating a binary chemical compound.

idea idée a mental impression or conception. autochthonous i. i. délirante, i. autochtone a persistent idea originating within the mind but seeming to have come from an outside source and often therefore felt to be of malevolent origin. dominant i. i. dominante one that controls or colors every action and thought. fixed i. i. fixe a persistent morbid impression or belief that cannot be changed by reason. overvalued i. i. fixe a false or exaggerated belief sustained beyond reason or logic but with less rigidity than a delusion, also often being less patently unbelievable. i. of reference i. de référence the incorrect idea that words and actions of others refer to oneself or the projection of the causes of one’s own imaginary difficulties upon someone else.

ideal idéal a pattern or concept of perfection. ego i. i. du moi the component of the superego comprising the standard of perfection unconsciously created by a person for himself.

idealization idéalisation a conscious or unconscious mental mechanism in which the individual overestimates an admired aspect or attribute of another person.

ideation idéation the formation of ideas or images. Adj.: ideational.

idée fixe idée fixe [Fr.] fixed idea.

identification identification a largely unconscious process, sometimes a defense mechanism, by which one patterns oneself after another.

identity identité the aggregate of characteristics by which an individual is recognized by himself and others. gender i. i. de genre a person’s concept of himself as being male and masculine or female and feminine, or ambivalent.

ideogenetic idéogénique related to mental processes in which images of sense impressions are used, rather than ideas ready for verbal expression.

ideology idéologie 1. the science of the development of ideas. 2. the body of ideas characteristic of an individual or of a social unit.

ideomotion idéomotion motion or muscular action induced by a dominant idea rather than by reflex or volition.

ideomotor idéomoteur aroused by an idea or thought; said of involuntary motion so aroused.

idi(o)- idi(o)- word element [Gr.], self; peculiar to a substance or organism.

idioglossia idioglossie extremely defective articulation, with the utterance of virtually unintelligible vocal sounds. Adj.: idioglottic.

idiogram idiogramme a diagrammatic representation of a karyotype (q.v.).

idiopathic idiopathique self-originated; occurring without known cause.

idioretinal ayant trait à une sensation visuelle non provoquée par un stimulus visuel pertaining to the retina alone; applied to a visual sensation occurring without a visual stimulus.

idiosyncrasy idiosyncrasie 1. a habit peculiar to an individual. 2. an abnormal susceptibility to an agent (e.g., a drug) peculiar to an individual. Adj.: idiosyncratic.

idiot savant savant idiot [Fr.] a person who is severely mentally retarded in some respects, yet has a particular mental faculty that is developed to an unusually high degree.

idiotrophic idiotrophe capable of selecting its own nourishment.

idioventricular idioventriculaire pertaining to the cardiac ventricles alone.

IDL IDL intermediate-density lipoprotein.

idoxuridine idoxuridine an analogue of pyrimidine that inhibits viral DNA synthesis; used as an antiviral agent in the treatment of herpes simplex keratitis.

IDU IDU idoxuridine.

iduronic acid acide iduronique a uronic acid that is a constituent of dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and heparin.

Liduronidase L-iduronidase a hydrolase that catalyzes a step in the degradation of the glycosaminoglycans dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate; deficiency leads to mucopolysaccharidosis I.

ifosfamide ifosfamide a cytotoxic alkylating agent of the nitrogen mustard group, in structure and actions similar to cyclophosphamide; used in the treatment of solid tumors of the testis, ovary, and lung as well as sarcomas.

Ig Ig immunoglobulin of any of the five classes: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM.

IGF IGF insulin-like growth factor.

IGT IGT impaired glucose tolerance.

IHD IHD ischemic heart disease.

IHSS IHSS idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.

IL IL interleukin.

Ile Ile isoleucine.

ileac iléal 1. of the nature of ileus. 2. ileal.

ileal iléal pertaining to the ileum.

ileitis iléite inflammation of the ileum. distal i., regional i. i. distale Crohn disease affecting the ileum.

ile(o)- ilé(o)- word element [L.], ileum.

ileoanal iléo-anal pertaining to or connecting the ileum and the anus.

ileocecal iléocæcal pertaining to the ileum and cecum.

ileocecostomy iléocæcostomie 1. surgical creation of a new opening between the ileum and the cecum. 2. the opening so created.

ileocolic iléocolique pertaining to the ileum and colon.

ileocolitis iléocolite inflammation of the ileum and colon.

ileocolostomy iléocolostomie surgical anastomosis of the ileum to the colon.

ileocystoplasty iléocystoplastie augmentation cystoplasty using an isolated segment of the ileum.

ileocystostomy iléocystostomie ileovesicostomy.

ileoileostomy iléo-iléostomie 1. surgical creation of an opening between two different parts of the ileum. 2. the opening so created.

ileorrhaphy ileorrhaphie suture of the ileum.

ileosigmoidostomy iléosigmoïdostomie 1. surgical creation of an opening between the ileum and the sigmoid colon. 2. the opening so created.

ileostomy iléostomie surgical creation of an opening into the ileum, with a stoma on the abdominal wall.

ileotomy iléotomie incision of the ileum.

ileotransverse iléotransverse pertaining to or connecting the ileum and the transverse colon.

ileovesicostomy iléovésicostomie use of a section of ileum to create a channel leading from the urinary bladder upward to the abdominal surface.

ileum iléon the distal portion of the small intestine, extending from the jejunum to the cecum. duplex i. duplication de l’iléon congenital duplication of the ileum.

ileus iléus intestinal obstruction due to a nonmechanical cause such as paralysis. adynamic i. i. adynamique that due to inhibition of bowel motility. dynamic i., hyperdynamic i. i. dynamique spastic i. meconium i. i. méconial ileus in the newborn due to blocking of the bowel with thick meconium, as in cystic fibrosis. paralytic i. i. paralytique adynamic i. spastic i. i. spasmodique a type due to persistent contracture of a bowel segment.

iliac iliaque pertaining to the ilium.

ili(o)- ili(o)- word element [L.], ilium.

iliocostal iliocostal connecting or pertaining to the ilium and ribs.

iliofemoral iliofémoral pertaining to the ilium and femur.

iliolumbar iliolombaire pertaining to the iliac and lumbar regions.

iliopectineal iliopectiné pertaining to the ilium and pubes.

iliotibial iliotibial pertaining to or extending between the ilium and tibia.

iliotrochanteric iliotrochantérien pertaining to the ilium and a trochanter.

ilium ilion pl. ilia [L.] the expansive superior portion of the hip bone. See Plate 1.

illness maladie, affection disease. emotional i. maladie émotionnelle a colloquialism for mental disorder, but not usually including mental retardation or mental disorders with a specific, known, organic etiology. mental i. maladie mentale see under disorder.

illumination illumination 1. the lighting up of a part, organ, or object for inspection. 2. the luminous flux per unit area of a given surface; SI unit, lux. Symbol E. darkfield i., darkground i. éclairage en champ noir the casting of peripheral light rays upon a microscopical object from the side, the center rays being blocked out; the object appears bright on a dark background.

illusion illusion a mental impression derived from misinterpretation of an actual experience. Adj.: illusional.

iloprost iloprost a synthetic analogue of prostacyclin that is a systemic and pulmonary arterial dilator, used in the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.

IM IM intramuscular.

im- im- a prefix, replacing in- before words beginning b, m, and p.

image image a picture or concept with likeness to an objective reality. body i. schéma corporel the three-dimensional concept of one’s self, recorded in the cortex by perception of everchanging body postures, and constantly changing with them. false i. i. fausse that formed by the deviating eye in strabismus. mirror i. i. miroir one with right and left relations reversed, as in the reflection of an object in a mirror. Purkinje-Sanson mirror i’s i. de Purkinje-Sanson three reflected images of an object seen in observing the pupil of the eye: two on the posterior and anterior surfaces of the lens, one on the anterior surface of the cornea. motor i. i. motrice the organized cerebral model of the possible movements of the body. real i. i. réelle one formed where the emanating rays are collected, in which the object is pictured as being inverted. virtual i. i. virtuelle a picture from projected light rays that are intercepted before focusing.

imagery 1. cliché the formation of a mental representation of something perceived by the senses. 2. imagerie any of a number of therapeutic techniques that use the formation of such representations to elicit changes in attitudes, behaviors, or physiologic reactions. guided i. i. guidée a therapeutic technique in which the patient enters a relaxed state and focuses on an image related to the issue being confronted, which the therapist uses as the basis of an interactive dialogue to help resolve the issue.

imaging imagerie the production of diagnostic images, e.g., radiography, ultrasonography, or scintillation photography. color flow Doppler i. écho-Doppler couleur a method for visualizing direction and velocity of movement using Doppler ultrasonography and coding them as colors and shades, respectively. echo planar i. i. à échoplanar a technique for obtaining a magnetic resonance image in less than 50 msec. electrostatic i. i. électrostatique a method of visualizing deep structures of the body, in which an electron beam is passed through the patient and the emerging beam strikes an electrostatically charged plate, dissipating the charge according to the strength of the beam. A film is then made from the plate. gated cardiac blood pool i. scintigraphie à vannes multiples du réservoir sanguin cardiaque equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography. gated magnetic resonance i. scintigraphie à vannes multiples a method for magnetic resonance imaging in which signal acquisition is gated to minimize motion or other artifacts. hot spot i., infarct avid i. i. hotspot see under scintigraphy. magnetic resonance i. (MRI) i. par résonance magnétique a method of visualizing soft tissues of the body by applying an external magnetic field that makes it possible to distinguish between hydrogen atoms in different environments. myocardial perfusion i. scintigraphie de perfusion myocardique see under scintigraphy. pyrophosphate i. scintigraphie au pyrophosphate infarct avid scintigraphy. technetium Tc 99m pyrophosphate i. scintigraphie au pyrophosphate de technétium 1. infarct avid scintigraphy. 2. any type of imaging using Tc 99m pyrophosphate as an imaging agent.

imago imago pl. imagoes, imagines [L.] 1. the adult or definitive form of an insect. 2. a usually idealized, unconscious mental image of a key person in one’s early life.

imatinib imatinibe an antineoplastic used as the mesylate salt in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, inhibiting an abnormal enzyme form constitutively produced in the disease.

imbalance déséquilibre 1. lack of balance, such as between two opposing muscles or between electrolytes in the body. 2. dysequilibrium (2). autonomic i. d. autonome defective coordination between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, especially with respect to vasomotor activities. sympathetic i. d. sympathique vagotonia. vasomotor i. d. vasomoteur autonomic i.

imbibition imbibition absorption of a liquid.

imbricated imbriqué overlapping like shingles.

ImD50 ImD50 median immunizing dose.

imidazole imidazole 1. a heterocyclic organic compound in which two of five ring atoms are nitrogen; used as an insecticide. 2. any of a class of antifungal compounds containing this structure.

imide imide any compound containing the bivalent group, inlineNH, to which are attached only acid radicals.

imido- imido- a prefix denoting the presence of the bivalent group inlineNH attached to two acid radicals.

imiglucerase imiglucérase an analogue of glucosylceramidase, for which it is used as an enzyme replenisher in type 1 Gaucher disease.

imine imine an organic compound containing an imino group; in a substituted imine, a nonacyl group replaces the imino hydrogen.

imino- imino- a prefix denoting the presence of the bivalent group inlineNH attached to nonacid radicals.

imino acid imino-acide an organic acid containing the bivalent group inlineNH; e.g., proline.

iminoglycinuria iminoglycinurie a benign hereditary disorder of renal tubular reabsorption of glycine and the imino acids proline and hydroxyproline, with an excess of all three in urine.

iminostilbene iminostilbène a class of anticonvulsants used in the treatment of epilepsy.

imipenem imipénème a β-lactam antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.

imipramine imipramine a tricyclic antidepressant of the dibenzazepine class, used as i. hydrochloride or i. pamoate.

imiquimod imiquimode a biologic response modifier used topically in the treatment of condyloma acuminatum.

immature immature unripe or not fully developed.

immersion immersion 1. the plunging of a body into a liquid. 2. the use of the microscope with the object and object glass both covered with a liquid.

immiscible non miscible not susceptible to being mixed.

immobilization immobilisation the act of rendering immovable, as by a cast or splint.

immortalization immortalisation the gaining of immunity to normal limitations on growth or life span, sometimes achieved by animal cells in vitro or by tumor cells.

immune 1. immunisé resistant to a disease because of the formation of humoral antibodies or the development of cellular immunity, or both, or from some other mechanism, as interferon activity in viral infections. 2. immunologique characterized by the development of humoral antibodies or cellular immunity, or both, following antigenic challenge. 3. immun produced in response to antigenic challenge, as immune serum globulin.

immunity immunité the condition of being immune; the protection against infectious disease conferred either by the immune response generated by immunization or previous infection or by other nonimmu nologic factors. acquired i. i. acquise that occurring as a result of prior exposure to an infectious agent or its antigens (active i.), or of passive transfer of antibody or immune lymphoid cells (passive i.). active i. i. active see acquired i. artificial i. i. artificielle acquired (active or passive) immunity produced by deliberate exposure to an antigen, as in vaccination. cell-mediated i., (CMI) cellular i. i. cellulaire acquired immunity in which the role of T lymphocytes is predominant. genetic i. i. congénitale innate i. herd i. i. raciale the resistance of a group to attack by a disease to which a large proportion of the members are immune. humoral i. i. humorale acquired immunity in which the role of circulating antibodies is predominant. inherent i., innate i. i. inhérente that determined by the genetic constitution of the individual. maternal i. i. maternelle humoral immunity passively transferred across the placenta from mother to fetus. natural i. i. naturelle the resistance of the normal animal to infection. nonspecific i. i. non spécifique that which does not involve humoral or cell-mediated immunity, but includes lysozyme and interferon activity, etc. passive i. i. passive see acquired i. specific i. i. spécifique immunity against a particular disease or antigen.

immunization immunisation the process of rendering a subject immune, or of becoming immune. active i. i. active stimulation with a specific antigen to induce an immune response. passive i. i. passive the conferral of specific immune reactivity on previously nonimmune individuals by administration of sensitized lymphoid cells or serum from immune individuals.

immunoadjuvant immunoadjuvant a nonspecific stimulator of the immune response, e.g., BCG vaccine or Freund’s complete and incomplete adjuvants.

immunoadsorbent immunoadsorbant a preparation of antigen attached to a solid support or antigen in an insoluble form, which adsorbs homologous antibodies from a mixture of immunoglobulins.

immunoassay immunoanalyse quantitative determination of antigenic substances (e.g., hormones, drugs, vitamins) by serological means, as by immunofluorescent techniques, radioimmunoassay, etc.

immunobead immunobille a minute plastic bead coated with antigen or antibody so that it aggregates or agglutinates in the presence of the corresponding antibody or antigen.

immunobiological immunobiologique an antigenic or antibody-containing preparation derived from a pool of human donors and used for immunization and immune therapy.

immunobiology immunobiologie that branch of biology dealing with immunologic effects on such phenomena as infectious disease, growth and development, recognition phenomena, hypersensitivity, heredity, aging, cancer, and transplantation.

immunoblastic immunoblastique pertaining to or involving the stem cells (immunoblasts) of lymphoid tissue.

immunoblot immunotransfert (procéder à un) to transfer proteins onto an immobilizing matrix, analyzing or identifying them via antigen-antibody specific reactions, or the resulting blot, as in a Western blot; sometimes used synonymously with that term.

immunochemistry immunochimie the study of the physical chemical basis of immune phenomena and their interactions.

immunochemotherapy immunochimiothérapie a combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy.

immunocompetence immunocompétence immunoresponsiveness; the capacity to develop an immune response after exposure to antigen. Adj.: immunocompetent.

immunocomplex complexe immun antigenantibody complex.

immunocompromised immunocompromis having the immune response attenuated by administration of immunosuppressive drugs, by irradiation, by malnutrition, or by certain disease processes (e.g., cancer).

immunoconglutinin immunoconglutinine antibody formed against complement components that are part of an antigen-antibody complex, especially C3.

immunocyte immunocyte any cell of the lymphoid series which can react with antigen to produce antibody or to participate in cellmediated reactions.

immunocytoadherence immunocytoadhérence the aggregation of red cells to form rosettes around lymphocytes with surface immunoglobulins.

immunodeficiency immunodéficience a deficiency of immune response or a disorder characterized by deficient immune response; classified as antibody (B cell), cellular (T cell), or combined immunodeficiency, or phagocytic dysfunction disorders. Adj.: immunodeficient. common variable i. (CVID) i. commune variable a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia, decreased antibody production, and recurrent pyogenic infections, and often associated with hematologic and autoimmune disorders. Most patients appear to have an intrinsic defect of B cell differentiation. severe combined i. (SCID) i. sévère combinée a group of rare congenital disorders, ocurring in both autosomal recessive and X-linked forms; characterized by gross impairment of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, absence of T lymphocytes, and, in some forms, lack of B lymphocytes. Immunoglobulins are usually absent and there is marked lymphocytopenia. Unless treated with bone marrow or fetal tissue transplant, infants manifest persistent diarrhea, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, and failure to thrive, and die from opportunistic infection.

immunodermatology immunodermatologie the study of immunologic phenomena as they affect skin disorders and their treatment or prophylaxis.

immunodiffusion immunodiffusion any technique involving diffusion of antigen or antibody through a semisolid medium, usually agar or agarose gel, resulting in a precipitin reaction.

immunodominance immunodominance the degree to which a subunit of an antigenic determinant is involved in binding or reacting with antibody.

immunoelectrophoresis immunoélectrophorèse a method of distinguishing proteins and other materials on the basis of their electrophoretic mobility and antigenic specificities. rocket i. i. en fusée electrophoresis in which antigen migrates from a well through agar gel containing antiserum, forming cone-shaped (rocket) precipitin bands.

immunofluorescence immunofluorescence any immunohistochemical method using antibody labeled with a fluorescent dye; called direct if a specific antibody or antiserum is conjugated with a fluorochrome and used as a specific fluorescent stain and indirect if the fluorochrome is attached to an antiglobulin, and a tissue constituent is stained using an unlabeled specific antibody and the labeled antiglobulin, which binds the unlabeled antibody.

immunogen immunogène any substance capable of eliciting an immune response.

immunogenetic immunogénétique pertaining to immunology and genetics.

immunogenetics immunogénétique the study of the genetics of the immune response.

immunogenicity immunogénicité the property enabling a substance to provoke an immune response, or the degree to which a substance possesses this property. Adj.: immunogenic.

immunoglobulin immunoglobuline a protein of animal origin with known antibody activity, synthesized by lymphocytes and plasma cells and found in serum and in other body fluids and tissues; abbreviated Ig. There are five distinct classes based on structural and antigenic properties: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. See accompanying table. secretory i. A i. A sécrétoire IgA immunoglobulin in which two IgA molecules are linked by a polypeptide (secretory piece) and by a J chain; it is the predominant immunoglobulin.

immunoglobulinopathy immunoglobulinopathie gammopathy.

immunohematology immunohématologie the study of antigen-antibody reactions as they relate to blood disorders.

immunohistochemical immunohistochi- mique denoting the application of antigen-antibody interactions to histochemical techniques, as in the use of immunofluorescence.

immunoincompetent immuno-incompétent lacking the ability or capacity to develop an immune response to antigenic challenge.

immunology immunologie the branch of biomedical science concerned with the response of the organism to antigenic challenge, the recognition of self and not self, and all the biological, serological, and physical chemical effects of immune phenomena. Adj.: immunologic.

immunolymphoscintigraphy immunolymphoscintigraphie immunoscintigraphy used to detect metastatic tumor in lymph nodes.

immunomodulation immunomodulation adjustment of the immune response to a desired level, as in immunopotentiation, immunosuppression, or induction of immunologic tolerance.

immunomodulator immunomodulateur an agent that augments or diminishes immune responses.

immunopathogenesis immunopathogenèse the process of development of a disease in which an immune response or the products of an immune reaction are involved.

immunopathology immunopathologie 1. the branch of biomedical science concerned with immune reactions associated with disease, whether the reactions be beneficial, without effect, or harmful. 2. the structural and functional manifestations associated with immune responses to disease. Adj.: immunopathologic.

immunophenotype immunophénotype a phenotype of cells of hematopoietic neoplasms defined according to their resemblance to normal T cells and B cells.

immunopotency immunopotentialité the immunogenic capacity of an individual antigenic determinant on an antigen molecule to initiate antibody synthesis.

immunopotentiation immunopotentialisation accentuation of the response to an immunogen by administration of another substance.

immunoprecipitation immunoprécipitation precipitation resulting from interaction of specific antibody and antigen.

immunoproliferative immunoprolifératif characterized by the proliferation of the lymphoid cells producing immunoglobulins, as in the gammopathies.

immunoradiometry immunoradiométrie the use of radiolabeled antibody (in the place of radiolabeled antigen) in radioimmunoassay techniques. Adj.: immunoradiometric.

immunoregulation immunorégulation the control of specific immune responses and interactions between B and T lymphocytes and macrophages.

immunoresponsiveness capacité de réponse immunitaire immunocompetence.

immunoscintigraphy immunoscintigraphie scintigraphic imaging of a lesion using radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies or antibody fragments specific for antigen associated with the lesion.

immunosorbent immunosorbant an insoluble support for antigen or antibody used to absorb homologous antibodies or antigens, respectively, from a mixture; the antibodies or antigens so removed may then be eluted in pure form.

immunostimulation immunostimulation stimulation of an immune response, e.g., by use of BCG vaccine.

immunosuppressant immunosuppresseur an agent capable of suppressing immune responses.

immunosuppression immunosuppression prevention or diminution of the immune response, such as by radiation, antimetabolites, or specific antibody. Adj.: immunosuppressive.

immunotherapy immunothérapie passive immunization of an individual by administration of preformed antibodies (serum or gamma globulin) actively produced in another individual; by extension, the term has come to include the use of immunopotentiators, replacement of immunocompetent lymphoid tissue (e.g., bone marrow or thymus), etc.

immunotoxin immunotoxine any antitoxin.

immunotransfusion immunotransfusion transfusion of blood from a donor previously rendered immune to the disease affecting the patient.

impacted enclavé being wedged in firmly or closely, as an impacted tooth or impacted twins.

impaction impaction 1. the condition of being impacted. 2. in obstetrics, the indentation of any fetal parts of one twin onto the surface of its co-twin, so that the simultaneous partial engagement of both twins is permitted. bony i. i. osseuse a dental impaction with blockage consisting of both bone and soft tissue. dental i. i. dentaire prevention of eruption, normal occlusion, or routine removal of a tooth because of its being locked in position by bone, dental restoration, or surfaces of adjacent teeth. fecal i. fécalome a collection of hardened feces in the rectum or sigmoid. soft tissue i. i. du tissu mou a dental impaction with blockage consisting of soft tissue only.

impairment altération any abnormality of, partial or complete loss of, or loss of the function of, a body part, organ, or system. hearing i. trouble de l’audition hearing loss.

impalpable impalpable not detectable by touch.

impedance impédance obstruction or opposition to passage or flow, as of an electric current or other form of energy. Symbol Z. acoustic i. i. acoustique an expression of the opposition to passage of sound waves, being the product of the density of a substance and the velocity of sound in it. aortic i. i. aortique the sum of the external factors that resist ventricular ejection.

imperfect imparfait of a fungus, capable of reproducing only by means of conidia (asexual spores).

imperforate imperforé not open; abnormally closed.

impermeable imperméable not permitting passage, as of fluid.

impetigo impétigo [L.] a usually staphylococcal skin infection marked by vesicles that become pustular, rupture, and form crusts. Adj.: impetiginous. i. bullosa, bullous i. i. bullaire a type usually seen in neonates; small vesicles progress to form large bullae that collapse and are covered with light crusts. i. contagiosa i. contagieux impetigo. i. herpetiformis i. herpétiforme a rare, acute dermatitis with symmetrically ringed, pustular lesions, seen chiefly in pregnant women with severe constitutional symptoms. i. neonatorum croûte de lait i. bullosa. nonbullous i. i. non bulleux the most common type of impetigo; small vesicles rupture, excrete highly contagious yellow fluid, and become covered with a thick yellow crust.

implant implanter to insert or to graft (tissue, or inert or radioactive material) into intact tissues or a body cavity.

implant implant an object or material inserted or grafted into the body for prosthetic, therapeutic, diagnostic, or experimental purposes. cochlear i. i. cochléaire a mechanical alternative to hearing for deaf persons, consisting of a microphone, signal processor, external transmitter, and implanted receiver. endosseous i., endosteal i. i. endo-osseux a dental implant consisting of a blade, screw, pin, or vent, inserted into the jaw bone through the alveolar or basal bone, with a post protruding through the mucoperiosteum into the oral cavity to serve as an abutment for dentures or orthodontic appliances, or to serve in fracture fixation. penile i. i. pénien see under prosthesis. subperiosteal i. i. sous-périosté a metal frame implanted under the periosteum and resting on the bone, with a post protruding into the oral cavity. transmandibular i. i. transmandibulaire a dental implant for patients with severe mandibular alveolar atrophy; it is fixed to the symphyseal border and traverses the mandible to attach directly to a denture, bearing the denture directly.

implantation implantation 1. attachment of the blastocyst to the epithelial lining of the uterus, its penetration through the epithelium, and, in humans, its embedding in the stratum compactum of the endometrium, occurring six or seven days after fertilization of the oocyte. 2. the insertion of an organ or tissue in a new site in the body. 3. the insertion or grafting into the body of biological, living, inert, or radioactive material.

implosion implosion see flooding.

impotence impuissance 1. lack of power. 2. specifically, lack of copulative power in the male due to inability to initiate or to maintain an erection until ejaculation; usually considered to be due to a physical disorder (organic i.) or an underlying psychological condition (psychogenic i., usually called male erectile disorder).

impregnation imprégnation 1. fertilization. 2. saturation (1).

impressio impressio pl. impressiones [L.] impression (1).

impression 1. impression a slight indentation, as one produced in the surface of one organ by pressure exerted by anothe r. 2. empreinte a negative imprint of an object made in some plastic material that later solidifies. 3. an effect produced upon the mind, body, or senses by some external stimulus or agent. basilar i. i. basilaire 1. platybasia. 2. basilar invagination. cardiac i. i. cardiaque an impression made by the heart on another organ. dental i. e. dentaire one made of the jaw and/or teeth in some plastic material, which is later filled in with plaster of Paris to produce a facsimile of the oral structures present.

imprinting imprégnation rapid learning of species-specific behavior patterns that occurs with exposure to the proper stimulus at a sensitive period of early life. genomic i. empreinte parentale differential expression of a gene or genes as a function of inheritance from the male versus the female parent.

impulse impulsion 1. a sudden pushing force. 2. a sudden uncontrollable determination to act. 3. nerve i. cardiac i. i. cardiaque movement of the chest wall caused by the heart beat. ectopic i. i. ectopique 1. the impulse that causes an ectopic beat. 2. a pathologic nerve impulse that begins in the middle of an axon and proceeds simultaneously towards the cell body and the periphery. nerve i. influx nerveux the electrochemical process propagated along nerve fibers.

impulsion impulsion blind obedience to internal drives, without regard for acceptance by others or pressure from the superego; seen in children and in adults with weak defensive organization.

In In indium.

in- in- word element [L.], in, within, or into.

in- in- word element [L.], not.

INA ANI International Neurological Association.

inactivation inactivation the destruction of biological activity, as of a virus, by the action of heat or other agent. X-chromosome i. i. du chromosome X lyonization.

inamrinone inamrinone a vasodilator and positive inotropic agent used as the lactate for the short-term management of congestive heart failure.

inanimate inanimé 1. without life. 2. lacking in animation.

inanition inanition the exhausted state due to prolonged undernutrition; starvation.

inappetence inappétence lack of appetite or desire.

inarticulate 1. inarticulé not having joints; disjointed. 2. inintelligible uttered so as to be unintelligible; incapable of articulate speech.

in articulo mortis mort (à l’article de la) [L.] at the moment of death.

inborn inné 1. genetically determined, and present at birth. 2. congenital.

inbreeding endogamie the mating of closely related individuals or of individuals having closely similar genetic constitutions.

incarcerated incarcéré imprisoned; constricted; subjected to incarceration.

incarceration incarcération unnatural retention or confinement of a part.

incest inceste sexual activity between persons so closely related that marriage between them is legally or culturally prohibited.

incidence incidence the rate at which a certain event occurs, as the number of new cases of a specific disease occurring during a certain period in a population at risk.

incident incident impinging upon, as incident radiation.

incisal incisif 1. cutting. 2. pertaining to the cutting edge of an anterior tooth.

incised incisé cut; made by cutting.

incision incision 1. a cut or a wound made by cutting with a sharp instrument. Adj.: incisional. 2. the act of cutting.

incisive incisif 1. having the power or quality of cutting. 2. pertaining to the incisor teeth.

incisor (I.) 1. incisif adapted for cutting. 2. incisive incisor tooth.

incisura incisura pl. incisurae [L.] notch.

incisure incisure notch. Schmidt-Lanterman i’s i. de Schmidt-Lanterman channels of cytoplasm appearing as oblique lines or slashes in the myelin sheath of neurons and leading back to the body of the Schwann cell.

inclinatio inclinatio pl. inclinationes [L.] inclination.

inclination inclinaison a sloping or leaning; the angle of deviation from a particular line or plane of reference; in dentistry, the deviation of a tooth from the vertical. pelvic i. i. pelvienne the angle between the plane of the pelvic inlet and the horizontal plane.

inclusion inclusion 1. the act of enclosing or the condition of being enclosed. 2. anything that is enclosed; a cell inclusion. cell i. i. cellulaire a usually lifeless, often temporary, constituent in the cytoplasm of a cell. dental i. i. dentaire 1. a tooth so surrounded with bony tissue that it is unable to erupt. 2. a cyst of oral soft tissue or bone.

incompatible incompatible not suitable for combination, simultaneous administration, or transplantation; mutually repellent.

incompetent incompétent 1. unable to function properly. 2. a person who is unable to perform the required functions of daily living. 3. a person determined by the courts to be unable to manage their own affairs.

incontinence incontinence 1. inability to control excretory functions. 2. immoderation or excess. Adj.: incontinent. fecal i. i. fécale involuntary passage of feces and flatus. overflow i. i. par trop-plein urinary incontinence due to pressure of retained urine in the bladder after the bladder has contracted to its limits, with dribbling of urine. passive i. i. passive urinary or fecal incontinence in which the bladder or colon is full and cannot be emptied in the usual way but can be induced by pressure. stress i. i. à l’effort involuntary escape of urine due to strain on the orifice of the bladder, as in coughing or sneezing. urge i., urgency i. i. par impériosité urinary or fecal incontinence preceded by a sudden, uncontrollable impulse to evacuate. urinary i. i. urinaire inability to control the voiding of urine.

incontinentia incontinentia [L.] incontinence. i. pigmenti i. pigmenti a hereditary disorder in which early vesicular and later verrucous and bizarrely pigmented skin lesions are associated with eye, bone, and central nervous system defects.

incoordination incoordination ataxia.

incorporation incorporation 1. the union of a substance with another, or with others, in a composite mass. 2. a primitive, unconscious defense mechanism in which aspects of another person are assimilated into the self.

increment incrément increase or addition; the amount by which a value or quantity is increased. Adj.: incremental.

incretin incrétine any of various gastrointestinal hormones and factors that act as potent stimulators of insulin secretion.

incrustation incrustation 1. the formation of a crust. 2. a crust, scab, or scale.

incubate 1. incuber to subject to or to undergo incubation. 2. incubat material that has undergone incubation.

incubation incubation 1. the provision of proper conditions for growth and development, as for bacterial or tissue cultures. 2. the development of an infectious disease from entrance of the pathogen to appearance of clinical symptoms. 3. the development of the embryo in the eggs of oviparous animals. 4. the maintenance of an artificial environment for an infant, especially a premature infant.

incubator couveuse an apparatus for maintaining optimal conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) for growth and development, as one used in the early care of premature infants, or one used for cultures.

incudal concernant l’enclume pertaining to the incus.

incudomalleal concernant l’enclume et le marteau pertaining to the incus and malleus.

incurable incurable 1. not susceptible of being cured. 2. a person with a disease which cannot be cured.

incus enclume [L.] anvil; the middle of the three ossicles of the ear, which, with the stapes and malleus, serves to conduct vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. See Plate 29.

incyclophoria incyclophorie cyclophoria in which the upper pole of the visual axis deviates toward the nose.

incyclotropia incyclotropie cyclotropia in which the upper pole of the vertical axis deviates toward the nose.

indanedione indanédione any of a group of related synthetic anticoagulants, e.g., anisindione, which impair the hepatic synthesis of the vitamin K–dependent coagulation factors (prothrombin, factors VII, IX, and X).

indapamide indapamide an antihypertensive and diuretic with actions and uses similar to those of chlorothiazide.

index pl. indexes, indices [L.] 1. index forefinger. 2. indice a unitless quantity, usually a ratio of two measurable quantities having the same dimensions, or such a ratio multiplied by 100. body mass i. (BMI) i. de masse corporelle the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters, used in the assessment of underweight and obesity. cardiac i. (CI) indexe cardiaque cardiac output per unit time divided by body surface area. Colour I. Colour I. a publication of the Society of Dyers and Colourists and the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists containing an extensive list of dyes and dye intermediates. Each chemically distinct compound is identified by a specific number, the C.I. number, avoiding the confusion of trivial names used for dyes in the dye industry. I. Medicus index Medicus a monthly publication of the National Library of Medicine in which the world’s leading biomedical literature is indexed by author and subject. mitotic i. i. mitotique an expression of the number of cells in a population undergoing mitosis. opsonic i. i. opsonique a measure of opsonic activity determined by the ratio of the number of microorganisms phagocytized by normal leukocytes in the presence of serum from an individual infected by the microorganism, to the number phagocytized in serum from a normal individual. phagocytic i. i. phagocytaire the average number of bacteria ingested per leukocyte of the patient’s blood. Quetelet i. règle de Quételet body mass i. refractive i. i. de réfraction the refractive power of a medium compared with that of air (assumed to be 1). Symbol n or n. short increment sensitivity i. (SISI) test SISI a hearing test in which randomly spaced, 0.5-second tone bursts are superimposed at 1- to 5-decibel increments in intensity on a carrier tone having the same frequency and an intensity of 20 decibels above the speech recognition threshold. therapeutic i. indexe thérapeutique originally, the ratio of the maximum tolerated dose to the minimum curative dose; now defined as the ratio of the median lethal dose (LD50) to the median effective dose (ED50). It is used in assessing the safety of a drug. vital i. i. vital the ratio of births to deaths within a given time in a population.

indican indican potassium indoxyl sulfate, formed by decomposition of tryptophan in the intestines and excreted in the urine.

indicator 1. index the index finger, or the extensor muscle of the index finger. 2. indicateur any substance that indicates the appearance or disappearance of a chemical by a color change or attainment of a certain pH.

indifferent indifférent not tending one way or another; neutral; having no preponderating affinity.

indigestion indigestion lack or failure of digestion; commonly used to denote vague abdominal discomfort after meals. acid i. i. acide hyperchlorhydria. fat i. excès de matières grasses dans les selles steatorrhea. gastric i. i. gastrique that taking place in, or due to a disorder of, the stomach. intestinal i. i. intestinale disorder of the digestive function of the intestine. sugar i. i. au sucre defective ability to digest sugar, resulting in fermental diarrhea.

indigitation invagination intussusception (1).

indigo indigo 1. a blue dyeing material from various leguminous and other plants, being the aglycone of indican and also made synthetically; sometimes found in the sweat and urine. 2. a color between blue and violet, produced by energy of wavelengths between 420 and 450 nm.

indigotin indigotine a neutral, tasteless, insoluble, dark blue powder, the principal ingredient of commercial indigo.

indigotindisulfonate sodium indigotindisulfonate sodium a dye, occurring as a dusky, purplish blue powder or blue granules, used as a diagnostic aid in cystoscopy.

indinavir indinavir an HIV protease inhibitor that causes formation of immature, noninfectious viral particles; used as the sulfate salt in the treatment of HIV infection and AIDS.

indirect indirect 1. not immediate or straight. 2. acting through an intermediary agent.

indium (In) indium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 49. i. 111 i. 111 an artificial isotope having a half-life of 2.81 days and emitting gamma rays; it is used to label a variety of compounds for nuclear medicine.

individuation individuation 1. the process of developing individual characteristics. 2. differential regional activity in the embryo occurring in response to organizer influence.

indole indole a compound obtained from coal tar and indigo and produced by decomposition of tryptophan in the intestine, where it contributes to the peculiar odor of feces. It is excreted in the urine in the form of indican.

indolent indolent 1. causing little pain. 2. slow growing.

indomethacin indométacine a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; used in the treatment of various rheumatic and nonrheumatic inflammatory conditions, dysmenorrhea, and vascular headache. The trihydrated sodium salt is used to induce closure in certain cases of patent ductus arteriosus.

indoxyl indoxyle an oxidation product of indole, formed in tryptophan decomposition and excreted in the urine as indican.

induced provoqué 1. produced artificially. 2. produced by induction.

inducer inducteur a molecule that causes a cell or organism to accelerate synthesis of an enzyme or sequence of enzymes in response to a developmental signal.

inducible inductible produced because of stimulation by an inducer.

inductance inductance that property of a circuit whereby changing current generates an electromotive force (EMF) in the same or a neighboring circuit; the EMF is proportional to the rate of change of the current and inductance is quantitated as the ratio of these two.

induction 1. déclenchement the act or process of inducing or causing to occur. 2. induction the production of a specific morphogenetic effect in the embryo through evocators or organizers. 3. induction the production of anesthesia or unconsciousness by use of appropriate agents. 4. induction the generation of an electric current or magnetic properties in a body because of its proximity to another electric current or magnetic field.

inductor inducteur a tissue elaborating a chemical substance that acts to determine growth and differentiation of embryonic parts.

induration induration 1. sclerosis or hardening. 2. hardness. 3. an abnormally hard spot or place. Adj.: indurative. black i. i. noire hardening and pigmentation of lung tissue in coal workers’ pneumoconiosis. brown i. induration 1. a deposit of altered blood pigment in the lung. 2. increase of pulmonary connective tissue, dark colored due to anthracosis or chronic congestion from valvular heart disease. cyanotic i. i. cyanotique hardening of the kidney from chronic venous congestion. granular i. cyrrhose cirrhosis. gray i. i. grise induration of lung tissue in or after pneumonia, without the pigmentation of brown induration. penile i. i. pénienne Peyronie disease. red i. i. rouge red, congested lung tissue seen in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

indusium griseum indusium griseum [L.] a thin layer of gray matter on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum.

indwelling à demeure pertaining to a catheter or other tube left within an organ or body passage for drainage, to maintain patency, or for the administration of drugs or nutrients.

inebriation état d’ivresse drunkenness; intoxication with, or as if with, alcohol.

inert inerte inactive.

inertia inertie [L.] inactivity; inability to move spontaneously. colonic i. i. colique weak muscular activity of the colon, leading to distention of the organ and constipation. uterine i. i. utérine sluggishness of uterine contractions in labor.

in extremis in extremis [L.] at the point of death.

infancy petite enfance the early period of life; see infant.

infant nourrisson the human young from the time of birth to one year of age. dysmature i. n. postmature postmature i. extremely low birthweight (ELBW) i. n. d’extrêmement faible poids de naissance an infant weighing less than 1000 grams at birth. See also low birth weight i. floppy i. hypotonie du nourrisson see under syndrome. immature i. n. immature one usually weighing less than 2500 grams at birth and not physiologically well developed. low birth weight (LBW) i. n. de faible poids de naissance one weighing less than 2500 g at birth. mature i. n. mature one weighing 2500 g or more at birth, usually at or near full term, physiologically fully developed, and having optimal chance of survival. moderately low birth weight (MLBW) i. n. au poids de naissance moyennement faible one weighing at least 1500 but less than 2500 g at birth. newborn i. nouveau-né the human young during the first four weeks after birth. postmature i. nouveau-né, post-mature 1. one with postmaturity syndrome. 2. postterm i. postterm i. n. postterme one born at or after the forty-second completed week (294 days) of gestation. premature i. nouveau-né, prématuré 1. one usually born after the twentieth completed week and before full term, defined as weighing 500 to 2499 g at birth; the chance of survival depends on the weight. In countries where adults are smaller than in the United States, the upper limit may be lower. 2. preterm i. preterm i. n. préterme one born before the thirty-seventh completed week (259 days) of gestation. term i. n. à terme one born in the interval from the thirty-seventh completed week to the forty-second completed week of gestation; 259 days to 293 days, inclusive. very low birth weight (VLBW) i. n. de très faible poids de naissance one weighing less than 1500 g at birth.

infantile infantile pertaining to an infant or to infancy.

infantilism infantilisme persistence of childhood characters into adult life, marked by mental retardation, underdevelopment of sex organs, and often dwarfism. cachectic i. i. cachexique that due to chronic infection or poisoning. hypophysial i. i. type Souques- Chauvet a type of dwarfism with retention of infantile characteristics, due to undersecretion of growth hormone and gonadotropin deficiency. sexual i. i. génital continuance of prepubertal sex characters and behavior after the usual age of puberty. universal i. i. universel general dwarfishness in stature, with absence of secondary sex characteristics.

infarct infarctus a localized area of ischemic necrosis produced by occlusion of the arterial supply or the venous drainage of the part. anemic i. i. blanc one due to the sudden arrest of circulation in a vessel, or to decoloration of hemorrhagic blood. hemorrhagic i. i. hémorragique one that is red owing to oozing of erythrocytes into the injured area.

infarction infarctus 1. the formation of an infarct. 2. infarct. acute myocardial i. (AMI) i. du myocarde aigu that occurring during the period when circulation to a region of the heart is obstructed and necrosis is occurring. cardiac i. i. cardiaque myocardial i. cerebral i. i. cérébral an ischemic condition of the brain, causing a persistent focal neurologic deficit in the area affected. mesenteric i. i. mésentérique coagulation necrosis of the intestines due to a decrease in blood flow in the mesenteric vasculature. migrainous i. i. migraineux a focal neurologic defect that constituted part of a migrainous aura but that has persisted for a long period and may be permanent. myocardial i. (MI) i. du myocarde gross necrosis of the myocardium, due to interruption of the blood supply to the area. non–Q wave i. i. non-Q myocardial infarction not characterized by abnormal Q waves. pulmonary i. i. pulmonaire localized necrosis of lung tissue, due to obstruction of the arterial blood supply. Q wave i. i. (onde) Q myocardial infarction characterized by Q waves that are abnormal either in character or number or both. silent myocardial i. i. du myocarde silencieux myocardial infarction occurring without pain or other symptoms; often detected only by electrographic or postmortem examination. watershed i. i. des zones de jonction (des artères cérébrales) cerebral infarction in a watershed area during a time of prolonged systemic hypotension.

infect infecter 1. to invade and produce infection in. 2. to transmit a pathogen or disease to.

infection infection 1. invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body tissues, especially that causing local cellular injury due to competitive metabolism, toxins, intracellular replication, or antigen-antibody response. 2. infectious disease. airborne i. i. transmise par l’air one that is contracted by inhalation of microorganisms or spores suspended in air on water droplets or dust particles. cross i. surinfection infection transmitted between patients infected with different microorganisms. droplet i. i. par gouttelettes airborne infection from inhalation of respiratory pathogens suspended on droplet nuclei. dustborne i. i. transmise par la poussière airborne infection by inhalation of pathogens attached to particles of dust. endogenous i. i. endogène that due to reactivation of organisms present in a dormant focus, as occurs in tuberculosis, etc. exogenous i. i. exogène that caused by organisms not normally present in the body that have gained entrance from the environment. opportunistic i. i. opportuniste infection by an organism that does not ordinarily cause disease but becomes pathogenic under certain circumstances, such as immunodeficiencies. pyogenic i. i. pyogène infection by pus-producing organisms, such as species of Staphylococcus or Streptococcus. secondary i. i. secondaire infection by a second pathogen after infection by one of another kind. terminal i. i. terminale an acute infection near the end of a disease, sometimes ending in death. tunnel i. i. du tunnel subcutaneous infection of an artificial passage into the body that has been kept patent. vector-borne i. i. transmise par un vecteur one caused by microorganisms transmitted from one host to another by a carrier such as a biting insect. water-borne i. i. transmise par l’eau one caused by microorganisms transmitted in water.

infectious infectieux 1. caused by or capable of being communicated by infection, as an infectious disease. 2. infective (1).

infective infectieux 1. capable of producing infection. 2. infectious (1).

inferior inférieur situated below, or directed downward; in anatomy, used in reference to the lower surface of a structure, or to the lower of two (or more) similar structures.

infertility stérilité diminution or absence of ability to produce offspring. Adj.: infertile. immunologic i. s. immunologique any of several types believed to be caused by presence in the female of antibodies that interfere with functioning of the sperm.

infestation infestation parasitic attack or subsistence on the skin and/or its appendages, as by insects, mites, or ticks; sometimes used to denote parasitic invasion of the organs and tissues, as by helminths.

infibulation infibulation the act of buckling or fastening as if with buckles, particularly the practice of fastening the prepuce or labia minora together to prevent coitus.

infiltrate 1. infiltrer to penetrate the interstices of a tissue or substance. 2. infiltrat the material or solution so deposited.

infiltration infiltration 1. the pathological diffusion or accumulation in a tissue or cells of substances not normal to it or in amounts in excess of the normal. 2. infiltrate (2). 3. the deposition of a solution directly into tissue; see under anesthesia. adipose i. i. adipeuse fatty i. calcareous i. i. calcaire deposit of lime and magnesium salts in the tissues. cellular i. i. cellulaire the migration and accumulation of cells within the tissues. fatty i. infiltration graisseuse 1. a deposit of fat in tissues, especially between cells; the term describes an older concept now included in fatty change. 2. the presence of fat vacuoles in the cell cytoplasm.

infiltrative infiltratif pertaining to or characterized by infiltration.

infirm infirme weak; feeble, as from disease or old age.

infirmary infirmerie a hospital or place where the sick or infirm are maintained or treated.

inflammagen agent pro-inflammatoire an irritant that elicits both edema and the cellular response of inflammation.

inflammation inflammation a protective tissue response to injury or destruction of tissues, which serves to destroy, dilute, or wall off both the injurious agent and the injured tissues. The classical signs of acute inflammation are pain (dolor), heat (calor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), and loss of function (functio laesa). Adj.: inflammatory. acute i. i. aiguë inflammation, usually of sudden onset, marked by the classical signs (see inflammation), in which vascular and exudative processes predominate. catarrhal i. i. catarrhale a form affecting mainly a mucous surface, marked by a copious discharge of mucus and epithelial debris. chronic i. i. chronique prolonged and persistent inflammation marked chiefly by new connective tissue formation; it may be a continuation of an acute form or a prolonged low-grade form. exudative i. i. exsudative one in which the prominent feature is an exudate. fibrinous i. i. fibrineuse one marked by an exudate of coagulated fibrin. granulomatous i. i. granulomateuse a form, usually chronic, marked by granuloma formation. hyperplastic i. i. hyperplasique one leading to the formation of new connective tissue fibers. interstitial i. i. interstitielle one affecting chiefly the stroma of an organ. parenchymatous i. i. parenchymateuse one affecting chiefly the essential tissue elements of an organ. productive i., proliferative i. i. productive hyperplastic i. pseudomembranous i. i. pseudomembraneuse an acute inflammatory response to a powerful necrotizing toxin, e.g., diphtheria toxin, with formation, on a mucosal surface, of a false membrane composed of precipitated fibrin, necrotic epithelium, and inflammatory white cells. purulent i. i. purulente suppurative i. serous i. i. séreuse one producing a serous exudate. subacute i. i. subaiguë a condition intermediate between chronic and acute inflammation, exhibiting some of the characteristics of each. suppurative i. i. suppurative one marked by pus formation. ulcerative i. i. ulcérative that in which necrosis on or near the surface leads to loss of tissue and creation of a local defect (ulcer).

inflation inflation distention, or the act of distending, with air, gas, or fluid.

inflection inflexion the act of bending inward, or the state of being bent inward.

infliximab infliximab an anti–tumor necrosis factor antibody used in treatment of Crohn disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

influenza grippe [Ital.] an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract, occurring in isolated cases, epidemics, and pandemics, caused by Influenzavirus A, B, or C, usually with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, pharynx, and conjunctiva, headache, myalgia, fever, chills, and prostration.Adj.: influenzal. avian i. g. aviaire a highly contagious disease of birds caused by an influenza A virus, ranging in severity from mild to fulminating and highly fatal. It may be transmitted to humans through contact with bird droppings or contaminated surfaces or through intermediate hosts such as pigs, with person-to-person transmission occurring rarely. Symptoms in humans range from influenzalike to eye infections, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress, and other severe and life-threatening complications.

Influenzavirus A Influenzavirus A a genus of viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae containing the agent of influenza A. See influenza virus, under virus.

Influenzavirus B Influenzavirus B a genus of viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae containing the agent of influenza B. See influenza virus, under virus.

Influenzavirus C Influenzavirus C a genus of viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae containing the agent of influenza C. See influenza virus, under virus.

infolding repli 1. the folding inward of a layer of tissue, as in the formation of the neural tube in the embryo. 2. the enclosing of redundant tissue by suturing together the walls of the organ on either side of it.

infra- infra- word element [L.], beneath.

infrabulge rétrécissement cervical the surfaces of a tooth gingival to the height of contour, or sloping cervically.

infracalcarine infracalcarin inferior to the calcarine sulcus.

infraclavicular infraclaviculaire subclavian.

infraclusion infraclusion a condition in which the occluding surface of a tooth does not reach the normal occlusal plane and is out of contact with the opposing tooth.

infraction infraction incomplete bone fracture without displacement.

infradentale point alvéolaire inférieur a cephalometric landmark, being the highest anterior point on the gingiva between the mandibular medial (central) incisors.

infradian infradien pertaining to a period longer than 24 hours; applied to the cyclic behavior of certain phenomena in living organisms (infradian rhythm).

infraduction infraduction downward rotation of an eye around its horizontal axis.

infranodal infranodal below a node.

infraorbital infraorbitaire suborbital; under, or on the inferior surface of, the orbit.

infrapatellar infrapatellaire subpatellar; below or beneath the patella.

infrared infrarouge denoting electromagnetic radiation of wavelength greater than that of the red end of the spectrum, having wavelengths of 0.75–1000 μm; sometimes subdivided into long-wave or far i. (about 3.0–1000 μm) and short-wave or near i. (about 0.75–3.0 μm).

infrasonic infrasonique below the frequency range of sound waves.

infraspinous infra-épineux beneath the spine of the scapula.

infratemporal infratemporal inferior to the temple.

infravergence infravergence rotation of one eye downward while the other one remains still.

infraversion infraversion 1. infraclusion. 2. the downward deviation of one eye. 3. conjugate downward rotation of both eyes.

infundibular infundibulaire 1. pertaining to an infundibulum. 2. funnel-shaped.

infundibulectomy infundibulectomie excision of the infundibulum of the heart.

infundibuliform infundibuliforme infundibular (2).

infundibuloma infundibulome a tumor of the stalk (infundibulum) of the hypophysis.

infundibulum infundibulum pl. infundibula [L.] 1. a funnel-shaped structure. 2. conus arteriosus. 3. i. of neurohypophysis.Adj.: infundibular. ethmoidal i. i. ethmoïdal 1. a passage connecting the nasal cavity with anterior ethmoidal cells and frontal sinus. 2. a sinuous passage connecting the middle nasal meatus with the anterior ethmoidal cells and often with the frontal sinus. i. of hypothalamus, i. of neurohypophysis i. de l’hypothalamus a hollow, funnel-shaped mass in front of the tuber cinereum, extending to the neurohypophysis. i. of uterine tube i. de la trompe utérine the distal, funnel-shaped portion of the uterine tube.

infusion 1. infusion the steeping of a substance in water to obtain its soluble principles. 2. perfusion the product obtained by this process. 3. perfusion the therapeutic introduction of fluid other than blood into a vein.

ingestant ingestat a substance that is or may be taken into the body by mouth or through the digestive system.

ingestion ingestion the taking of food, drugs, etc., into the body by mouth.

ingravescent qui va en s’aggravant gradually becoming more severe.

ingrown incarné having grown inward, into the flesh.

ingrowth excroissance an inward growth; something that grows inward or into.

inguen inguen pl. inguina [L.] groin: the junctional region between the abdomen and thigh. Adj.: inguinal.

inguinal inguinal pertaining to the groin.

inhalant 1. inhalant something meant to be inhaled; see inhalation (def. 3). 2. produit pour inhalation a class of psychoactive substances whose volatile vapors are subject to abuse. antifoaming i. produit antimoussant pour inhalation an agent that is inhaled as a vapor to prevent the formation of foam in the respiratory passages of a patient with pulmonary edema.

inhalation inhalation 1. the drawing of air or other substances into the lungs. Adj.: inhalational. 2. the drawing of an aerosolized drug into the lungs with the breath. 3. any drug or solution of drugs administered (as by means of nebulizers or aerosols) by the nasal or oral respiratory route.

inhaler inhalateur 1. an apparatus for administering vapor or volatilized medications by inhalation. 2. ventilator (2).

inherent inhérent implanted by nature; intrinsic; innate.

inheritance hérédité 1. the acquisition of characters or qualities by transmission from parent to offspring. 2. that which is transmitted from parent to offspring. cytoplasmic i. h. cytoplasmique inheritance of traits carried by genes not located on chromosomes of the nucleus, e.g., those of mitochondria. dominant i. h. dominante that characterized by dominance (q.v.). extrachromosomal i. h. extrachromosomique cytoplasmic i. maternal i. h. maternelle transmission of characters only from the maternal parent, as is characteristic of genes carried on the mitochondrial genome or other cytoplasmic organelle. mendelian i. h. mendélienne that which follows Mendel’s laws (q.v.). mitochondrial i. h. mitochondriale the inheritance of traits controlled by genes on the DNA of mitochondria in the ooplasm; thus the genes are inherited entirely from the maternal side, segregate randomly at meiosis or mitosis, and are variably expressed. recessive i. h. récessive the inheritance of a trait that is only expressed in homozygotes, not in a heterozygote also possessing a dominant allele for that locus. sex-linked i. h. liée au sexe the pattern of inheritance shown by genes carried on a sex (X or Y) chromosome, which is different for males and females. X-linked i. h. liée au chromosome X liée à l’X the pattern of inheritance shown by X-linked genes; affected males always express the phenotype and transmit the gene to all their daughters but none of their sons. Heterozygous females appear normal if the trait is recessive but transmit the gene to their sons and daughters. Y-linked i. h. holandrique the pattern of inheritance shown by Y-linked genes; only males are affected, and they always express the phenotype and transmit the gene to all of their sons.

inhibit inhiber to retard, arrest, or restrain.

inhibition inhibition 1. restraint or termination of a process. 2. in psychoanalytic theory, the conscious or unconscious restraining of an impulse or desire. competitive i. i. compétitive inhibition of enzyme activity in which the inhibitor (a substrate analogue) competes with the substrate for binding sites on the enzymes. contact i. i. de contact the inhibition of cell division and motility in normal cells when in close contact with each other; loss of inhibition of cell division is a step in carcinogenesis. endproduct i., feedback i. i. par le produit inhibition of the initial steps of a process by an endproduct of the reaction. noncompetitive i. i. non compétitive inhibition of enzyme activity by substances that combine with the enzyme at a site other than that utilized by the substrate.

inhibitor inhibiteur 1. any substance that interferes with a chemical reaction, growth, or other biologic activity. 2. a chemical substance that inhibits or checks the action of a tissue organizer or the growth of microorganisms. 3. an effector that reduces the catalytic activity of an enzyme. ACE i’s i. de l’enzyme de conversion angiotensin-converting enzyme i’s. alpha1-proteinase i. i. d’alpha1-protéinase alpha1-antitrypsin. angiogenesis i. i. d’angiogenèse any of a group of drugs that prevent neovascularization of solid tumors. angiotensin-converting enzyme i’s i. de l’enzyme de conversion competitive inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme; used as antihypertensives, usually in conjunction with a diuretic, and also as vasodilators in the treatment of congestive heart failure. aromatase i’s i. d’aromatase a class of drugs that inhibit aromatase activity and thus block production of estrogens; used to treat breast cancer and endometriosis. C1 i. (C1 INH) i. C1 an inhibitor of activated C1, the initial component of the classic complement pathway. Deficiency of or defect in the protein causes hereditary angioedema. carbonic anhydrase i. i. d’anhydrase carbonique any of a class of agents that inhibit carbonic anhydrase activity; used chiefly for the treatment of glaucoma, and for epilepsy, familial periodic paralysis, mountain sickness, and uric acid renal calculi. cholinesterase i. i. de cholinestérase a compound that prevents the hydrolysis of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase, so that high levels of acetylcholine accumulate at reactive sites. COX-2 i., cyclooxygenase-2 i’s i. de COX-2 any of a group of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs that act by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity and have fewer gastrointestinal side effects than other NSAIDs. gastric acid pump i. i. de la pompe acide gastrique proton pump i. HIV protease i. i. de la protéase du VIH any of a group of antiretroviral drugs active against the human immunodeficiency virus, preventing proteasemediated cleavage of viral polyproteins and so causing production of immature noninfectious viral particles. MAO i. iMAO monoamine oxidase inhibitor. membrane i. of reactive lysis (MIRL) i. membranaire de lyse réactive protectin. monoamine oxidase i. (MAOI) i. de la mono-amino-oxydase any of a group of antidepressant drugs that act by blocking the action of the enzyme monoamine oxidase; believed to act by thus increasing the level of catecholamines in the central nervous system. α2-plasmin i. i. α2-antiplasmine α2-antiplasmin. plasminogen activator i. (PAI) i. de l’activateur du plasminogène any of several regulators of the fibrinolytic system that act by binding to and inhibiting free plasminogen activator; the most important are PAI-1 and PAI-2. platelet i. i. de plaquettes any of a group of agents that inhibit the clotting activity of platelets. protease i. i. de protéases 1. a substance that blocks the activity of an endopeptidase (protease). 2. HIV protease i. protein C i. i. de la protéine C the primary inhibitor of activated anticoagulant protein C; it is a type of protease inhibitor that also inhibits other proteins involved in coagulation. proton pump i. i. de la pompe à protons an agent that inhibits the proton pump and action of H+,K+-ATPase at the secretory surface of gastric parietal cells, thus limiting hydrochloric acid secretion. reverse transcriptase i. i. de la transcriptase inverse a substance that blocks activity of the retroviral enzyme reverse transcriptase; used as an antiretroviral agent. selective norepinephrine reuptake i. (NRI) i. de la recapture sélective de la noradrénaline any of a group of drugs that inhibit the inactivation of norepinephrine by blocking its absorption in the central nervous system; used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depression. Note: sometimes abbreviated SNRI, which is confusing since that also denotes serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake i. selective serotonin reuptake i. (SSRI) i. de la recapture de la sérotonine any of a group of drugs that inhibit the inactivation of serotonin by blocking its absorption in the central nervous system; used to treat depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and panic disorders. serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake i. (SNRI) i. de la recapture de la sérotonine et de la noradrénaline any of a group of drugs that inhibit the inactivation of serotonin and norepinephrine by blocking their absorption in the central nervous system; used in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and chronic neuropathic pain. topoisomerase i. i. de la topo- isomérase any of a group of antineoplastic drugs that interfere with the arrangement of DNA in cells.

inhibitory inhibiteur restraining or arresting any process; effecting a stay or arrest, partial or complete.

inion inion the external occipital protuberance. Adj.: inial.

initiation initiation the creation of a small alteration in the genetic coding of a cell by a low level of exposure to a carcinogen, priming the cell for neoplastic transformation upon later exposure to a carcinogen or a promoter.

initis fibrosite myositis.

injection injection 1. the forcing of a liquid into a part, as into the subcutaneous tissues, the vascular tree, or an organ. 2. a substance so forced or administered; in pharmacy, a solution of a medicament suitable for injection. hypodermic i. i. hypodermique subcutaneous i. intracutaneous i. i. intracutanée intradermal i. intracytoplasmic sperm i. (ICSI) i. intracytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes a micromanipulation technique used in male factor infertility, with insertion of a spermatocyte directly into an oocyte. intradermal i. i. intradermique one made into the dermis or substance of the skin. intramuscular i. i. intramusculaire one made into the substance of a muscle. intrathecal i. i. intrathécale injection of a substance through the theca of the spinal cord into the subarachnoid space. intravenous i. i. intraveineuse one made into a vein. jet i. i. par jet one made through the intact skin by an extremely fine jet of the solution under high pressure. lactated Ringer i. solution lactée de Ringer a sterile solution of calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and sodium lactate in water for injection, given as a fluid and electrolyte replenisher. Ringer i. solution de Ringer a sterile solution of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride in water for injection, used as a fluid and electrolyte replenisher. subcutaneous i. i. souscutanée one made into the subcutaneous tissues.

injury blessure, lésion wound or trauma; harm or hurt; usually applied to damage inflicted on the body by an external force. birth i. l. néonatale impairment of body function or structure due to adverse influences to which the infant has been subjected at birth. Goyrand i. subluxation incomplète du coude pulled elbow. straddle i. blessure par chute à califourchon injury to the distal urethra from falling astride a blunt object. whiplash i. coup du lapin a popular nonspecific term applied to injury to the spine and spinal cord due to sudden extension of the neck.

inlay incrustation material laid into a defect in tissue; in dentistry, a filling made outside the tooth to correspond with the cavity form and then cemented into the tooth.

inlet ouverture a means or route of entrance. laryngeal i. o. laryngée the aperture by which the pharynx communicates with the larynx. pelvic i. o. pelvienne the upper limit of the pelvic cavity. thoracic i. o. thoracique the elliptical opening at the summit of the thorax. Cf. thoracic outlet.

INN DCI International Nonproprietary Name.

innate inné inborn.

innervation innervation 1. the distribution or supply of nerves to a part. 2. the supply of nervous energy or of nerve stimulation sent to a part. Adj.: innervatory.

innidiation essaimage development of cells in a part to which they have been carried by metastasis.

innocent innocent not malignant; benign; not tending of its own nature to a fatal issue.

innominate innominé nameless.

in(o)- in(o)- word element [Gr.], fiber.

inochondritis inochondrite inflammation of a fibrocartilage.

inoculable inoculable 1. susceptible to being inoculated. 2. transmissible by inoculation.

inoculate inoculer 1. to implant infective materials into culture media. 2. vacciner to introduce immune serum, vaccines, or other antigenic material into a healthy individual to produce mild disease followed by immunity. 3. to communicate a disease by inserting its etiologic agent.

inoculation inoculation 1. introduction of microorganisms, infective material, serum, or other substances into tissues of living organisms, or culture media; introduction of a disease agent into a healthy individual to produce a mild form of the disease followed by immunity. 2. the process of inoculating something.

inoculum inoculum pl. inocula material that is inoculated.

inodilator inodilatateur an agent with both positive inotropic and vasodilator effects.

inoperable inopérable not susceptible to treatment by surgery.

inorganic 1. anorganique having no organs. 2. inorganique not of organic origin.

inoscopy inoscopie the diagnosis of disease by artificial digestion and examination of the fibers or fibrinous matter of sputum, blood, effusions, etc.

inosemia 1. inositolémie the presence of inositol in the blood. 2. fibrinémmie an excess of fibrin in the blood.

inosine (I) inosine a purine nucleoside containing the base hypoxanthine and the sugar ribose, which occurs in transfer RNAs and as an intermediate in the degradation of purines and purine nucleosides to uric acid and in pathways of purine salvage. i. monophosphate (IMP) i. monophosphate a nucleotide produced by the deamination of adenosine monophosphate (AMP); it is the precursor of AMP and GMP in purine biosynthesis and an intermediate in purine salvage and in purine degradation.

inositol inositol a cyclic sugar alcohol, the fully hydroxylated derivative of cyclohexane; usually referring to the most abundant isomer, myo-inositol, which occurs in many plant and animal tissues and microorganisms and is often classified as a member of the vitamin B complex. i. 1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3, IP3) inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3, IP3) a second messenger that causes the release of calcium from certain intracellular organelles.

inotropic inotrope affecting the force of muscular contractions.

inpatient patient admis a patient who comes to a hospital or other health care facility for diagnosis or treatment that requires an overnight stay.

inquest enquête judiciaire visant à déterminer la cause d’un décès a legal inquiry before a coroner or medical examiner, and usually a jury, into the manner of death.

insalubrious insalubre injurious to health.

insanity aliénation mentale a legal term for mental illness of such degree that the individual is not responsible for his or her acts. Adj.: insane.

inscriptio inscriptio pl. inscriptiones [L.] inscription. i. tendinea i. tendinea see under intersectio.

inscription inscription 1. a mark, or line. 2. that part of a prescription containing the names and amounts of the ingredients.

Insecta Insecta a class of arthropods whose members are characterized by division into three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen.

insemination insémination the deposit of seminal fluid within the vagina or cervix. artificial i. (AI) i. artificielle that done by artificial means. artificial i. by donor (AID) i. artificielle donneur donor i. artificial i. by husband (AIH) i. artificielle artificial insemination in which the semen used is from the woman’s mate. donor i., heterologous i. i. par donneur artificial insemination in which the semen used is not from the woman’s mate. homologous i. i. homologue artificial i. by husband.

insensible insensible 1. devoid of sensibility or consciousness. 2. not perceptible to the senses.

insertion insertion 1. the act of implanting, or the condition of being implanted. 2. the site of attachment, as of a muscle to the bone that it moves. 3. in genetics, a rare nonreciprocal type of translocation in which a segment is removed from one chromosome and then inserted into a broken region of a nonhomologous chromosome. velamentous i. i. vélamenteuse attachment of the umbilical cord to the membranes rather than to the placenta.

insidious insidieux coming on stealthily; of gradual and subtle development.

insight 1. insight in psychiatry, the patient’s awareness and understanding of their attitudes, feelings, behavior, and disturbing symptoms; self-understanding. 2. intuition in problem solving, the sudden perception of the appropriate relationships of things that results in a solution.

in situ in situ [L.] in its normal place; confined to the site of origin.

insoluble insoluble not susceptible of being dissolved.

insomnia insomnie inability to sleep; abnormal wakefulness. Adj.: insomniac, insomnic. fatal familial i. i. familiale fatale an inherited prion disease affecting primarily the thalamus and characterized by progressive insomnia, hallucinations, stupor, and coma ending in death; autonomic and motor disturbances are also present. primary i. i. primaire a dyssomnia characterized by persistent difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or by persistently nonrestorative sleep; not due to any other condition.

insonate insonner to expose to ultrasound waves.

insorption insorption movement of a substance into the blood, especially from the gastrointestinal tract into the circulating blood.

inspersion inspersion the act of sprinkling, as with a powder.

inspiration inspiration inhalation. Adj.: inspiratory.

inspissated épaissi being thickened, dried, or made less fluid by evaporation.

instability instabilité lack of steadiness or stability.detrusor i. i. du muscle détrusor involuntary contraction of the detrusor muscle of the bladder caused by nonneurological problems. Cf. detrusor hyperreflexia.

instar instar any stage of an arthropod between molts.

instep cou-de-pied the dorsal part of the arch of the foot.

instillation instillation administration of a liquid drop by drop.

instinct instinct a complex of unlearned responses characteristic of a species. Adj.: instinctive. death i. i. de mort in psychoanalysis, the latent instinctive impulse toward dissolution and death. herd i. i. grégaire the instinct or urge to be one of a group and to conform to its standards of conduct and opinion. life i. i. de vie in psychoanalysis, all of the constructive tendencies of the organism aimed at maintenance and perpetuation of the individual and species.

institutionalization 1. mise en institution commitment of a patient to a health care facility for treatment, often psychiatric. 2. institutionnalisme in patients hospitalized for a long period, the development of excessive dependency on the institution and its routines.

instrument instrument any tool, appliance, or apparatus.

instrumental instrumental 1. pertaining to or performed by instruments. 2. serving as a means to a particular result.

instrumentation instrumentation 1. the use of instruments; work performed with instruments. 2. a group of instruments used for a specific purpose.

insudate insudat the substance accumulated in insudation.

insudation insudation the accumulation, as in the kidney, of substances derived from the blood.

insufficiency insuffisance inability to perform properly an allotted function. adrenal i. i. surrénalienne 1. hypoadrenalism; abnormally diminished activity of the adrenal gland. 2. adrenocortical i. adrenocortical i. i. surrénale abnormally diminished secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal cortex, as in Addison disease. aortic i., aortic valve i. i. aortique defective functioning of the aortic valve, with incomplete closure resulting in aortic regurgitation. cardiac i. i. cardiaque heart failure. coronary i. i. coronarienne decrease in flow of blood through the coronary blood vessels. i. of the externi i. des muscles externes deficient power in the externi muscles of the eye, resulting in esophoria. i. of the interni i. des muscles internes deficient power in the interni muscles of the eye, resulting in exophoria. mitral valve i., mitral i. i. mitrale defective functioning of the mitral valve, with incomplete closure causing mitral regurgitation. pulmonary i. instrumentation 1. respiratory i. 2. pulmonary valve i. pulmonary valve i. i. de la valve pulmonaire defective functioning of the pulmonary valve, with incomplete closure causing pulmonic regurgitation. respiratory i. i. respiratoire inability of the lungs to provide adequate oxygen intake or carbon dioxide expulsion as needed by the body and its cells. thyroid i. i. thyroïdienne hypothyroidism. tricuspid i., tricuspid valve i. i. tricuspidienne defective functioning of the tricuspid valve, with incomplete closure causing tricuspid regurgitation; it is usually secondary to systolic overload. valvular i. instrumentation 1. dysfunction of a cardiac valve, with incomplete closure resulting in valvular regurgitation; named for the valve involved. 2. venous i. velopharyngeal i. i. vélopharyngée failure of velopharyngeal closure due to cleft palate, muscular dysfunction, etc., resulting in defective speech. venous i. i. veineuse inadequacy of the venous valves with impairment of venous drainage, resulting in edema. vertebrobasilar i. i. vertébrobasilaire transient ischemia of the brain stem and cerebellum due to stenosis of the vertebral or basilar artery.

insufflation insufflation 1. the act of blowing a powder, vapor, or gas into a body cavity. 2. finely powdered or liquid drugs carried into the respiratory passages by such devices as aerosols. perirenal i. i. périrénale injection of air around the kidney for radiographic examination of the adrenal glands. tubal i. i. tubaire see Rubin test, under test.

insula insula pl. insulae [L.] 1. an islandlike structure. 2. a triangular area of the cerebral cortex forming the floor of the lateral cerebral fossa.

insular insulaire pertaining to the insula or to an island, as the islands of Langerhans.

insulation isolation 1. the surrounding of a space or body with material designed to prevent the entrance or escape of radiant or electrical energy. 2. the material so used.

insulin insuline 1. a protein hormone formed from proinsulin in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The major fuelregulating hormone, it is secreted into the blood in response to a rise in concentration of blood glucose or amino acids. Insulin promotes the storage of glucose and the uptake of amino acids, increases protein and lipid synthesis, and inhibits lipolysis and gluconeogenesis. 2. a preparation of insulin, either of porcine or bovine origin or a recombinant form with sequence the same as or similar to that in humans, used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus; classified as rapid-acting, intermediate-acting, or long- acting on the basis of speed of onset and duration of activity. 3. regular insulin; a rapid-acting, unmodified form of insulin prepared from crystalline bovine or porcine insulin. i. aspart i. asparte a rapid-acting analogue of human insulin created by recombinant DNA technology. buffered i. human i. humaine tamponnée insulin human buffered with phosphate; used particularly in continuous infusion pumps. extended i. zinc suspension i. zinc ultralente en suspension a long-acting insulin consisting of porcine or human insulin in the form of large zinc-insulin crystals. i. glargine i. glargine an analogue of human insulin produced by recombinant DNA technology, having a slow, steady release over 24 hours. i. human i. humaine a protein corresponding to insulin elaborated in the human pancreas, derived from pork insulin by enzymatic action or produced synthetically by recombinant DNA techniques; sometimes used specifically to denote a rapid-acting regular insulin preparation of this protein. isophane i. suspension suspension d’insuline isophane an intermediate-acting insulin consisting of porcine or human insulin reacted with zinc chloride and protamine sulfate. Lente i. i. Lente insulin zinc suspension. i. lispro i. lispro a rapid-acting analogue of human insulin synthesized by means of recombinant DNA technology. NPH i. i. NPH isophane i. suspension. prompt i. zinc suspension suspension d’insuline-zinc rapide a rapid-acting insulin consisting of porcine insulin with zinc chloride added to produce a suspension of amorphous insulin. regular i. i. ordinaire insulin (3). Semilente i. i. semi-lente prompt insulin zinc suspension. Ultralente i. i. ultralente extended insulin zinc suspension. i. zinc suspension suspension d’i. zinc an intermediate-acting insulin consisting of porcine or human insulin with a zinc salt added such that the solid phase of the suspension contains a 7:3 ratio of crystalline to amorphous insulin.

insulinogenesis insulinogenèse the formation and release of insulin by the islets of Langerhans.

insulinoma insulinome an islet cell tumor of the beta cells, usually benign, that secretes insulin and is one of the chief causes of hypoglycemia.

insulinopenic insulinopénique diminishing, or pertaining to a decrease in, the level of circulating insulin.

insulitis insulite lymphocytic infiltration of the islets of Langerhans, suggesting an inflammatory or immunologic reaction.

insusceptibility résistance the state of being unaffected; immunity.

intake apport the substances, or the quantities thereof, taken in and utilized by the body.

integration intégration 1. anabolism. 2. coordination. 3. assimilation. 4. the covalent insertion of one segment of DNA into another, such as the incorporation of viral or prophage DNA or a transposable element into genomic DNA.

integrin intégrine any of a family of transmembraneglycoproteins, consisting of two noncovalently linked polypeptide chains, designated α and β, that mediate cell-to-cell and cell-to–extracellular matrix interactions.

integument tégument 1. a covering or investment. 2. common i. common i. t. ordinaire the covering of the body, or skin, including its various layers and their appendages.

integumentary tégumentaire 1. pertaining to or composed of skin. 2. serving as a covering.

integumentum integumentum [L.] integument.

intellect intellect the mind, thinking faculty, or understanding.

intellectualization intellectualisation an unconscious defense mechanism in which reasoning is used to avoid confronting an objectionable impulse, emotional conflict, or other stressor and thus to defend against anxiety.

intention intention 1. a manner of healing; see under healing. 2. a goal or desired end.

inter- inter- word element [L.], between.

interaction interaction the quality, state, or process of (two or more things) acting on each other. drug i. i. médicamenteuse the action of one drug upon the effectiveness or toxicity of another (or others).

interalveolar interalvéolaire between alveoli.

interarticular interarticulaire situated between articular surfaces.

interatrial interatrial situated between the atria of the heart.

interbrain cerveau intermédiaire 1. thalamencephalon. 2. diencephalon.

intercalary intercalaire intercalated.

intercalated intercalé inserted between; interposed.

intercapillary intercapillaire among or between capillaries.

intercarpal intercarpien between the carpal bones.

intercartilaginous intercartilagineux between, or connecting, cartilages.

intercavernous intercaverneux between two cavities.

intercellular intercellulaire between or among cells.

intercostal intercostal between two ribs.

intercourse relation 1. mutual exchange. 2. sexual i. sexual i. relation sexuelle 1. coitus. 2. any physical contact between two individuals involving stimulation of the genital organs of at least one.

intercricothyrotomy intercricothyrotomie cricothyrotomy.

intercritical intercritique denoting the period between attacks, as of gout.

intercurrent intercurrent occurring during and modifying the course of another disease.

intercusping intercuspidation the occlusion of the cusps of the teeth of one jaw with the depressions in the teeth of the other jaw.

interdental interdentaire between the proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth in the same arch.

interdentium interdentium interproximal space.

interdigitation interdigitation 1. an interlocking of parts by finger-like processes. 2. one of a set of finger-like processes.

interface interface the boundary between two systems or phases. Adj.: interfacial.

interfascicular interfasciculaire between adjacent fascicles.

interfemoral interfémoral between the thighs.

interferon (IFN) interféron any of a family of glycoproteins, production of which can be stimulated by viral infection, by intracellular parasites, by protozoa, and by bacteria and bacterial endotoxins, that exert antiviral activity and have immunoregulatory functions; they also inhibit the growth of nonviral intracellular parasites. Interferons are designated α, β, γ, and ω on the basis of association with certain producer cells and functions; all animal cells, however, can produce interferons and some cells can produce more than one type. Pharmaceutical preparations of natural or synthetic interferons (e.g., i. alfa-2a, i. alfa-2b, i. alfa-n1, i. alfa-n3, i. alfacon-1, i. beta-1a, i. beta-1b, i. gamma-1b) are used as antineoplastics and biological response modifiers.

interglobular interglobulaire between or among globules, as of the dentin.

intergluteal interfessier internatal; between the buttocks.

interictal intercritique occurring between attacks or paroxysms.

interkinesis intercinèse the period between the first and second divisions in meiosis, similar to mitotic interphase but without DNA replication.

interleukin interleukine a generic term for a group of multifunctional cytokines that are produced by a variety of lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells and whose effects occur at least partly within the lymphopoietic system. i.-1 i.-1 (IL-1) a predominately macrophageproduced interleukin that mediates the host inflammatory response in innate immunity; two principal forms exist, designated α and β, with apparently identical biological activity. At low concentrations, IL-1 principally acts to mediate local inflammation; at high concentrations IL-1 enters the blood stream and acts as an endocrine hormone, in some actions resembling tumor necrosis factor. i.-2 (IL-2) i.-2 one produced by T cells in response to antigenic or mitogenic stimulation, acting to regulate the immune response. It stimulates the proliferation of T cells and the synthesis of other T cell–derived cytokines, stimulates the growth and cytolytic function of NK cells to produce lymphokine-activated killer cells, is a growth factor for and stimulates antibody synthesis in B cells, and may promote apoptosis in antigen-activated T cells; it is used pharmaceutically as an antineoplastic.

interlobar interlobaire situated or occurring between lobes.

interlobitis interlobite interlobular pleurisy.

interlobular interlobulaire situated or occurring between lobules.

interlocking engrené, engrènement closely joined, as by hooks or dovetails; locking into one another.

intermediate intermédiaire 1. between; intervening; resembling, in part, each of two extremes. 2. a substance formed in a chemical process that is essential to formation of the end product of the process.

intermedius intermedius [L.] intermediate; in anatomy, denoting a structure lying between a lateral and a medial structure.

intermenstrual intermenstruel occurring between the menstrual periods.

intermittent intermittent marked by alternating periods of activity and inactivity.

intermural intermural situated between the walls of organs.

intermuscular intermusculaire situated between muscles.

intern interne a medical graduate serving in a hospital preparatory to being licensed to practice medicine.

internal interne situated or occurring on the inside; in anatomy, many structures formerly called internal are now termed medial.

internalization intériorisation a mental mechanism whereby certain external attributes, attitudes, or standards of others are unconsciously taken as one’s own.

internatal interfessier intergluteal.

interneuron interneurone 1. a neuron between the primary sensory neuron and the final motoneuron. 2. any neuron whose processes are entirely confined within a specific area, as within the olfactory lobe, and which synapse with neurons extending into that area.

internist interniste a specialist in internal medicine.

internship internat the position or term of service of an intern in a hospital.

internuclear internucléaire situated between nuclei or between nuclear layers of the retina.

internuncial intercalaire transmitting impulses between two different parts.

internus internus [L.] internal; in anatomy, denoting a structure nearer to the center of an organ or part.

interocclusal interocclusal situated between the occlusal surfaces of opposing teeth in the two dental arches.

interoceptor intérocepteur a sensory nerve ending that is located in and transmits impulses from the viscera. Adj.: interoceptive.

interocular interoculaire between the eyes.

interosseous interosseux between bones.

interparietal interpariétal 1. intermural. 2. between the parietal bones.

interpeduncular interpédonculaire situated between two peduncles, as between two cerebellar peduncles.

interphase interphase the portion of the cell cycle between two successive cell divisions, during which normal cellular metabolism occurs and DNA is synthesized; chromosomes are not individually distinguishable but occupy chromosomal territories.

interpleural interpleural between two layers of the pleura.

interpolated interpolé inserted between other elements or parts.

interpolation interpolation the determination of intermediate values in a series on the basis of observed values.

interpretation interprétation in psychotherapy, the therapist’s explanation to the patient of the latent or hidden meanings of what the patient says, does, or experiences.

interproximal interproximal between two adjoining surfaces.

interradicular interradiculaire between or among roots or radicles.

intersectio intersectio pl. intersectiones [L.] intersection. i. tendinea intersection tendineuse a fibrous band traversing the belly of a muscle, dividing it into two parts.

intersection décussation, entrecroisement a site at which one structure crosses another.

intersex intersexué 1. hermaphrodite. 2. pseudohermaphrodite. 3. intersexualité intersexuality. female i. i. féminin a female pseudohermaphrodite. male i. i. masculin a male pseudohermaphrodite. true i. hermaphrodite vrai a true hermaphrodite.

intersexuality intersexualité 1. hermaphroditism. 2. pseudohermaphroditism. 3. androgyny. Adj.: intersexual.

interspace espace compris entre deux structures a space between similar structures.

interstice interstice a small interval, space, or gap in a tissue or structure.

interstitial interstitiel pertaining to parts or interspaces of a tissue.

interstitium 1. interstitium interstice. 2. interstitium pulmonaire interstitial tissue.

interthalamic interthalamique between thalami, particularly the optic thalami.

intertransverse intertransversaire between transverse processes of the vertebrae.

intertrigo intertrigo an erythematous skin eruption occurring on apposed skin surfaces.

intertrochanteric intertrochantérien situated in or pertaining to the space between the greater and lesser trochanters.

interureteral interurétéral interureteric.

interureteric interurétérique between ureters.

intervaginal intervaginal between sheaths.

interval intervalle the space between two objects or parts; the lapse of time between two events. atrioventricular (AV) i. i. atrioventriculaire the time between the start of atrial systole and the start of ventricular systole, equivalent to the P–R interval of electrocardiography. cardioarterial i. i. cardio-artériel the time between the apex beat and arterial pulsation. confidence i. i. de confiance an estimated statistical interval for a parameter, giving a range of values that may contain the parameter and the degree of confidence that it is in fact there. coupling i. i. couplé the length of time between an ectopic beat and the sinus beat preceding it; in an arrhythmia characterized by such beats, the intervals may be constant (fixed coupling i’s) or inconstant (variable coupling i’s). escape i. i. d’échappement the interval between an escape beat and the normal beat preceding it. interdischarge i. i. interdécharge the time between two discharges of the action potential of a single muscle fiber. interpotential i. i. interpotentiel the time between discharges of action potentials of two different fibers from the same motor unit. P–R i. i. P–R the portion of the electrocardiogram between the onset of the P wave (atrial depolarization) and the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization). lucid i. 1. i. lucide a brief period of remission of symptoms in a psychosis. 2. i. libre a brief return to consciousness after loss of consciousness in head injury. pacemaker escape i. i. d’échappement d’un stimulateur the period between the last sensed spontaneous cardiac activity and the first beat stimulated by the artificial pacemaker. P–P i. i. P–P the time from the beginning of one P wave to that of the next P wave, representing the length of the cardiac cycle. QRS i. i. QRS the interval from the beginning of the Q wave to the termination of the S wave, representing the time for ventricular depolarization. QRST i., Q–T i. i. QRST the time from the beginning of the Q wave to the end of the T wave, representing the duration of ventricular electrical activity. systolic time i’s (STI) i. de temps systolique any of several intervals measured for assessing left ventricular performance, particularly left ventricular ejection time, electromechanical systole, and preejection period. V–A i. i. V–A the time between a ventricular stimulus and the atrial stimulus following it.

intervenous interveineux between veins.

intervention intervention 1. the act or fact of interfering so as to modify. 2. any measure whose purpose is to improve health or alter the course of disease. crisis i. i. de crise 1. an immediate, short-term, psychotherapeutic approach, the goal of which is to help resolve a personal crisis within the individual’s immediate environment. 2. the procedures involved in responding to an emergency. percutaneous coronary i. (PCI) i. coronarienne percutanée the management of coronary artery occlusion by any of various catheter-based techniques, such as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, atherectomy, excimer laser angioplasty, and implantation of coronary stents and related devices.

interventricular interventriculaire situated between ventricles.

intervertebral intervertébral situated between two contiguous vertebrae; see under disk.

intervillous intervilleux between or among villi.

intestine intestin the part of the alimentary canal extending from the pyloric opening of the stomach to the anus. See Plate 27. Adj.: intestinal. large i. gros i. the distal portion of the intestine, about 5 feet long, extending from its junction with the small intestine to the anus and comprising the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. small i. i. grêle the proximal portion of the intestine, about 20 feet long, smaller in caliber than the large intestine, extending from the pylorus to the cecum and comprising the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

intestinum intestinum pl. intestina [L.] intestine.

intima intima 1. innermost. 2. tunica intima vasorum. Adj.: intimal.

intimitis intimite endangiitis.

intolerance intolérance inability to withstand or consume; inability to absorb or metabolize nutrients. congenital lysine i. i. congénitale à la lysine an inherited disorder due to a defect in the degradation of lysine, characterized by vomiting, rigidity, and coma, and high levels of ammonia, lysine, and arginine in the blood. congenital sucrose i. i. congénitale au sucrose a disaccharide intolerance specific for sucrase, usually due to a congenital defect in the sucrase-isomaltase enzyme complex; see sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. disaccharide i. i. aux disaccharides a complex of abdominal symptoms after ingestion of normal quantities of dietary carbohydrates, including diarrhea, flatulence, distention, and pain; it is usually due to deficiency of one or more disaccharidases but may be due to impaired absorption or other causes. drug i. i. médicamenteuse 1. inability to continue taking, or difficulty in continuing to take, a medication because of an adverse side effect that is not immunity-mediated. 2. the state of reacting to the normal pharmacologic doses of a drug with the symptoms of overdosage. hereditary fructose i. syndrome de Froesch-Prader an inherited disorder of fructose metabolism due to an enzymatic deficiency, with onset in infancy, characterized by hypoglycemia with variable manifestations of fructosuria, fructosemia, anorexia, vomiting, failure to thrive, jaundice, splenomegaly, and an aversion to fructose-containing foods. lactose i. i. au lactose a disaccharide intolerance specific for lactose, usually due to an inherited deficiency of lactase activity in the intestinal mucosa, which may not be manifest until adulthood. Congenital lactose i. may be due to an inherited immediate deficiency of lactase activity or may be a more severe disorder with vomiting, dehydration, failure to thrive, disacchariduria, and cataracts, probably due to abnormal permeability of the gastric mucosa. lysinuric protein i. i. aux protéines lysinuriques a hereditary disorder of metabolism involving a defect in dibasic amino acid transport; characterized by growth retardation, episodic hyperammonemia, seizures, mental retardation, hepatomegaly, muscle weakness, and osteopenia; it can be treated with citrulline supplementation.

intorsion intorsion inward rotation of the upper pole of the vertical meridian of each eye toward the midline of the face.

intoxication intoxication 1. stimulation, excitement, or stupefaction caused by a chemical substance, or as if by one. 2. substance i., especially that due to ingestion of alcohol. 3. poisoning; the state of being poisoned. substance i. i. à une substance reversible, substance-specific, maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes directly resulting from the physiologic effects on the central nervous system of recent ingestion of or exposure to a psychoactive substance, particularly alcohol.

intra- intra- word element [L.], inside; within.

intra-aortic intra-aortique within the aorta.

intra-arterial intra-artériel within an artery or arteries.

intra-articular intra-articulaire within a joint.

intracanalicular intracanaliculaire within canaliculi.

intracapsular intracapsulaire within a capsule.

intracardiac intracardiaque within the heart.

intracavernosal intracaverneux within the corpus cavernosum.

intracellular intracellulaire within a cell or cells.

intracervical intracervical within the canal of the cervix uteri.

intracorporeal intracorporel situated or occurring within the body.

intracranial intracrânien within the cranium.

intracrine intracrine denoting a type of hormone function in which a regulatory factor acts within the cell that synthesizes it by binding to intracellular receptors.

intractable réfractaire resistant to cure, relief, or control.

intracutaneous intracutané within the skin.

intracystic intrakystique within the bladder or a cyst.

intracytoplasmic intracytoplasmique within the cytoplasm of a cell.

intradermal intradermique 1. within the dermis. 2. intracutaneous.

intraductal intracanalaire situated or occurring within the duct of a gland.

intradural intradural within or beneath the dura mater.

intraepithelial intraépithélial situated among the cells of the epithelium.

intrafallopian intrafallopien within the uterine (fallopian) tube.

intrafat dans la masse grasse situated in or introduced into fatty tissue, as the subcutaneous tissue.

intrafusal intrafusal pertaining to the striated fibers within a muscle spindle.

intraligamentary intraligamentaire intraligamentous.

intraligamentous intraligamenteux within a ligament.

intralobular intralobulaire within a lobule.

intramedullary intramédullaire within (1) the spinal cord, (2) the medulla oblongata, or (3) the marrow cavity of a bone.

intramembranous intramembranaire within a membrane.

intramural intramural within the wall of an organ.

intramuscular intramusculaire within the muscular substance.

intraocular intraoculaire within the eye.

intraoperative peropératoire occurring during a surgical operation.

intraoral intraoral, buccal within the mouth.

intraparietal intrapariétal 1. intramural. 2. within the parietal region of the brain.

intrapartal intrapartal intrapartum.

intrapartum intrapartum occurring during childbirth or during delivery.

intrapelvic intrapelvien within the pelvis.

intraperitoneal intrapéritonéal within the peritoneal cavity.

intrapsychic intrapsychique arising, occurring, or situated within the mind.

intrarenal intrarénal within the kidney.

intraspinal intrarachidien within the spinal column.

intrathecal intrathécal within a sheath; through the theca of the spinal cord into the subarachnoid space.

intrathoracic intrathoracique endothoracic.

intratracheal intratrachéal endotracheal.

intratympanic intratympanique within the tympanic cavity.

intrauterine intra-utérin within the uterus.

intravasation intravasation the entrance of foreign material into vessels.

intravascular intravasculaire within a vessel.

intravenous intraveineux within a vein or veins. Adj.: intravenously.

intraventricular intraventriculaire within a ventricle.

intravesical intravésical within the urinary bladder.

intravital intravital occurring during life.

intra vitam intra vitam [L.] during life.

intrinsic intrinsèque situated entirely within or pertaining exclusively to a part.

introitus intro itus pl. introitus [L.] an entrance or opening.

introjection introjection a mental mechanism in which the standards and values of other persons or groups are unconsciously and symbolically taken within oneself.

intromission intromission the entrance of one part into another.

intron intron a noncoding sequence between two coding sequences within a gene, spliced out in the formation of mature mRNA.

introspection introspection contemplation or observation of one’s own thoughts and feelings; self-analysis. Adj.: introspective.

introsusception invagination intussusception.

introversion introversion 1. the turning outside in, more or less completely, of an organ, or the resulting condition. 2. preoccupation with oneself, with reduction of interest in the outside world.

introvert 1. introverti a person whose interest is turned inward to the self. 2. introversion (faire de l’) to turn one’s interest inward to the self. 3. structure pouvant subir une introversion a structure that can be turned or drawn inwards. 4. retrousser to turn a part or organ inward upon itself.

intubation intubation the insertion of a tube into a body canal or hollow organ, as into the trachea. endotracheal i. i. endotrachéale insertion of a tube into the trachea for purposes of anesthesia, airway maintenance, aspiration of secretions, lung ventilation, or prevention of entrance of foreign material into the airway; the tube goes through the nose (nasotracheal i.) or mouth (orotracheal i.). nasal i. i. nasale insertion of a tube into the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract through the nose. oral i. i. orale insertion of a tube into the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract through the mouth.

intumescence tumescence 1. a swelling, normal or abnormal. 2. the process of swelling. Adj.: intumescent.

intumescentia intumescentia pl. intumescentiae [L.] intumescence.

intussusception intussusception prolapse of one part of the intestine into the lumen of an immediately adjacent part.

intussusceptum intussusceptum the portion of intestine that has prolapsed in intussusception.

intussuscipiens segment invaginant the portion of intestine containing the intussusceptum.

inulin inuline a starch occurring in the rhizome of certain plants, yielding fructose on hydrolysis, and used in tests of renal function.

inunction onction the act of anointing or applying an ointment by rubbing.

in utero in utero [L.] within the uterus.

in vacuo in vacuo [L.] in a vacuum.

invagination invagination 1. the infolding of one part within another part of a structure, as of the blastula during gastrulation. 2. intussusception. basilar i. i. basilaire a developmental deformity of the occipital bone and upper end of the cervical spine in which the latter appears to have pushed the floor of the occipital bone upward.

invasion invasion 1. the attack or onset of a disease. 2. the simple, harmless entrance of bacteria into the body or their deposition in tissue, as opposed to infection. 3. envahissement the infiltration and destruction of surrounding tissue, characteristic of malignant tumors.

invasive 1. invasif pertaining to or characterized by invasion. 2. effractif involving puncture of the skin or insertion of an instrument or foreign material into the body; said of diagnostic techniques.

inventory inventaire a comprehensive list of personality traits, aptitudes, and interests; some of the most popular include the California Personality I. (CPI), Millon Clinical Multiaxial I. (MCMI), and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality I. (MMPI).

inverse 1. inversé reversed in order, effect, or nature. 2. inverse the reciprocal of a particular quantity.

inversion inversion 1. a turning inward, inside out, or other reversal of the normal relation of a part. 2. a chromosomal aberration due to the inverted reunion of an internal segment after breakage of a chromosome at two points, resulting in a change in sequence of genes or nucleotides. i. of uterus i. utérine a turning of the uterus whereby the fundus is forced through the cervix, protruding into or completely outside of the vagina. visceral i. i. viscérale the more or less complete right and left transposition of the viscera.

invertebrate invertébré 1. having no spinal column. 2. any animal having no spinal column.

investment revêtement material in which a denture, tooth, crown, or model for a dental restoration is enclosed for curing, soldering, or casting, or the process of such enclosure.

inveterate invétéré confirmed and chronic; long-established and difficult to cure.

in vitro in vitro [L.] within a glass; observable in a test tube; in an artificial environment.

in vivo in vivo [L.] within the living body.

involucrum involucre pl. involucra [L.] a covering or sheath, as of a sequestrum.

involuntary involontaire 1. independent of the will. 2. contrary to the will.

involution involution 1. a rolling or turning inward. 2. a retrograde change of the body or of an organ, as the retrograde changes in size of the female genital organs after delivery. 3. the progressive degeneration occurring naturally with age, resulting in shriveling of organs or tissues. Adj.: involutional.

iobenguane iobenguane a norepinephrine analogue that is taken up by the neuroendocrine cells and concentrated in the hormone storage vesicles; labeled with radioactive iodine, it is used for diagnostic imaging of neuroendocrine tumors and disorders of the adrenal medulla.

iodic acid acide iodique a monobasic acid, HIO3, formed by oxidation of iodine with nitric acid or chlorates, which has strong acid and reducing properties.

iodide iodure a binary compound of iodine.

iodination iodination the incorporation or addition of iodine in a compound.

iodine (I) iode chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 53; it is essential in nutrition, being necessary for synthesis of the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Iodine solution is used as a topical antiinfective. See also radioiodine. protein-bound i. i. protéine-liée iodine firmly bound to protein in the serum, determination of which constitutes one test of thyroid function. radioactive i., radioiodine.

iodinophilous iodinophile easily stainable with iodine.

iodism iodisme chronic poisoning by iodine or iodides, with coryza, ptyalism, frontal headache, emaciation, weakness, and skin eruptions.

iododerma iodide any skin lesion resulting from iodism.

iodohippurate sodium iodohippurate sodium an iodine-containing compound that has been used as a radiopaque medium in pyelography. When labeled with radioactive iodine, it may be used as a diagnostic aid in determination of renal function and in renal imaging.

iodophil iodophile 1. any cell or other element readily stainable with iodine. 2. iodinophilous.

iodophilia iodophilie a reaction shown by leukocytes in certain pathologic conditions, as in toxemia and severe anemia, in which the polymorphonuclears show diffuse brownish coloration when treated with iodine or iodides.

iodopsin iodopsine a photosensitive violet pigment found in the retinal cones of some animals and important for color vision.

iodoquinol iodoquinol an amebicide used in the treatment of amebic dysentery; also used topically as an antibacterial and antifungal.

iohexol iohexol a nonionic, water-soluble, lowosmolality radiopaque medium.

ion ion an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons and acquired a positive charge (a cation) or negative charge (an anion). Adj.: ionic. dipolar i. i. dipolaire zwitterion.

ionization ionisation 1. any process by which a neutral atom or molecule gains or loses electrons, acquiring a net charge. 2. iontophoresis.

ionophore ionisation any molecule, as of a drug, that increases the permeability of cell membranes to a specificion.

iontophoresis ionophorèse the introduction of ions of soluble salts into the body by means of electric current. Adj.: iontophoretic.

iopanoic acid acide iopanoïque a radiopaque medium used in cholecystography.

iophendylate iophendylate a radiopaque medium used in myelography.

iopromide iopromide a nonionic, low-osmolality radiopaque medium used for cardiovascular imaging, excretory urology, and contrast enhancement in computed tomography.

iothalamate iothalamate a radiopaque medium for a variety of radiographic procedures, including angiography, arthrography, urography, cholangiography, and computed tomographic imaging; used as the meglumine or sodium salt, or a combination.

ioversol ioversol a nonionic contrast medium used in angiography and urography and for contrast enhancement in computed tomography.

ioxaglate ioxaglate a low-osmolality radiopaque medium, used as the meglumine or sodium salt.

ioxilan ioxilan a low-viscosity, low-osmolality, nonionic contrast medium used in arteriography, excretory urography, and computed tomography.

IP IP intraperitoneal; isoelectric point.

IPAA IPAA International Psychoanalytical Association.

ipecac ipéca the dried rhizome and roots of Cephaelis ipecacuanha or C. acuminata; used as an emetic or expectorant.

IPPB RPPI, IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing.

ipratropium ipratropium a synthetic congener of atropine that acts as an anticholinergic agent; used as the bromide salt by inhalation as a bronchodilator and intranasally to relieve rhinorrhea.

ipsi- ipsi- word element [L.], same; self.

ipsilateral ipsilatéral situated on or affecting the same side.

IPV VAI poliovirus vaccine inactivated.

IQ QI intelligence quotient.

Ir Ir iridium.

irbesartan irbésartan an angiotensin II receptor antagonist used as an antihypertensive.

iridauxesis épaississement de l’iris thickening of the iris.

iridectomesodialysis iridectomésodialyse excision and separation of adhesions around the inner edge of the iris.

iridectomy iridectomie excision of part of the iris.

iridectropium iridectropion eversion of the iris.

iridemia iridémie hemorrhage from the iris.

iridencleisis iridencléisis surgical incarceration of a slip of the iris within a corneal or limbal incision to act as a wick for aqueous drainage in glaucoma.

iridentropium iridentropion inversion of the iris.

irideremia iridérémie congenital absence of the iris.

iridial iridial iridic.

irides irides [Gr.] plural of iris.

iridescence iridescence the condition of gleaming with bright and changing colors. Adj.: iridescent.

iridesis iridèse repositioning of the pupil by fixation of a sector of iris in a corneal or limbal incision.

iridic iridique pertaining to the iris.

iridium (Ir) iridium chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 77. i. Ir 192 i. Ir 192 an artificial radioactive isotope with a half-life of 75 days, used in radiotherapy.

irid(o)- irid(o)- word element [Gr.], iris of the eye; a colored circle.

iridoavulsion arrachement de l’iris complete tearing away of the iris from its periphery.

iridocele iridocèle hernial protrusion of part of the iris through the cornea.

iridocoloboma iridocolobome congenital fissure or coloboma of the iris.

iridoconstrictor iridoconstricteur a muscle element or an agent which acts to constrict the pupil of the eye.

iridocorneal iridocornéen pertaining to the iris and cornea.

iridocyclitis iridocyclite inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. heterochromic i. i. hétérochromique a unilateral low-grade form leading to depigmentation of the iris of the affected eye.

iridocystectomy iridocystectomie excision of part of the iris to form an artificial pupil.

iridodesis iridodèse iridesis.

iridodialysis iridodialyse the separation or loosening of the iris from its attachments.

iridodilator iridodilatateur a muscle element or an agent which acts to dilate the pupil of the eye.

iridodonesis iridodonésis tremulousness of the iris on movement of the eye, occurring in subluxation of the lens.

iridokeratitis iridokératite inflammation of the iris and cornea.

iridokinesia iridokinésie iridokinesis.

iridokinesis iridokinésis contraction and expansion of the iris. Adj.: iridokinetic.

iridoleptynsis atrophie de l’iris thinning or atrophy of the iris.

iridomalacia iridomalacie softening of the iris.

iridomesodialysis iridomésodialyse surgical loosening of adhesions around the inner edge of the iris.

iridomotor iridomoteur pertaining to movements of the iris.

iridoncus iridoncose tumor or swelling of the eye.

iridoperiphakitis iridopériphakite inflammation of the lens capsule.

iridoplegia iridoplégie paralysis of the sphincter of the iris.

iridoptosis iridoptose prolapse of the iris.

iridorhexis iridorrhexis 1. rupture of the iris. 2. the tearing away of the iris.

iridoschisis iridoschisis splitting of the mesodermal stroma of the iris into two layers, with fibrils of the anterior layer floating in the aqueous.

iridosteresis iridostérésie removal of all or part of the iris.

iridotasis iridotasis surgical stretching of the iris for glaucoma.

iridotomy iridotomie incision of the iris.

irinotecan irinotécan a DNA topoisomerase inhibitor used as the hydrochloride salt as an antineoplastic in the treatment of colorectal carcinoma.

iris iris pl. irides [Gr.] the circular pigmented membrane behind the cornea, perforated by the pupil. See Plate 30.

iritis iritite inflammation of the iris. Adj.: iritic. serous i. i. séreuse iritis with a serous exudate.

iritoectomy iritoectomy surgical excision of deposits of after-cataract on the iris, together with iridectomy, to form an artificial pupil.

iritomy iritomie iridotomy.

iron (Fe) fer chemical element (see Table of Elements), at. no. 26; it is an essential constituent of hemoglobin, cytochrome, and other components of respiratory enzyme systems. Depletion of iron stores may result in iron-deficiency anemia, and various salts or complexes of iron are used as hematinics, including i. dextran, i.-polysaccharide, i. sorbitex, and i. sucrose.

irotomy irotomie iridotomy.

irradiate irradier to treat with radiant energy.

irradiation irradiation 1. radiotherapy. 2. the dispersion of nervous impulse beyond the normal path of conduction. 3. the application of rays, such as ultraviolet rays, to a substance to increase its vitamin efficiency.

irreducible irréductible not susceptible to reduction, as a fracture, hernia, or chemical substance.

irrigation 1. irrigation washing by a stream of water or other fluid. 2. irrigant a liquid used for such washing. Ringer i. i. de Ringer Ringer injection packaged for irrigation and used as a topical physiologic salt solution.

irritability irritabilité the quality of being irritable. myotatic i. réponse idiomusculaire the ability of a muscle to contract in response to stretching.

irritable irritable 1. capable of reacting to a stimulus. 2. abnormally sensitive to stimuli. 3. prone to excessive anger, annoyance, or impatience.

irritation irritation 1. the act of stimulating. 2. a state of overexcitation and undue sensitivity. Adj.: irritative.

IRV VIR inspiratory reserve volume.

IS IS insertion sequence.

ischemia ischémie deficiency of blood in a part, usually due to functional constriction or actual obstruction of a blood vessel. Adj.: ischemic. silent i. i. silencieuse cardiac ischemia without pain or other symptoms.

ischial ischiatique ischiatic; pertaining to the ischium.

ischiatic ischiatique ischial.

ischi(o)- ischi(o)- word element [Gr.], ischium.

ischioanal ischioanal pertaining to the ischium and anus.

ischiocapsular ischiocapsulaire pertaining to the ischium and the capsular ligament of the hip joint.

ischiococcygeal ischiococcygien pertaining to the ischium and coccyx.

ischiodynia ischiodynie pain in the ischium.

ischiogluteal ischioglutéal pertaining to the ischium and the buttocks.

ischiopubic ischiopubien pertaining to the ischium and pubes.

ischiorectal ischiorectal pertaining to the ischium and rectum.

ischium ischion pl. ischia [L.] the inferior dorsal portion of the hip bone. See Plate 1.

ischuria ischurie retention of the urine. Adj.: ischuretic.

iseikonia iséiconie isoiconia. Adj.: iseikonic.

isethionate iséthionate contraction for 2- hydroxyethanesulfonate.

island île a cluster of cells or isolated piece of tissue. blood i’s î. de Pander et Wolff aggregations of mesenchymal cells in the angioblast of the early embryo, developing into vascular endothelium and blood cells. bone i. énostose a benign focus of mature cortical bone within trabecular bone on a radiograph. i’s of Langerhans îlots de Langerhans see under islet. i’s of pancreas îlots pancréatiques islets of Langerhans. i. of Reil sillon de Reil insula.

islet îlot an island. i’s of Langerhans î. de Langerhans irregular microscopic structures scattered throughout the pancreas and comprising its endocrine portion. They contain the alpha cells, which secrete the hyperglycemic factor glucagon; the beta cells, which secrete insulin; the delta cells, which secrete somatostatin; and the PP (or F) cells, which secrete pancreatic polypeptide. Degeneration of the beta cells is one of the causes of diabetes mellitus.

is(o)- is(o)- is(o)- word element [Gr.], equal; alike; same; uniform.

isoagglutinin isoagglutinine an isoantigen that acts as an agglutinin.

isoallele isoallèle an allele that appears phenotypically identical to another, but that can be distinguished at the protein or DNA level.

isoantibody isoanticorps an antibody produced by one individual that reacts with isoantigens of another individual of the same species.

isoantigen isoantigène an antigen existing in alternative (allelic) forms, thus inducing an immune response when one form is transferred to members who lack it; typical isoantigens are the blood group antigens.

isobar isobare one of two or more chemical species with the same atomic weight but different atomic numbers.

isobaric isobare having equal or constant pressure or weight across space or time.

isocarboxazid isocarboxazide a monoamine oxidase inhibitor used as an antidepressant and in the prophylaxis of migraine.

isocellular isocellulaire made up of identical cells.

isochromatic isochromatique of the same color throughout.

isochromosome isochromosome an abnormal chromosome having a median centromere and two identical arms, formed by transverse, rather than normal longitudinal, splitting of a replicating chromosome.

isochronic isochrone isochronous.

isochronous isochrone performed in equal times; said of motions and vibrations occurring at the same time and being equal in duration.

isocitrate isocitrate a salt of isocitric acid.

isocitric acid acide isocitrique an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, formed from oxaloacetic acid and converted to ketoglutaric acid.

isocoria isocorie equality of size of the pupils of the two eyes.

isocortex isocortex the neocortex as opposed to the allocortex.

isocytolysin isocytolysine an isoantigen that acts as a cytolysin.

isocytosis isocytose equality of size of cells, especially of erythrocytes.

isodactylism isodactylie relatively even length of the fingers.

isodose isodose a radiation dose of equal intensity to more than one body area.

isoelectric isoélectrique showing no variation in electric potential.

isoenergetic isoénergétique exhibiting equal energy.

isoenzyme isoenzyme isozyme.

isoetharine isoétharine a β2-adrenergic receptor agonist, administered by inhalation in the form of the hydrochloride or mesylate salt as a bronchodilator.

isogamy isogamie reproduction resulting from union of two gametes identical in size and structure, as in protozoa. Adj.: isogamous.

isogeneic isogénique syngeneic.

isogenesis isogenèse similarity in the processes of development.

isogenic isogénique syngeneic.

isogenous isogénique developed from the same cell.

isograft isogreffe syngraft.

isohemagglutinin isohémagglutinine an isoantigen that agglutinates erythrocytes.

isohemolysin isohémolysine an isoantigen that causes hemolysis.

isoiconia iséiconie a condition in which the image of an object is the same in both eyes. Adj.: isoiconic.

isoimmunization iso-immunisation development of antibodies in response to isoantigens.

isokinetic isocinétique maintaining constant torque or tension as muscles shorten or lengthen; see isokinetic exercise, under exercise.

isolate 1. isoler to separate from others. 2. isolat a group of individuals prevented by geographic, genetic, ecologic, social, or artificial barriers from interbreeding with others of their kind.

isolation isolement 1. the process of isolating, or the state of being isolated. 2. physical separation of a part, as by tissue culture or by interposition of inert material. 3. the extraction and purification of a chemical substance of unknown structure from a natural source. 4. the separation of infected individuals from those uninfected for the communicable period. 5. the successive propagation of a growth of microorganisms until a pure culture is obtained. 6. isolation a defense mechanism in which emotions are detached from the ideas, impulses, or memories to which they usually connect.

isolecithal isolécithe having small amounts of yolk evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm, as in the eggs of mammals.

isoleucine (Ile, I) isoleucine an essential amino acid produced by hydrolysis of fibrin and other proteins; necessary for optimal infant growth and for nitrogen equilibrium in adults.

isologous isologue characterized by an identical genotype.

isolysin isolysine a lysin acting on cells of animals of the same species as that from which it is derived.

isomaltase isomaltase α-dextrinase.

isomer isomère any compound exhibiting, or capable of exhibiting, isomerism. Adj.: isomeric.

isomerase isomérase a major class of enzymes comprising those that catalyze the process of isomerization.

isomerism isomérie the possession by two or more distinct compounds of the same molecular formula, each molecule having the same number of atoms of each element, but in different arrangement. constitutional i. i. constitutionelle isomerism in which the compounds have the same molecular but different structural formulas, the linkages of the atoms being different. Called also structural i. geometric i. i. géométrique stereoisomerism in which isomers differ in the arrangement of substituents of a rigid structure, such as double-bonded carbon atoms or a ring. optical i. i. optique stereoisomerism in which isomers differ in the arrangement of substituents at one or more asymmetric carbon atoms; thus some, but not necessarily all, are optically active. structural i. i. structurelle constitutional i.

isomerization isomérisation the process whereby any isomer is converted into another isomer, usually requiring special conditions of temperature, pressure, or catalysts.

isometheptene mucate isométheptène an indirect-acting sympathomimetic amine that constricts dilated carotid and cerebral vessels, used in combination with dichloralphenazone and acetaminophen in the treatment of migraine and tension headache.

isometric isométrique maintaining, or pertaining to, the same measure of length; of equal dimensions.

isometropia isométropie equality in refraction of the two eyes.

isoniazid isoniazide an antibacterial used as a tuberculostatic.

isophoria isophorie equality in the tension of the vertical muscles of each eye.

isoplastic isoplastique syngeneic.

isoprecipitin isoprécipitine an isoantigen that acts as a precipitin.

isoprene isoprène an unsaturated, branched chain, five-carbon hydrocarbon that is the molecular unit of the isoprenoid compounds.

isoprenoid isoprénoïde any compound biosynthesized from or containing isoprene units, including terpenes, carotenoids, fat-soluble vitamins, ubiquinone, rubber, and some steroids.

isopropanol isopropanol isopropyl alcohol.

isoproterenol isoproterenol a sympathomimetic used in the form of the hydrochloride and sulfate salts as a bronchodilator, and in the form of the hydrochloride salt as a cardiac stimulant.

isopter isoptère a curve representing areas of equal visual acuity in the field of vision.

isosensitization isosensibilisation allosensitization.

isosexual isosexuel pertaining to or characteristic of the same sex.

isosmotic isosmotique having the same osmotic pressure.

isosorbide isosorbide an osmotic diuretic used to reduce intraocular pressure; its dinitrate and mononitrate esters are used as coronary vasodilators to treat coronary insufficiency and angina pectoris.

Isospora Isospora a genus of sporozoan parasites (order Coccidia), found in birds, amphibians, reptiles, and various mammals, including humans; I. belli and I. hominis cause coccidiosis in humans.

isospore isospore 1. an isogamete of organisms that reproduce by spores. 2. an asexual spore produced by a homosporous organism.

isosthenuria isosthénurie excretion of urine that has not been concentrated by the kidneys and has the same osmolality as that of plasma.

isotone isotone one of several nuclides having the same number of neutrons, but differing in number of protons in their nuclei.

isotonia isotonie 1. a condition of equal tone, tension, or activity. 2. equality of osmotic pressure between two elements of a solution or between two different solutions.

isotonic isotonique 1. denoting a solution in which body cells can be bathed without net flow of water across the semipermeable cell membrane. 2. denoting a solution having the same tonicity as another solution with which it is compared. 3. maintaining uniform tonus.

isotope isotope a chemical element having the same atomic number as another (i.e., the same number of nuclear protons), but having a different atomic mass (i.e., a different number of nuclear neutrons).

isotransplantation isotransplantation syngeneic transplantation.

isotretinoin isotrétinoïne a synthetic form of retinoic acid, used orally to clear cystic and conglobate acne.

isotropic isotrope 1. having the same value of a property, e.g., refractive index, in all directions. 2. being singly refractive.

isovaleric acid acide isovalérique a carboxylic acid occurring in excess in the plasma and urine in isovalericacidemia.

isovalericacidemia isovaléricémie an aminoacidopathy due to a defect in the pathway of leucine catabolism, characterized by elevated levels of isovaleric acid in the plasma and urine, causing a characteristic odor of sweaty feet, severe acidosis and ketosis, lethargy, convulsions, pernicious vomiting, psychomotor retardation, and in severe cases coma and death.

isovolumic isovolumétrique maintaining the same volume.

isoxsuprine isoxsuprine an adrenergic used as a vasodilator in the form of the hydrochloride salt.

isozyme isozyme one of the multiple forms in which an enzyme may exist in an organism or in different species, the various forms differing chemically, physically, or immunologically, but catalyzing the same reaction.

isradipine isradipine a calcium channel blocking agent used alone or with a thiazide diuretic for the treatment of hypertension.

issue émission a discharge of pus, blood, or other matter; a suppurating lesion emitting such a discharge.

isthmectomy isthmectomie excision of an isthmus, especially the isthmus of the thyroid.

isthmoparalysis isthmoparalysie isthmoplegia.

isthmoplegia isthmoplégie paralysis of the isthmus of the fauces.

isthmus isthme pl. isthmi a narrow connection between two larger bodies or parts. Adj.: isthmian. i. of auditory tube, i. of eustachian tube i. de la trompe d’Eustache the narrowest part of the auditory tube at the junction of its bony and cartilaginous parts. i. of fauces, oropharyngeal i. i. du gosier the constricted aperture between the cavity of the mouth and the pharynx. i. of rhombencephalon i. du rhombencéphale the narrow segment of the fetal brain, forming the plane of separation between the rhombencephalon and cerebrum. i. of thyroid gland i. du corps thyroïde the band of tissue joining the lobes of the thyroid gland. i. of uterine tube i. de la trompe utérine the narrower, thicker-walled portion of the uterine tube closest to the uterus. i. of uterus i. de l’utérus the constricted part of the uterus between the cervix and the body of the uterus.

itch démangeaison, prurit a skin disorder attended with itching. baker’s i. dermatose professionnelle des boulangers any of several inflammatory dermatoses of the hands seen in bakers, such as tinea unguium or allergic reactions to constituents of the flour. barber’s i. sycosis trichophytique tinea barbae. 2. sycosis barbae. grain i. gale des céréales itching dermatitis due to a mite, Pyemotes ventricosus, that preys on insect larvae living on straw, grain, and other plants. grocer’s i. gale des épiciers a vesicular dermatitis caused by mites found in stored foods and products of animal origin. ground i. ankylostomiase cutanée the itching eruption caused by the entrance into the skin of the larvae of Ancylostoma duodenale or Necator americanus in hookworm disease. jock i. eczéma marginé de Hebra tinea cruris. sevenyear i. gale popular name for scabies. swimmer’s i. dermatite des nageurs cercarial dermatitis. winter i. eczéma xérotique asteatotic eczema.

itching démangeaison pruritus; an unpleasant cutaneous sensation, provoking the desire to scratch or rub the skin.

iter passage tubulaire a tubular passage. Adj.: iteral.

IU UI International unit(on the JCAHO «Do Not Use» List).

-itis -ite word element [Gr.], inflammation.

itraconazole itraconazole a triazoleantifungal used in a variety of infections.

IUD DIU intrauterine device.

IUGR RCIU intrauterine growth retardation (or restriction).

IV IV intravenous.

IVF FIV in vitro fertilization.

Ixodes Ixodes a common genus of parasitic ticks (family Ixodidae); some species are vectors for diseases such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis.

ixodiasis ixodiose infestation with ixodid ticks, or a disease or lesion caused by their bites.

ixodid ixodide a tick, or pertaining to a tick, of the genus Lxodes.

Ixodidae Ixodidae a family of ticks (superfamily Ixodoidea), comprising the hard-bodied ticks.

Ixodides Ixodidés the ticks, a suborder of Acarina, including the superfamily Ixodoidea.

Ixodoidea Ixodoidea a superfamily of arthropods (suborder Ixodides), comprising both the hard- and soft-bodied ticks.

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